Revelation 5:11-12 - Word Study Overview

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Mon Aug 6 08:32:49 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at*


August 6, 2012

 *REV 5:11-12 - Overview - 2012-08-04 - THE DECLARATION OF MANY ANGELS*


*And I saw, and I heard a voice of many angels*

kai EIdon, kai *E*kou-sa ph*o*N*E*N agGEl*o*n POLl*o*n

*round the throne and the living beings and the elders;*

KUKl*o* [2943] tou THROnou kai t*o*n Z*O*-*o*n kai t*o*n pres-buTEr*o*n;

*and the number of them was ten thousands of ten thousands,*

kai *e*n ho a-rithMOS [706] auT*O*N mu-riAdes [3463] mu-riAd*o*n,

*and thousands of thousands; *12* saying with a great voice,*

kai chi-liAdes [5507] chi-liAd*o*n; LEgon-tes ph*o*N*E* meGAl*e*,

*Worthy is the Lamb :slain to receive the power,*

A-xiON [514] es-tin to arNIon [721] to es-phagMEnon [4969] laBEIN t*e*n

*and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing.*

kai PLOUton, kai soPHIan, kai isCHUN, kai tiM*E*N [5092]*,* kai DOxan, kai

 *1. POWER. DUna-mis from DUna-mai* - 120 (392) references*

*- Other translations - power, ability, virtue, might work, miracle,
meaning, strength, violence.*

*- Our English word “dynamite” comes from this Greek word.*

*- After Jesus fasted and prayed 40 days and was tempted 3 times by Satan,
He returned in the “Power” - DUna-mis - of the Spirit. And when the woman
with an issue of blood touched Him, He felt “Power” - DUna-mis - leave Him.*

 *2. RICHES. PLOUtos* - 22 (69) references*

*- A. PLOUtos - riches, 22 times.*

*- B. PLOUsi-os - rich, 28 times.*

*- C. plouSIos - adverb, richly, abundantly, 4 times.*

*- D. plouTEo - waxed rich, were made rich, increased with goods, 12 times.*

*- E. plouTIzo - are enriched, being enriched, making - rich, 3 times.*

*- Let us meditate on what the Holy Spirit will reveal concerning the
richesof Jesus.

 *3. WISDOM. soPHIa from soPHOS* - 51 (79) references*

*- Our English word “philosopher” comes from (PHIlos + soPHIa, soPHOS*) -
human lover of wisdom. Jesus was not on this level - He was on the level of
Divine Love of wisdom, aGApe!*

*- And - see what God has made Jesus to be to us! “But of him are you in
Christ Jesus, who bacame to us both wisdom from God, and righteousness and
sanctification and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30). This is a most
powerful verse! How the Holy Spirit will love to teach us as we meditatehere!

*- Proverbs 8-9 major on wisdom - and point to the pre-incarnate Jesus as
being Wisdom!*

 *4. MIGHT. isCHUS from Echo* - 11 (1081) references.*

*- Strength, power, might - synonyms.*

*- See 2 Thessalonians 1:9 - “Who shall suffer punishment, eternal
destruction from the Lord’s face, and from the glory of his might, 10 when
he shall come to be glorified in his saints!” Here we learn that the
punishment of Christ’s enemies and our resurrection take place at the same
time. It is interesting to note that the word “saints” comes from “CHEsed”
- the covenant love of God. “Cha-saDIM” is the OT term for us. The above
notes can be found in Strong’s “Greek Dictionary of the NT.”*

 *5. HONOR. tiME from TIo* - 43 (169) references.*

*- Synonyms for Honor: price, precious, sum, honor.*

*- From Strong’s “Greek Dictionary of the NT” - “the preciousness of Christ
unto believers, 1 Peter 2:7, i.e., the honor and inestimable value of
Christ as appropriated by believers, who are joined, as living stones, to
Him the cornerstone.*

*- It is impossible for us to fully understand the inestimable honor of
Christ to us!*

 *6. GLORY. DOxa from DEcho-mai* - 168 (939) references*

*- Synonyms: Glory, worship, honor, praise, glorious.*

*- It proclaims the character and ways of God as exhibited through
Christin and through believers!

*- The brightness or splendor emanating from God (as in the
shekinah“glory,” in the pillar of cloud and in the Holy of Holies. In
John 17
Christ tells how He shared this glory with His Father in His pre-incarnate

*- It is used of Christ’s return, “the appearing of the glory of the great
God and our Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).*

*- We need to immerse ourselves in this revelation, and regulary
meditateupon it.

 *7. BLESSING. eu-loGIa from eREo - 16 (4076) references*

*- Synonyms - blessing, bountifully, fair speech.*

*- It is used of God and Christ; of the invocation of blessings,
benediction; of the giving of thanks; of a blessing, a benefit bestowed; of
a monetary gift sent to needy believers.*

*- We can never bless our Lord Jesus Christ enough. We can always feed on
the merits of Calvary - the “finished work” of Jesus - who gave His all for
us! This is our way of blessing Him, who is worthy. And when we bless
Jesus, we are blessing the Father.*

 *NOTE**: **It is just recently that Revelation 5:11-12 - with its 7-fold
ascription to praise - came to my attention. I have been meditating upon it
quite regularly, and felt impressed to set it up on an “Outlined” format,
for others to make use of it also.*

 *As I was praying over it, and seeking who to find as a Bible character to
link it with, the only one that came clearly to me was “Joseph”, the
11thson of Jacob. It was not that I find him a perfect man, but there
are a
number of significant parallels between his life and that of our Lord. Look
him up in almost any “Study Bible”, and you will find dozens of these
parallels listed. Casually, any one of us can list up to a dozen: they both
started their ministries at the age of 30; they were both rejected for a
time by their brethren; they were both sold for silver, etc.*

 *But perhaps the most blessed aspect of this study, is to realize that we
are the spiritual body of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are His “One New Man”
composed of Jew and Gentile alike. All that Jesus is, He pours into us
until we are conformed to His image as laid out in Ephesians 5:22-33.*

 *For those of us who have a Strong’s “Exhaustive Concordance of the
Bible”, we can turn to his “Greek Dictionary of the New Testament” - and
there we can find very helpful insights on any Greek word in the New
Testament. I have made excellent use of this over the years.*

 *But above all else - studies like the above lead themselves to Bible
Meditation in the order of George Muller - who found that putting “Soul
Nourishment First” - completely transformed his life. It can do the same
for us too - for God is no respecter of persons. Jim Watt*

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