Timothy Team Update

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 17:37:21 PST 2013


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

February 21, 2013

 *2013-02-21 - TIMOTHY TEAM - UPDATE*


*Rejoice alway; *17* pray without ceasing; *18* in everything give thanks:*

PANto-te CHAIre-te [5463]; a-di-aLEIPt*o*s [89] proSEUches-the; en panTI
eu-cha-risTEIte [2168]:

*for this is God's will in Christ Jesus toward you.*

TOUto gar THEl*e*-ma [2307] TheOU en ChrisT*O* I*e*SOU eis huMAS.

 *Very early this morning as I was awake - but in prayer - the familiar
words above came to me from the Holy Spirit - with power. Jesus told His
disciples that it was better that He make an Atonement for our sins in
death, be resurrected by the Father, ascend to be at His right hand as our
Intercessor, and with the Father send the Holy Spirit as our Helper,
Teacher, Remembrancer and Life. He enabled Paul and us to quote Galatians
2:20 with understanding. Jim Ray pointed out that we can associate “Rejoice
alway” with the Holy of Holies; “pray without ceasing” with the Holy Place;
and “in everything give thanks” with the Tabernacle Outer Court.*

 *The above 3 verses are in a group of pithy statements in the context of
Christ’s return in the Name of Jehovah. He will return when a remnant of
Israel will say - “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Jehovah.” They
failed at His first coming to say, “Blessed is He who came in the Name of
Jehovah.” They can correct the first error by walking in the truth of the
Second Coming.*

 *These 3 verses are proof for each one of us that by faith we are
restingin the “Finished Word of Calvary” - and see ourselves as
members of His
Spiritual Body, and as branches in Him as the Vine, having the life of the
Holy Spirit coursing through our beings in Divine Fruitfulness. In this
manner we are fulfilling that we are indeed part of John 15:16. We
have notchosen Him - but
He has chosen us and appointed us to bear fruit that shall remain, and find
that whatever we ask in prayer in Jesus’ Name, the Father will
fulfill. Thisis resting in the “Finished Work” of Jesus.
This is the “Exchanged Life”. This is fulfilling Revelation 12:11, for we
are overcoming Satan by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the positive “word of
our confession” according to God’s Bible - inspired by the Holy Spirit
through chosen writers.*

 *Like Hudson Taylor, I have not found it an easy walk to apprehend the
victory and overcoming life of the above. But I choose to walk daily,
hourly, and yes - even momentarily in “Rejoicing always; praying
and in everything giving thanks” - even for trials and testings, for
through them we are made stronger in Christ!*

 *You might ask - “How can we pray without ceasing?” Billy Bray of England
was asked this, and his reply was interesting and helpful. “You see that
brass door-knob there? If I pass it regularly without touching it, it
becomes corroded. Then when I decide to polish it, it takes considerable
time. But if every time I pass it I give it “a dab” - it continues in a
bright and shiny state. Apply this to praying - and every time you see a
need or cause for thanksgiving - take time immediately to pray and give
thanks - and you will be fulfilling this exhortation!”*

 *There are some 60 of us (for I count myself as one with you) on this
“Timothy Team”. See how marvelously Timothy turned out because of Paul’s
love, care and prayer on his behalf. You and I can receive this same care
and help by reading and meditating periodically on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
This will help us keep our brass door-knob bright and shiny!*

 *I believe we on this “Timothy Team” are indeed personally loved and
chosenby our Lord Jesus to be part of His spiritual body, His Church.
Jesus is
very careful to inform the apostle John that you and I have not chosen
Christ - but HE has chosen and appointed us to live the “Exchanged Life”.
It is all by seeing this, and by faith accepting and resting in this truth!
Only then does the Holy Spirit surge through us like a Niagara Falls. In
his early years, George Muller called this a “devilish” doctrine. A wise,
discerning and bold sister confronted him and asked, “Have you ever done a
systematic study through the Bible on this subject?” He confessed that he
had not. “Then”, she continued, “please say nothing more again about it -
until you have done so!”*

 *He did not take exception about this confronting word - but followed
through. To his amazement he discovered from Genesis to Revelation, that
80% of all scriptures on the subject clearly confirmed John 15:16 and this
teaching. Then as he matured, he found the other 20% fitted in also!*

 *I started out my Christian life like George Muller. But as I matured and
set myself to outline the entire Bible according to God’s “Bible Numeric”
miracle in both Hebrew and Greek - I like Muller discovered the same truth,
and also accepted the Holy Spirit teaching. Charles Spurgeon says that we
all start out majoring on the supremacy of our free-will. But as we mature
we discover the God of “Sovereign Grace”, and find that He, not us, is the
source and originator of all good in us. We like Paul start out with
no goodin our flesh (Romans 7:18); Christ in us by Sovereign Grace
alone - is our
only goodness.*

 *I have many friends who I love and accept who do not yet see or receive
this - but God in His boundless love still receives them as He did me prior
to my enlightenment in this regard.*

 *On Monday February 18 our Pilot Prayer Team of 8 convened for the first
time a wider type of gathering. Members from the Gig Harbor Eldership, the
Korean “Resting Place” in Auburn, the First Nations People represented by
Dennis Katzeek, and the Russian New Testament people represented by Victor
Lebed - met in the latter’s church.*

 *Our PPT leader Jim Ray - let the Holy Spirit have leadership in the
meeting. As a result - He led that His thrilling work among the First
Nations People in Washington, some 62 tribes, came to us through Dennis
Katzeek. His likewise thrilling work through the many Russian people in our
area, was shared with us by Pastor Victor Lebed. Other encouraging reports
came from Gig Harbor, and God’s progress in making available His “Outlined
Interlinear New Testament” as the basis for high level meditation and

 *We are believing for 70 cities in Canada, and 70 in the USA to break
through with an Eldership in the Gate of each of the City Churches. God’s
functioning Organic Laser-Telescope will be a critical part in
accomplishing this. To see further along this line, check the Introduction
in the “Outlined Interlinear NT” <www.OutlinedInterlinear.com>; or check
our Website <www.2rbetter.org> under “Archives.” Scroll down to “An
Undergirding Bibliography, 2011-02-08”; click on Number I “The Component
Parts for the Laser-Telescope.”*

 *Under Interlinear, the entire NT appears in Outlined Interlinear format
with my notes. The latter have been omitted from the Printed Book and
E-Book form. The Interlinear format has not been updated and proof-read as
it appears in the published Book and E-book format.*

 *I count it a daily privilege to pray for the 60 of us on the “Timothy
Team”. I do believe we are individually chosen of the Lord for His purposes
as in John 15:16. But I further believe that we are corporately put
together to lift each other by faith - into a release of the Spirit in any
direction the Lord is pleased to point us for His purposes.*

 *I trust many of you will also put each of us down on your daily prayer
list for a similar goal. The Lord bless you each one to His Divine
Sovereign Goal and End.*

 *Your brother and friend - Jim Watt *

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