Psalm 132 - Hebrew Interlinear

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Fri Nov 16 15:47:58 PST 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at*


November 16, 2012

 *2012-11-12 - PSALM 132 - The LORD has chosen Zion!*

 1. 132:1-5, (ESV) - ZION: SOUGHT FOR BY DAVID

*Remember, O LORD, in David’s favor,*

zeC*O*R_ye-h*o*VAH, le-daVID,

*all the hardships he endured.*

*e*th c*a*l_un-n*o*TH*O*.

*2 how he swore to the LORD*

aSHER NUSHba lai-h*o*VAH

*and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, *

n*a*DAR la-aVYR ya-aK*O*V,

*3 “I will not enter my house*

im_aV*O* be*O*hel b*e*yTHIY

*or get into my bed,*

im_e-eLEH al_Eres ye-tsu*A*Y,

*4 I will not give sleep to my eyes*

im_etT*E*N sheNATH le-*e*yN*A*I

*or slumber to my eyelids,*

le-aph-apPAI te-n*u*MAH,

*5 until I find a place for the LORD,*

ad_emTS*A* M*A*kom lay-hoV*A*H,

*a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”*

mish-c*a*N*O*TH la-aVIR ya-aKOV.

 2. 132:6-7 ZION: ITS ARK FOUND!

*Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah;*

hinN*E*H_sheMAaNUah be-ephR*A*th*a*h;

*we found it in the fields of Jaar.*

me-tsaN*U*-*a*h bi-she-d*e*y_Y*A*ar;

*7 “Let us go to his dwelling place;*

n*a*V*O*-*a*h le-mish-ce-n*o*TH*A*IV;

*let us worship at his footstool.”*

nish-ta-chaVEH la-chaDOM ragL*A*IV.


*Arise, O LORD, and go to your resting place,*

k*u*M*A*H, ye-h*o*V*A*H lim-n*u*-ch*a*THEca,

*you and the ark of your might.*

atTAH va-aR*O*N uzZEc*a*.

*9 Let your priests be clothed with righteousness,*

co-haNEIc*a* yil-be-sh*u*_TSEdek,

*and let your saints shout for joy.*

va-cha-siyDEYc*a* ye-ranN*E*n*u*.

*10 For the sake of your servant David,*

BAaV*U*R d*a*VID avDEc*a*,

*do not turn away the face of your anointed one.*

al_taSH*E*V peN*E*Y me-shiyCHEc*a*.


*The LORD swore to David a sure oath*

nishBA_yeH*O*v*a*h eSH*E*V

*from which he will not turn back;*

lo_yaSH*U*V mimMENn*a*h;

“*One of the sons of your body*

mip-peRIY vit-neC*A*

*I will set on your throne.*

*a*SHIYTH le-ci-s*e*_L*A*C.

*12 If your sons keep my covenant*

IM_yish-mer*u* b*a*NEYc*a* be-riyTHIY

*and my testimonies that I shall teach them,*

ve-*e*-doTHIY z*o* aLAMmeD*E*M,

*their sons also forever*

gam_be-n*e*yHEM a-d*e*y_AD

*shall sit on your throne.”*

y*e*-sheV*U* le-cis-s*e*_L*A*C.


*For the LORD has chosen Zion;*

CIY_b*a*HAR ye-h*o*V*A*H be-tsiY*O*N;

*he has desired it for his dwelling place:*

ivVAH le-m*o*SHAV l*o*:

*14 “This is my resting place forever;*

z*o*th_me-nu-ch*a*THIY a-d*e*y_AD;

*here I will dwell, for I have desired it.*

P*O*_*e*SH*E*V ciy iv-viTHIY*a*h.

*15 I will abundantly bless her provisions;*

TS*E*d*a*h b*a*R*E*C a-v*a*R*E*C;

*I will satisfy her poor with bread.*

ev-y*o*NEY*a*h as-biyA L*A*chem.

*16 Her priests I will clothe with salvation,*

ve-c*o*-haNEY*a*h alBISH YEsha,

*and her saints will shout for joy.*

va-cha-siyDEY*a*h ragG*E*N ye-raG*E*n*u*.

*17 There I will make a horn to sprout for David;*

sh*a*m atsMIYach KEren le-d*a*VID;

 *I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.*

*a*RACtiy g*e*r lim-shiyCHI,

*18 His enemies I will clothe with shame,*

*O*ye-v*a*yv alBIYSH B*O*sheth,

*but on him his crown will shine.”*

ve-*a*L*A*YV y*a*TSIYTS nizR*O*.

 *NOTE**: **ZION: GOD’S RESTING PLACE! *God told Israel that when they left
Egypt, that He would one day choose a capital city for Israel - where He
would dwell in a special house David’s son would build for Him. When David
became king of Israel, God indicated to him that Zion - Jerusalem in
Benjamin - was His choice for the nations’ capital, and His dwelling place.
In 7 distinct ways, David prepared for the building of the Temple in Zion!

 *1. 132:1-5 ZION: SOUGHT FOR BY DAVID. *David was a man after God’s own
heart! He understood the heart of God for Zion. He was a *true* prophet,
not a self-appointed one. He was like Samuel, of whom *not one prophetic
word* he spoke fell to the ground - that is - was unfulfilled! Present day
prophets excuse themselves for missing - but God through Moses in
Deuteronomy 18:15-22 warned against such. Elijah and Elisha were just like
Moses, Samuel and David - as were John the Baptist and Agabus. These 7 were
Word of God men. There teaching and prophecies could *all* be tied into the
Bible - God’s Word. Did this make them “Old Order” because they lined up
with God’s Word? Not at all. Those who today “go beyond” the Word in
revelation and teaching are “suspect” - and one day will answer to God for
promiscuous teaching.

 *2. 132:6-7 ZION: ITS ARK FOUND. *David had to try twice before he was
able to bring back the Ark of the Covenant to Zion - to Jerusalem. God
loves it here. He gave it as an everlasting trust to Israel. It is
*not*for Arafat and the Palestinians. All too soon -
false-dreamers will learn that it is *not* Israel they are opposing, but
the *God* of Israel, who has chosen Israel, Zion and Jerusalem for Himself!
Read the end of Zechariah to see! All 66 books of the Bible are God’s Word
- not man’s. The 33 known writers wrote *not* of themselves, but as
directed and carried on by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21).

 So David the second time reread the 5 books of Moses, and discovered that
the ark must not be carried on a cart - but upon the shoulders of Levites.
The second time was successful, and the Ark of God’s presence was now in

 *3. 132:8 (132:8-10) ZION: ITS RESTING PLACE SOUGHT. *The Temple is the
House to honor God’s Name - and God met there with His people through the
High Priest alone. But today - there is a “Riven Veil” - and we are a
“Kingdom of Priests” - so we all have the privilege of passing through the
Riven Veil into the “Holy of Holies” - and there meeting with God at His

 When we come to the Brazen Altar in the Outer Court, we honor Jesus, Son
of Man and Son of God. At Calvary - at the Cross - He becomes a 5-fold
offering: The Whole Burnt Offering or Holocaust, to present Himself to the
Father on our behalf as a perfect servant. As a “sin-offering” - He atoned
for the sin Adam brought upon the human race; as a trespass offering - He
atones for our individual sins; as a peace offering - He become a
“propitiation” and accepted the full penalty for God’s wrath for Adam’s
sin; as a Grain Offering, He fell as a grain of wheat into the ground and
died. Through multiplication we join Him, and in identification with Him
died, rose again and live with Him awaiting our resurrection bodies upon
His Return. We too can share as a whole burnt offering to the Father
(Romans 12:1-2) and a grain offering (John 12).

 See our Solar System - in the shape of an ellipse. Jesus is as the sun in
summer time at the first focus. But the Father’s Throne is in the hidden
dark place of winter, the second focus. We are not to camp around the Cross
- but around the Throne! “We camp ‘round the Throne of God’s heav’n above -
Through You, Christ Jesus our Lord!” But when we come to the Menorah, the
7-fold candlestick of the Holy Place - *there* we learn to live by the life
of the Spirit within - through You, Christ Jesus our Lord! The Holy Spirit
is also the 7 lamps before God’s Throne, and the path the earth takes in
its elliptical track around the 2 foci: the Cross and the Throne!

 *4. 132:11-12. ZION: BASIS OF GOD’S PROMISE TO DAVID. *This is an amazing
prophecy - not like so many prophecies of today that miss - sometimes up to
50% or more. And - *this one* is fulfilled for evermore! For Jesus, Son of
God, Son of man, is of the seed of David, and upon His return will take the
Throne of David over Israel for evermore! What faithfulness we have in the
true Promises of God. All Bible prophecies and promises are of this nature.
We need to call attention to those who water down God’s Word to such a low
level - that they feel justified in preaching and teaching on such a low
level. The “Outlined Interlinear NT” available now *(<* in book and soon E-book format - should - and
could lift the church back to God’s level of his full and pure word.

 When we learn to join the Father in Zion; and enter the Riven Veil where
Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father on High - then we learn
indeed of the true blessing of God’s Resting Place!

  *5. 132:14 (13-18) ZION: GOD’S CHOSEN RESTING PLACE. *Here God clearly
sets forth that Zion *is* His Resting Place forever. Here will He dwell,,
for He has desired it! However, to be a part of Zion, and a part of His
Resting Place is not something just “hoped for” - we must press in until by
faith we can sing - “Yes! Zion - God’s Resting Place - is now *my* place of
rest also. I have seen Hebrews 3-4 - and determined *not* to fall short of *His
Rest*! Most in Israel’s day missed it. Many in the church are deceived and
in delusion - but let *us* press in - and *not* be denied!

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