2 Peter 1:5-7 - Word Study Overview

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 10:18:53 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

August 3, 2012

 *2012-08-03 - Survey XII - 2 PETER 1:5-7 - THE CHRISTIAN VIRTUES*


*Yes, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence,*

kai, auTO TOUto de spouD*E*N [4710] PAsan pa-rei-seNEGkan-tes [3923],

*in your :**faith** supply :**virtue**;*

e-pi-cho-r*e*G*E*sa-te [2023] en t*e* PIStei [4102] huM*O*N t*e*n a-reT*E*N

*and in :virtue :knowledge; 6 and in :knowledge :self-control;*

en de t*e* a-reT*E* t*e*n GN*O*sin [1108]; en de t*e* GN*O*sei t*e*n
egKRAtei-an [1466];

*and in :self-control :patience; and in :patience :godliness;*

en de t*e* eg-kraTEIa t*e*n hu-po-moN*E*N [5281]; en de t*e* hu-po-moN*E* t*
e*n euSEbei-an [2150];

7* and in :godliness **brotherly :kindness**; and in **your **brotherly
:kindness :**love**. *

en de t*e* eu-seBEIa t*e*n phi-la-delPHIan [5360]; en de t*e*phi-la-delPHIa t
*e*n aGAp*e*n [26].

 *Peter outlines the steps that lead to stability, character, and
fruitfulness. This survey is based on and intertwined with “Foundation
Truths from Hebrews 6:1-2”.*

 *1. FAITH. PIStis from PEItho* - 244 (711) references*

*- A general disposition to know and to do the will of God.*

*- Rests in God Himself, Christ or things spiritual.*

*- A reliance upon God, not mere credence. See Abraham, Romans 4:16-22.*

*- Contrast this with 1 Corinthians 12:9 (a gift), Galatians 5:22 (fruit),
Ephesians 4:5 (unity), Ephesians 6:16 (armor), Hebrews 6:1 (a foundation),
Revelation 3:7-13 (Philadelphia: model church)*

 *2. VIRTUE. a-reTE* - 5 references*

*- See 1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 1:3; Philippians 4:8.*

*- Whatever procures pre-eminent estimation for a person or thing; hence,
intrinsic eminence, moral goodness, virtue.*

*- Virtue deals with the impression made on others: Daniel, Joseph.*

 *3. KNOWLEDGE. GNOsis from giNOsko* - 29 (448) references*

*- Primarily a seeking to know, an inquiry, investigation.*

*- In the NT, knowledge, especially of spiritual truth.*

*- Solomon exhorts us to seek knowledge and wisdom.*

*- This is knowledge of perception, following faith.*

 *4. SELF-CONTROL. eg-KRAtei-a from KRAtos* - 4 (102) references*

*- The right use of the powers of God bestowed by God upon man demands the
controlling power of the will under the operation of the Spirit of God,
Galatians 5:17. See Paul (1 Corinthians 9:27).*

*- Self-control is man’s response to God’s claim (Acts 24:25).*

*- What is learned required to be put into practice (2 Peter 1:6).*

 *5. PATIENCE. hu-po-moNE from MEno* - 32 (210) references.*

*- Literally, an abiding under, or patience. See Job.*

*- Grows only in trials (James 1:3); often passive endurance (Luke 21:19).*

*- Exercise it when chastened by God for our good.*

*- Patience perfects Christian character (James 1:4).*

*- A condition for reigning with Christ (2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 1:9).*

 *6. GODLINESS. eu-SEbei-a from SEbo-mai* - 15 (64) references*

*- Like Elijah: a Godward attitude, well-pleasing to Him.*

*- It is manifested in actions of power: “If I be a man of God ...”*

*- This word appears four times in 2 Peter: 1:3, 6, 7, 3:11.*

 *7. BROTHERLY KINDNESS. phi-la-delPHIa from PHIlos* - 6 (110) references*

*- Like John demonstrated the love of tender affection.*

*- It cherishes the object above all else; high veneration, John 21:15-17.*

*- BROTHERLY. phi-la-delPHIa, from delPHUS* - 6 (381) references.*

*- Found also in 1 Peter 1:22, Romans 12:10, 1Thessalonians 4:9, Hebrews
13:1, an adjective in 1 Peter 3:8*

 *8. LOVE. aGApe from a-gaPAo* - 116 (320) references*

*- Love is to be exercised between believers, as Christ loved!*

*- Love is the characteristic word of Christianity. NT meaning is
distinctive from Greek literature and the Septuagint.*

*- Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. See John 3:16.*

*- Not an impulse of feelings, nor natural inclinations (Romans 5:5).*

 *NOTE**: Success and fruitfulness are sure, if with diligence we will give
ourselves to the above. Faith is released by these 7 graces. **Many Bible
listings of 7 - are able to be linked. For instance, numbers have seen that
the 7 pieces of Tabernacle Furniture can be linked with these 7 graces of 2
Peter that are added to “Faith”. The 7 Creative Days of Genesis and the 7
gifts of Romans 12:6-8 have likewise been linked by many.*

 *Those who have made such linkages, have discovered - that for them -
these Bible Truths have become more living.*

 *However - for me - I have discovered that simple meditation upon such
natural Bible series - in the light of George Muller’s “Soul Nourishment
First” - have given me the greater blessing. I remember Psalm19:14 which
God quickened to me the year of my conversion in 1944; and Psalm 1 which He
had me memorize as a boy of 8 - and how these along with Joshua 1:8 have
led me to plumb ever deeper the depths of Bible Meditation.*

 *I find too that to use the “Outlined Interlinear New Testament” as a tool
for meditation - likewise increases the blessing that comes from
meditation. - Jesus as the Son of Man knew the Bible thoroughly through
memorization and meditation. Even at the age of 12 at His Bar Mitzvah, He
astonished the Jewish scribes and Pharisees with His answers and questions.*

 *Out of the 18 or so natural New Testament series, this one here in 2
Peter 1:5-7 - is a key one. We all need to seize upon it, and milk as it
were from it - all the goodness that it contains. May God bless us each one
as we do so --- Jim Watt.*

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