Breaking Generational Curses

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Sat Feb 23 10:26:46 PST 2013


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at*


February 23, 2013


 *(I found this message on “Derek Prince You Tube” - and made notes on it.)*

 *600 times, blessings are mentioned in the Bible. Half that number of
times curses are mentioned.*

*Both are supernatural powers!*

*They continue on up to 4 generations until they are cut off.*

*Many endure the consequences of past generations.*

*Trace through to the sources of your problem.*

*They are usually words: spoken, written, or spoken inwardly.*

*They can be transmitted by objects which are also physical.*

*Deuteronomy 28 deals with 14 verses of blessing - but 54 verses of curses*

*Following is D.P.’s summation of this chapter.*

 *1. Exaltation (lifted up) 1. Humiliation*

*2. Reproductiveness (fruitful) 2. Barrenness*

*3. Health 3. Sickness of all kinds*

*4. Prosperity (success) 4. Poverty or failure*

*5. Victory 5. Defeat*

*6. Authority (Head) 6. Helplessness (Tail) - dragged around - usually a

*7. Above (strength) 7. Beneath (weakness) - under the circumstances?*

 *The Holy Spirit is the only expert to help you discern your particular

 *7 marks of a curse, or probable curse - drawn up by D.P.*

 *1. Mental/Emotional breakdown - to fall apart*

*2. Repeated/Chronic sickness - especially if hereditary - if cause unknown
- even by doctors*

*3. Female problems - barrenness - abortions - menstruation problems - (often
a curse)*

*4. Breakdown of Marriage - family alienation - children alienated from
parents - brings a curse*

*5. Continual financial insufficiency - if always short - likely a curse*

*6. Being accident-prone - insurance companies watch this*

*7. History of suicide - unnatural deaths - frequency? - a long evil arm
from past? dark shadows form the past?*

*- If several of the above 7, don’t pray for the sick - until generational
curses taught and acted upon.*

 *Primary Causes of a curse - Deuteronomy 28:1-2 - Diligently listen -
Really listen in your listening*

*1. Not listening to God - primary*

*2. Not Doing what He says - exactly opposite to verse 16.*

 *2 Root Causes of Curses. - Curses proceeding from God Himself - 1st part
of 10 commandments.*

*Breaking the first 2 commandments - brings you under a curse.*

*1. No other gods beside Me - Exodus 20:3-5*

*2. Idolatry - Because God is a Jealous God - even to the 3rd and 4thgeneration

* Also, go to the source apart from God. - fortune tellers - become our god
- Ouija boards -*

*- occult experiences - curses come from every form of the occult*

 *We can find 12 personal causes of curses - through disobedience*

*Summation of Sources of Curses - Deuteronomy 27:15 *

 *1. False gods - Exodus 20:3-6 - no other besides 6. Unnatural sex. ¼
girls and 1/5 boys have been*

* molested - incest - Leviticus 20:10-16*

*2. Idolatry - Deut. 17:15 7. Anti-Semitism - Gen. 12:3, 27-29*

* A curse for individual - or - a nation!*

*3. Disrespect for parents - Proverbs 20:17 - 8. Depending on flesh -
Jeremiah 17:6-7*

*Something will always be missing in child who See King Asa and disease of

*violates this, even though parents have failed. No*

*delinquent children, just fathers. Child doesn’t*

*have to agree - but respect - this truth - inviolable*

*4. Treachery against neighbors - Prov. 17:13 9. Stealing, perjury - Zach.

*Evil never departs for the above*

*5. Injustice to the weak, poor or helpless 10. Stinginess toward God -
Mal. 3:8-10*

*Prov. 28:27 Grace of NT - should give more than law of OT!*

*- baby in mother’s womb - any abortion - brings Stinginess to God = a

*a curse - there is a solution*

 *7. Anti-Semitism - so important needs repetition. See Genesis 12:3 again
- blessing Versus curse!*

*this is necessary - because when God chooses to bless - then assaults on
whom He would bless, are against Him! and - this does apply to individuals
or nations. Check out nations of the past who have sinned this way. Our own
nation is moving in this direction in our leadership, not so much the

 *Men who speak on behalf of God can deliver a curse. - Joshua 6:26 re
rebuilding of Jericho.*

*In King Ahab’s reign, 500 years later 1 Kings 16:34 - Hiel of Bethel - at
the cost of 2 of his sons!*

 *Other sources of curses - persons with relational authority - is still
real - proceeds from God -*

*- husband over wife*

*- parents over children*

*- leaders over people*

*- pastors over congregation*

*- words spoken - have special supernatural power - whether blessing or

 *Blessing of a father - very important. Children should do all to obtain
his blessing*

*A father usually hardest on child most like to himself*

*- a teacher can speak down to a dyslectic child, whose word may follow the
child throughout life.*

*There is authority behind a statement - even when wrong.*

 *Self-imposed curses - very important - Genesis 27 - Yiddish mama Rebekah
to Jacob - your curse be upon me, my son. Life for her from then on was
likened to death. - Your father’s curse on me!*

*- Don’t make negative statements about self! brings one under a curse -
and often invites the spirit of death. - serious.*

*- Rather take Psalm 118:17 - “I shall not die - but live - and declare the
works of the Lord.*

*- Revoke negative statements by this above!*

*- See Peter and his 3 denials - took Jesus 3 questions to him - to revoke
what his denials brought.*

 *Unscriptural covenants** - Exodus 23:32 - To make a covenant with idol
worshipers, is to bind one to the spirits behind the idols of these
idol-worshipers. *

*- Free-masonry - a covenant with masonry is not secret - the darkness is
visible - masons make a covenant of terrible self-curse if they make known
their secrets.*

*- a self-imposed curse for 32nd degree masons - to Ja - Bal - On - the
Royal Arch degreee*

*- this vow unites Jehovah, Baal and Osiris - God is here joined with idols
in masonry!*

 *- tribal societies - with unscriptural rites - often exposes to the curse
of idolatry of that tribe.*

*- servants of Satan - can be paid to make curses - there is supernatural
reality here. Africa understands.*

*- they can cause death - this is not ordinary murder - but it is witchcraft

 *But Jesus** has all authority over **all power of the enemy*

*See David and Goliath - both used the authority of their gods. Goliath
cursed David in the name of his gods - But David claimed absolute authority
over him and his gods through Jehovah!*

*- this was a battle between the gods - not between David and Goliath.*

 *Deuteronomy 7:26 - Burn in your house all carved images of gods*

*- God calls these abominations in your home - accursed things - they give
legal right for demons to enter.*

*- frequently search home so that none of these have place there - check
your home - that there is no other god there but our Lord Jesus Christ.*

*- children in fear at night with bad dreams etc. - often because of
ungodly objects in the home.*

*- no occult objects such as New Age might use - clear all out.*

 *HOW BE RELEASED FROM CURSES **- this is an ongoing process*

*1. Have a clear scriptural basis for release*

*- best - Galatians 3:13-14 - Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the

*- Ephesians 1:7 - We have redemption through the blood.*

*- Colossians 1:12-14 - we have been translated from the kingdom of
darkness - into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son! - through the Cross*

*- 1 John 3:8b - destroy works of devil - why Jesus manifested*

*- Luke 10:19 - authority over all power of enemy*

 *2. Confess faith in Christ - Hebrew 3:1 - High Priest of our confession*

 *3. Commit self to obedience - hear and do*

 *4. Confess any known sin - either by self - or ancestors*

*- not guilty of latter - but affected!*

 *5. Forgive all other persons - and - if anything against anyone - Matthew
5:23-25 - make it right*

*- this a decision - not an emotion - this is tearing up the IOU*

 *6. Remove all contact with the occult - and ancestors - because it affects

 *7. All contact-objects - remove*

– *THEN release self from all curses in the Name of Jesus*

*- Bind and loose.*

 *When released - confess and expect the blessing of Abraham*

*Confession - on the basis of Jesus “Finished Work” on the Cross*

*Then - the Blessing of the Holy Spirit - HE does it - Honor Him - Don’t
grieve Him*

*- He has the key to God’s Storehouse*

*- Now all things are qualified - but it takes time - Take the U-turn - now
one way for God*

*Keep** hearing and doing - and - the right confession - keep on*

*- Still a shadow of a curse? - lead in prayer and release!*

 *D.P. at this point had all under a shadow of curse to stand, and repeat
the following points of prayer*

*- Confess and forgive - takes a little time.*

*- Release self in Name of Jesus - all contact with the occult - Pray to
the Lord Jesus Christ -*

*Lord Jesus Christ - I do believe You are the Son of God - and the only way
to God.*

*- that You died on the Cross for me - and rose again - having destroyed
the curse on the Cross,*

*because You became a curse for me and us.*

*- that I have been redeemed from the curse into Your blessing*

*- Lord, I confess my sins - and those of my ancestors that relate to me -*

*- and I ask for forgiveness from You.*

*- I also forgive all those who have harmed or - wronged me -*

*I forgive them - as God has forgiven me.*

*- I also forgive myself*

*- I renounce all contact with the occult - and rid my home of all contact

*- and - I have received by faith full forgiveness from God -*

*with authority from Him for this - as a child of God*

*- I now release myself - and those under my authority -*

*for any and all curses - and declare release right now.*

*- I claim it - and overcome - in the Name of Jesus!*

*- and - I thank Jesus - by faith!*

 *NOTE**: Derek Prince, 1915-2003. He was born in India, of English high
military officers. He came to England at the age of 5, and was educated at
Eton and Cambridge, with the highest grades and scholarship. At the age of
24 he was made a University Don - the youngest faculty member in the field
of philosophy. He qualified for the above position by writing a thesis on
Plato, have read every word of Plato in Latin. He was proficient in over 7
languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic.*

 *But when at 26 God revealed Himself to Derek as an Army draftee, he
immediately became a Bible student first of all, leaving behind his
philosophy honors. He went on to become a world Bible teacher through his
many books, conference, tapes, videos and daily radio broadcasts.*

 *The above lecture on “curses” reveal the thoroughness of his study before
bringing such a teaching for the benefit of his hearers. May this teaching
still be the means of freeing many readers from the strategies of our
spiritual enemy. Jim Watt*

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