Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One

Israel: God’s Gigantic Parable

Conclusion to the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles. From Genesis 12 to Malachi in Christian Bibles, and from B’resheet to Divrei-Hayamim Bet (2 Chronicles) in the Jewish Tanakh, we find one great picture of Israel, composed of 12 tribes.

In the case of parables from a hermeneutic or interpretive viewpoint, one central point emerges. God has given us such a picture here which points forward to the one new man of the New Covenant, composed both of believing Jews and believing non-Jews – the latter taken from all the Gentile nations. Strictly speaking, Gentiles who become believers in Jesus (Yeshua) are no longer Gentiles, but members of the church, which is one of the two sources for the one new man.

Allegories have many aspects of a central truth; in the case of the Old Covenant, Israel is both a parable and an allegory.

In Catholic circles there is a concept called “sensus plenior,” or “fuller sense.” In the case of Isaiah 53 for example we read about a coming Savior and Messiah for Israel. The Fuller Sense of this passage projects us into the New Covenant, where we find Yeshua fulfilling all Messianic prophecies of the First Covenant in Abraham and Moses.

One. The Beginning of this Insight for me. In 1949 I was serving as Assistant Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church of Chicago. Dr. D. A. Scotchie McCall of Mississippi was our Senior Pastor.     Dr. William Fouts, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary encouraged me to become a member of his church, and enroll as a student to complete my seminary course commenced at St. Andrew’s College of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Our pastor Dr. McCall invited me to join his staff. It was in this position that we as a church had Dr. A. W. Slemming of England lecture to us on Wednesday evening in 1949. He spoke on the garments of the High Priest of Israel, and to enhance his point, dressed himself in the complete garments of this office. The effect was captivating, gripping and interesting. He majored on the Breastplate of Judgment, and the 12 tribes of Israel whose names appear on the 12 stones of the Breastplate in order of Numbers 2.

I for one was gripped and captivated by his presentation, and purchased his book “These Are the Garments.” In this account, he had written a complete chapter on each of the 12 tribes, pointing out the significance of their birth (Genesis 29-30), stone (Exodus 28), animal, Jacob’s prophecy (Genesis 49), Moses’ prophecy (Deuteronomy 33) and the historical outworking of each tribe throughout the Old Covenant.

And yet I sensed there must be more. I prayed about it, and heard the Spirit of God speak to my spirit, “If you ask Me, I will reveal extra dimensions to this.” I responded positively, and 14 years later in Gig Harbor, Washington God faithfully came through.

He impressed upon me that the 12 sons of Jacob are like the members of a local church. Each church member has a spiritual identity with one of these sons. In a local church of 50 or more members, there will be at least 2-4 members who identify with a specific tribe.

Then each local church will be like a tribe of Israel. Either the pastor’s imprint or an unusually high number identifying with a particular tribe would give this result.

But in a city church, each local church would become like one of the tribes of Israel. Just as Israel required all 12 tribes moving in unity, obedience, teachableness and humility – so a city church composed of dozens of local churches, moving in an Acts 13:1-3 and Acts 15 posture, would see spiritual results as did Israel of old.

Yet there is more! If each city church in a nation moved as a tribe of Israel, then that nation would realize a potential in God that would satisfy all involved.

However, Christ’s Body, the Church, His spiritual temple, the one new man -- is a worldwide global entity. When Messiah returns to Israel as their King, and becomes King of kings and Lord of lords to the nations – then the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. And – that day is not far away.

In 1973, ten years later, God added yet another layer of teaching to this gigantic parable.

Then in 1992 He asked me to take the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles that came together in the 1948 North Battleford, Saskatchewan Visitation of that year and link them with the 12 tribes as a teaching and mnemonic device, much as Psalm 119.

In January 2000 over a period of 13 weeks I prepared and presented this teaching in Tacoma at Beth Chesed, a Messianic Jewish Congregation. Phill Celver, who had touched seven of the daughter movements of the North Battleford Revival, served as a Talk Show host, and interviewed me on these Revival principles as identified with the 12 tribes of Israel. We arranged to have them recorded for audio and video communication.

Two. A Banner for the Breastplate of Judgment. For a number of years, Deanna Emerson has wanted to make a banner for the Breastplate of Judgment. For a year she prayed and waited on God. Suddenly this year God gave wisdom as to Aholiab how to fulfill her vision. Within two weeks she completed a beautiful large banner, depicting the Breastplate 3 times normal size. It includes the two golden chains attached to the two opal shoulder stones. Here God had workers inscribe the 12 sons of Jacob in order of birth, 6 to each stone.

The order of the names of the tribes on the Breastplate of Judgment as mentioned above is not according to birth, nor the prophetic order of Jacob or Moses – but according to the order of placement around the Tabernacle and of the march (Numbers 2).

On the bottom of the banner, Deanna placed alternately a pomegranate and a bell, just as worn by the High Priest of Israel on the bottom of the appropriate garment. It was this latter that triggered a new dimension of God’s unfolding revelation to me.

I pondered upon the colors God ordained for the pomegranates: red, blue, purple and white, woven together and matching the ephod, the sash, and the background of the Breastplate. For some time I have been searching for a connection between the 12 tribes and the 3 Great Feasts of God in Leviticus 23.

Three. Mrs. Mary Bertha Allquist: my first mentor. During World War II I served as a sailor in the Canadian Navy. I joined this service at the Word of the Lord, and in faithfulness to His promise, He revealed Himself to me 9 months following my induction. On my first leave following my conversion, I visited Mrs. Allquist in Port Alberni, B.C. I had served as her paperboy as a teenager of 15, and knew that she had been adopted and brought up in an English Jewish family. Upon her conversion, a funeral for her took place. But in gratitude for former years, she prepared herself as a missionary to her adopted people, and was very successful.

She literally memorized the entire Bible, and knew much of it in Hebrew.

After answering a number of my questions she said, “Jimmy, I believe God would have me share with you “The Feasts of the Lord.” She took me to Leviticus 23 and explained how Yeshua (Jesus) had fulfilled Passover and become our Passover. The Holy Spirit came on Shavuot (The Feast of Pentecost, 50 days after the Firstfruits of Passover). But the Feast of Tabernacles (Succot) would not be fulfilled till Messiah Jesus returned the second time.

Four. Marie and I take this message to Vancouver and Toronto. Shortly after God commissioned me to prepare and teach the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of 1948 as linked with the 12 tribes of Israel, Richard Long of Toronto asked permission to copy and edit each article. Because he had to omit some of the material, I became deluged with requests for unabridged copies of each article. My son Jim kindly became my Webmaster and created a Website so that interested people could download the materials at will.

One who inquired concerning these articles was Myrtle Solomon of Toronto and her daughter Ayanna. They asked if I could be the Keynote speaker for a “Revivalists and Reformers Symposium” at the University of Toronto on April 8, 2000. If I could they would like me to speak on the 1948 North Battleford Visitation, and the significance of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles as impinging upon Revival for Canada.

God gave a green light for this. Preceding this meeting we stopped off at St. David’s Anglican Church of Tsawassen, B.C. thru the invitation of the Rev’d. Dr. John Roddam. Marie shared on Kelley Varner’s recent book, “The Corporate Anointing;” using the Introduction by Don Nori, and on the heart of God for the church to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. A heavy anointing came on the service.

I shared on the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles, and used an overhead transparency of the Banner of the Breastplate of Judgment to help in understanding.

John Roddam had 2 chairs placed on the platform, and invited the congregation to pray over us. Of significance to us, was a prophetic word that God would lay a mantle of authority upon us, so that the anointed teaching would more readily be received.

We sensed that this took place in measure at the Symposium in Toronto on Saturday. But on Sunday we ministered at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. John Arnott was taking a much-needed rest with his wife in the West Indies, but Steve Long graciously met all our needs for our ministry. Some 1500 were present, mostly young people, both married and unmarried. Many were fairly recent converts, and on fire for Jesus.

They received our challenge of knowing and walking in our Jewish Roots. Marie demonstrated how to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. We both sensed an authority that no doubt came from the Thursday impartation at Tsawassen. We were there ministering till 2:00 PM. Some 186 distinct cultural groups are in Toronto, and many of them are in the Toronto Airport C.F. We were aware of an anointing, unity, servant spirit and pastoral expertise that bodes well for their future.

That night we were with Richard Long at Runnymede Baptist Church, the younger brother of Steve Long – and again we sensed the enabling help and authority of the Holy Spirit in the meeting.

Monday evening and Tuesday morning we had fellowship with our hostess Peggy Putnam of Shiloh Hills, Renfrew, Ontario. She had arranged for a Messianic Jewish Coordinator from Ottawa to speak at the Renfrew Presbyterian church that morning. Marie and I had the privilege of praying for them for this meeting, just before we left for Montreal and Quebec. Peggy and Noga, an Iraqi Jewess, demonstrate the One New Man ministry and fellowship that God is bringing to pass in our day.

We had a wonderful time with Marie’s older brother Girard and his family in the Acton Vale area. Girard reaches his 80th birthday later this year. His wife Aurore has been ill, but is regaining her strength. It was for Aurore’s sake that Marie felt she should come with me on this trip.

Five. Further Unfolding on the Breastplate. We arrived home in Federal Way, Washington Friday April 14th. I received a night vision of an unusual nature. Only twice has God visited me in such a manner that during the vision, I was at the same time outside of it, observing what took place.

On June 6, 1985 I had the first of these, as a consequence of my first visit to St. David’s Anglican Church of Tsawassen B.C. just outside of Vancouver. A book came into my hands written by 3 Charismatic Catholics on dreams, with a subtitle -–“37 Techniques for Dream Interpretation.” I found this book helpful, especially in its first 4 points of Title, Theme, Affections or emotions, and Questions (especially to the Holy Spirit, who gives significant dreams). During this time of study, God suddenly spoke to me, “Would you like to ask Me for a ‘destiny’ dream? I am willing to reveal my heart and thinking concerning you and your calling.” I immediately responded in an affirmative manner.

That very night I found myself in Washington, D.C. A medical doctor approached me with a slight smile on his face. He was dressed in sport clothes, expensive gabardines. He said, “In response to your request of last night, I am here to answer your ‘destiny’ desire.”

I felt a sense of awe, for at the time I was experiencing this night vision, at the very same time I found myself outside of this experience, and listening to what was taking place.

God’s messenger went on – “The answer is in one word – and that word is ‘Cervantes.’ Treat it like a rose bud, and it will open up to reveal God’s full thinking on you and your calling.”

I assumed the doctor-messenger was from one of 3 southern Mediterranean countries: Spain, France or Italy. I also incorrectly assumed that ‘Cervantes’ was one of the medieval Christian sects persecuted by the Inquisition. As I pursued this line of reasoning, the Holy Spirit suddenly said to me, “Don’t you think you should consult an Encyclopedia concerning this?”

I was chagrined. Upon consultation, I discovered the only Cervantes listed was a Spaniard who at 20 joined the Italian army, and served for 5 years. At 25 while he was returning to Spain, he was captured by pirates of North Africa and held for ransom. At the age of 30 his church and relatives raised the ransom money and welcomed him home.

The Spanish government refused his request to go to the New World (during the 1500’s) and gave him a tax collector’s job. He was distressed for the poverty and suffering of his people, and to help them, wrote a psychological novel to help them unite their hearts by bringing unity between their spirits and souls. He followed this up by a sequel, and “Don Quixote” became the basis for most future psychological works.

Then the Lord revealed, “You are much like Don Quixote – visionary, motivated, crusading in spirit, and desirous to bring unity to individuals, groups, churches, cities and nations. However the practical Sancho Panza, Quixote’s squire, has an area in you that has been neglected. Start working on bringing your spirit (Don Quixote) and your soul (Sancho Panza) into balance. I will give you check-up dreams two or three times each week to let you know how you are progressing.

“But when you are in balance, you will still have a lack. Your united heart will be strong on Don Quixote. But your wife Marie has the Sancho Panza balance. When you two come into balance, then you will realize your “Two Are Better than One” Ministries.

God has been faithful since that June of 1985 in encouraging me and bringing Marie and myself into what we experienced in Tsawassen and Toronto.

But on Friday April 14th I received a parallel night vision to that of June 6, 1985. Again I was both in and outside of the vision at the same time, hearing what I was saying. I recognized the parallel immediately, for the second time in my life. I heard myself explaining to a friend the relationship of the “Breastplate of Judgment” to the Three great Feast of God in Leviticus 23. I was explaining that the red sardius stone of Judah represented the Feast of Passover, with its concomitant parts of Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits. From Genesis 49:8-12 the Spirit thru Jacob speaks concerning Judah – “Tying his donkey to the vine, his donkey’s colt to the choice grapevine, he washes his clothes in wine, his robe in the blood of grapes. His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than milk.” Judah is like a Lion. “The scepter will not pass from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his legs, until he comes to whom [obedience] belongs; and it is he whom the peoples will obey.”

The Blood of grapes represents the shed blood of Messiah at His first coming as the Suffering Servant of Isaiah. What He did at Calvary shows up in the 4 cups of wine of the Passover Seder, Exodus 6:6.

Justification – I will free you from forced labor.

Propitiation – I will rescue you from oppression of Egypt.

Redemption – I will redeem you.

Reconciliation – I will take you as my people.

All of the above is thru Yeshua’s blood.

But Jesus fulfills the Levitical sacrifices also:

Propitiation – the whole burnt offering

Redemption – the sin offering

Justification – the trespass offering

Reconciliation –the peace offering

In John 6 Yeshua says, “Except you drink of my blood (the above 4 blood offerings) and eat of my flesh (the meal or bread offering of Leviticus) – unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink my blood, you do not have life in yourselves” (John 6:53). Here Jesus links the entire Old Covenant sacrifices and points them to Himself. When He celebrated the last Passover Seder with His disciples before Calvary, He linked the Two Covenants within Himself! He inaugurated a new type of breaking of bread with the 3rd Redemption and blessing of the two elements. The New is in the Old contained – the Old is by the New explained. From Genesis to Revelation it is ONE TORAH. Hebrews 8:6 in the Complete Jewish Bible by David Stern clearly shows and demonstrates that God has constituted the New Covenant as Torah, that it might join the Torah, Prophets and Writings of the Tanakh.

Then I heard myself explaining to my friend that the 5th Stone of Simeon on the Breastplate, the blue sapphire, stood for Shavuot, the Feast of Pentecost. See Embryonic 2 on Simeon on my Website (2rbetter.org) for a fuller treatment on this wonderful Revival Principle that came into a new dimension in 1948.

Again note that the Rabbis tied this Feast represented by the Tribe and Stone to Passover thru the 50 days of counting the Omer. Passover first took place. The Feast of Unleavened Bread of 7 days commenced the day after. Then on the 3rd day, the Feast of Firstfruits was the starting point for the counting of the 50 days leading up to the Feast of Pentecost.

In other words, God is saying that Passover is not complete apart from the Feast of Pentecost and the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The two Spring Festivals are intimately related. The Peter package of Acts 2:38 requires this combination.

But when the Red and Blue colors of these two stones are mixed, then comes the Purple Amethyst of Benjamin on the 9th stone of the Breastplate. In order of birth and order of Jacob’s prophetic blessing over his sons, he is number 12. On the Breastplate of Judgment these 3 stones form a diagonal from right to left (the Hebrew order). Benjamin then shows forth the truth of the 3rd and great Feast – that of Succot (Tabernacles).

So the three great Feasts of God are right in the very heart of the Breastplate of Judgment. And the pomegranates on the special robe of the High Priest have these 3 colors above, plus white for purity woven in with them. Each pomegranate then pictures the Feasts of the Lord also, and is arranged in alternate order with bells – a pomegranate and a bell.

Some of the rabbis suggest that the many pomegranate seeds represent the 613 commands (mitzvot) of Torah. God told Abraham – “Look at the sand of the sea – So shall your seed be.” This is often equated with the multiplication of the nation Israel that came from Abraham’s son Isaac. The fruitfulness of the many pomegranates pointing to God’s 3 great feasts – depict this.

On Jachin and Boaz, the two great pillars of Solomon’s Temple, were 400 pomegranates of 4 strings of 100 pomegranates each. “Count the stars if you can,” God told Abraham. “So shall your seed be.” Abraham is also the father of all believers from all nations, and we are his spiritual seed.

Has God put wheels within wheels? Do the tribes contain the Feasts? Do the Feasts figure in with the Tribes of Israel? Yes – a resounding, Yes! And in the Breastplate of Judgment of the High Priest God has chosen to speak to us of these things of our Jewish Roots especially close to His heart. For in the Resurrection, celebrated the 3rd day after Passover, believers have a downpayment from God that one day Christ’s body will be resurrected. At the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot), pictured by two unleavened loaves, we become firstfruits with Christ. Soon the fulfillment of this takes place at Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles. Then Judah, Simeon and Benjamin will shine forth together. The “One New Man,” the church composed of believing Jews and believing non-Jews together will behold the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

I asked the Lord – “But what made it possible for You to give me this night vision and revelation, the parallel to that of 1985?”     He answered – “Because of the ‘Watch of the Lord.’ Because a group from Beth Chesed and Puget Sound Christian Center regularly meet for the WOTL each Friday evening, and seek not their own agenda but mine – therefore I could get through to you. They pray in the Spirit and do not come to me with their shopping lists. They follow in the pattern set by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda. Because of their faithfulness and obedience I came through to you to answer your unspoken request!”

Conclusion. This was the gist of this second night vision. By all means go to my Website mentioned above, and download all 12 Embryonic Revival Principles birthed out of the 1948 North Battleford Visitation. And in doing so, remember that in a special way, God has designed to show forth these truths through identifying with the High Priest’s Breastplate of Judgment. Don’t miss the peculiar hidden significance of the color of the pomegranates in Judah, Simeon and Benjamin.

Jim Watt