1 Peter 4:7-11 - Outline/Overview

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 12:58:30 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

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August 2, 2012 <http://www.2rbetter.org/>


*2012-08-01 - 1 Peter 4:7-11 - Survey XI - THE MINISTRY OF END-TIME GIFTS*

 *These ministries and spiritual gifts are “imperatives” in the
Aoristtense, requiring obedience at a given point of time, and
continuance in the same. “But the end of all things is nigh; be therefore
of sound mind, and be sober unto prayers: 8 above all being fervent in your
:love among yourselves; for love covers a multitude of sins; 9 hospitable
one to another without murmuring: 10 according as each has received a gift,
ministering it among yourselves, as good stewards of the manifold grace of
God; 11 if any speaks - as if oracles of God; if any ministers - as of the
strength which :God supplies: that in all things :God be glorified through
Jesus Christ, whose is the glory and the dominion unto the ages of the
ages. Amen” (NNT).*

 *1. SOUND MIND - so-phroNEo from SOzo* + PHREN* - 6 (128) references*

*- to save + the mind, denotes “of sound mind”, hence self-controlled.*

*- the exercise of that self-restraint that governs all passions and
desires, enabling conformity to the mind of Christ, Philippians 4:8.*

*- “Sound judgment”, practically expresses the meaning.*

*- Habitual inner self-government, with its constant rein on all the
passions and desires, which would hinder the temptation to these from
arising, or at all events from arising in such strength as would overbear
the checks and barriers which aiDOS (shamefacedness) opposed to it.*

 *2. PRAYERS - EUcho-mai* - 35 (132 references)*

*- See Survey VI.8 for “prayer definition”; Survey XIV for “prayer pattern”.

*- SOBER - NEpho* - 6 (11) references.*

*- Metaphorically does not in itself imply watchfulness, but is associated
with it, 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 8; 2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Peter 1:13, 4:7, 5:8.*

*- Prayer requires importunity, Luke 1:11, 18:1-8; Daniel 10.*

 *3. Fervent in LOVE. aGApe from a-gaPAo* - 116 (320) references*

*- See Survey III.1, IX.1, XII.8, for definition of love.*

*- FERVENT - ek-teNES from TEIno* - 2 (52) references.*

*Metaphorically, not relaxing in effort; acting in a right spirit!*

*- COVERS - kaLUPto* - 8 (70) references. Sons of Noah.*

*- SINS - ha-marTIa, ha-marTAno* - 173 (270) references.*

*- The most comprehensive term for moral deviation (or obliquity).*

*- An inward principle producing acts; a governing principle of power;
concrete wrong-doing; a sinful deed.*

 *4. HOSPITABLE. phiLOxe-nos from XEnos - 3 (32) references*

*- PHIlos, loving; XEnos, a stranger; to show love to; entertain.*

*- Qualification for elders, 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8; others, Hebrews
13:2, Romans 12:13.*

*- MURMURING - gog-gusMOS, gogGUzo* - 4 (15) references.*

*- Muttering, grumbling: believers are warned against it, 1 Corinthians

*- Displeasure or complaining (more privately than in public), Acts 6:1.*

 *5. Steward of GIFT. CHAris-ma from CHAIro* - 17 (401) references*

*- CHAris-ma is the word of “gifts of the Spirit”. Survey II.4.*

*- MINISTER - di-a-koNEo from KOnis* - 37 (109) references.*

*- STEWARD - oi-koNOmos from OIkos* + NEmo, 10 (420) references.*

*- The management or administration of God’s interests.*

*- Used of preachers, teachers, elders or bishops, 1 Corinthians 4:1, Titus

*- Obligation of all believers to manifest gifts of Spirit, 1 Corinthians
12, 14.*

*- GRACE - CHAris from CHAIro* - 156 (401) references.*

 *6. ORACLES of God. LOgi-on from eREo* - 4 (4076) references*

*- Divine oracles were given by the High Priest through Urim and Thummim,
contained in Breastplate of Judgment, Exodus 28:15. Proverbs 6:20-23 is the
spiritual counterpart for each believer, Romans 8:14.*

*- Each believer through prophesy and the Word of Knowledge, can have a
divine response, utterance, or oracle, 1 Corinthians 14:26, 31.*

*- SPEAK - laLEo* - 295 (326) references.*

 *7. Ministry ABILITY. isCHUS from Echo* - 11 (1081) references*

*- Strength afforded by power of God upon believers, Ephesians 1:19, 6:10.*

*- Full extent of the power wherewith we are to love God, Luke 10:27.*

*- Visible expression of the inherent Personal power of Christ, 2
Thessalonians 1:9.*

*- MINISTER - See #5 above - Members of Christ’s body to minister to body,
Romans 12.*

*- SUPPLIES - cho-reGEo from choROS* + Ago - 2 (10) references.*

*- For God’s GLORY - doXAzo from DEcho-mai* - 62 (939) references.*

 *NOTE**: *The above 7 points are words from the Spirit through the apostle
Peter to guide believers how to treat one another in the light of the *
soon-return* of Jesus.

 One might ask - “Soon Return?” Yes - Soon Return!, because with God 1000
years is as a day, and a day as 1000 years. From God’s point of view, since
Jesus’ Ascension to heaven 2000 years ago, it is but *two days*! And He is
to return the third day, which is *right now* - but a blink of the eye!

 In 1946-48 I was student speaker for the IVCF (Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship) of the University of Saskatchewan, of some 100 students. Near
the beginning of this period, I felt led to present to them these 7 points
from 1 Peter 4:7-11. They had made a deep impression upon me, and burnt
themselves into my soul. According to the testimony of many of the
students, they shared with me the strong emphasis of the Holy Spirit. I am
sure the Spirit wants for us today as believers, to be likewise impressed,
and to walk in them on behalf of one another.

 I have linked this passage with the tribe of Manasseh, the older son of
Joseph as next to Pharaoh in Egypt.

 Manasseh means “Forgetfulness”, for his birth caused Joseph to forget the
bitterness of what his 10 half-brothers did to him. Forgiveness is the
number one ingredient we must exercise - to make use of the counseling that
a Manasseh can give us. And when we exercise all the above 7 ingredients on
behalf of one another, we can walk a walk of victory, joy and overcoming!

 And just think - to walk in the light of the Soon Return of Jesus, the
Blessed Hope - is to *loose* these 7 points to work in our lives! It is now
66 years later from the time God first quickened this passage to me - and
it still returns to me with the impression - “Yes - it is *Your* will
Father - that I and all fellow-believers walk in these truths. Jim Watt

 *P.S. *These 18 Greek Word Overview-Outlines can be meditated upon in the
light of George Muller’s article from his autobiography - “Soul Nourishment
First”. God showed Mr. Muller that his *first* obligation each day is to
make his soul happy and peaceful - by first meditating on His Word before
spending time in prayer. Let the Word-meditation lead to prayer,
intercession, correction etc.

 The soon publication of God’s Bible Numeric “Outlined Interlinear NT” will
*greatly* help in this direction. Check out *<www.BTJohnsonPublishing.com> *for
information and to order.

 To check the Interlinear out ahead-of-time, see our Website *<
www.2rbetter.org>* and click on “Interlinear”. There you will find the
entire “Outlined Interlinear NT” in a “before-proof-reading” format, with
my personal notes on the some 500 reading. God allowed Ivan Panin to
discover the Bible Numeric Phenomenon in 1890, and I have used the two
texts he spent a life-time preparing. J.

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