1 Corinthians 12:8-11 - Gifts of the Spirit

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 11:35:48 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

July 26, 2012

 *2012-07-25 - 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 - Overview of Gifts of the Spirit -
UGWS - Survey II*

 *1. Word of WISDOM - soPHIa, from soPHOS* - 51 (79) refs.*

*- linked with SUne-sis (the critical faculty of understanding,
intelligence) and*

*- PHROne-sis (the right use of the mind, PHREN) are particular
applications of soPHIa.*

*- through Wisdom, God grants miracle insight to apply knowledge, MAT
21:23-32; 22:15-22.*

*- the Word of Wisdom is LOgos from eREo - 329 (4075) references.*

*- and Jesus is the LOgos according to John 1:1. The Father from His mind
reveals His thoughts; the Son as the Word declares this; the Spirit as the
executive, causes it to come to pass. See Genesis 1.*

 *2. Word of KNOWLEDGE - GNOsis, from giNOsko* - 29 (448) references*

*- In the New Testament, it refers especially to the knowledge of

*- It also refers to the subjective knowledge of God: which can only be
known by a miracle of revelation.*

*- By the reference to a Word of knowledge, it indicates that but a
fragmentof knowledge is released -
Romans 8:14.*

*- Here are two examples of the Word of Knowledge: MAT 17:24-27; Acts

 *3. FAITH - PIstis, from PEItho* - 244 (711) references*

*- A firm persuasion that God’s revelation will come to pass.*

*- A conviction based on hearing the word of the Spirit (REma), ROM 8:14;

*- The gift lying behind miracles; casting out of demons, Mark 11:20-25.*

*- Distinguish between faith as a gift; a virtue, 2 PET 1:5; a fruit, GAL
5:22; a unity, EPH 4:5; the armor of God, EPH 6:16; a foundation, HEB 6:1.*

 *4. Gifts of HEALINGS - IAma, from IAo-mai* - 3 (41) references*

*- A special Gift - CHAris-ma from CHAIro* - 17 (401) references.*

*- Used of physical treatment 25 times; used in Luke 15 times.*

*- Used figuratively of spiritual healing also; In James 5:16, perhaps for

*- The gift is distinguished from James 5:16 with elders - and in Mark
16:15-20 for all believers.*

 *5. Workings of POWERS - DUna-mis, from DUna-mai* - 120 (392) references*

*- The inherent ability to perform anything.*

*- Distinguish this from e-xouSIa, the right to exercise power, John 1:12.*

*- “Signs following” comprise an integral part of the Gospel, Mark 16:15-20.

 *6. PROPHECY - pro-pheTEIa, from eREo* - 19 (4076) references*

*- Speaks forth the mind and counsel of God.*

*- Distinguish between the gift of prophecy and the office of prophet,
Ephesians 4:11.*

*- Builds up - stirs up - cheers up, 1 Corinthians 14:3.*

*- Gives life to dead bones, Christians and churches, + the nation Israel
at Christ’s return, Ezekiel 37:1-14.*

*- Declares a word of knowledge or revelation with anointing.*

 *7. DISCERNINGS of spirits - diAkri-sis, from KRIno* - 3 (581) references*

*- This is judging on evidence whether spirits are evil or of God.*

*- Discerning what is of the Holy Spirit in regard to prophecy, 1
Corinthians 14:29.*

*- Human spirits, flesh, natural man - have no sense.*

*- Evil spirits, angels of light - have no conscience.*

*- This gift comes between prophecy and tongues - an area open to Satan’s

 *8. Kinds of TONGUES - GLOSsa* - 50 (53) references*

*- Supernatural speaking in another language without its being learned -
Acts 2.*

*- Consists in recounting “the mighty works of God,” Acts 2:11, 1
Corinthians 14:2.*

*- An exercise in the gathering of local churches, 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28;
14:5, 13, 15, 26, 27, 29.*

*- Equal to prophecy when interpreted - 2 Corinthians 14:5.*

*- A method of self-edification - 1 Corinthians 14:4; Jude 20; Isaiah 28:11.

 *9. INTERPRETATION of Tongues - her-meNEIa, from HerMES* - 2 (23)

*- Who speaks in tongues is to pray for this gift also, 1 Corinthians 14:13.

*- An “interpretation” is not as rigid as a translation.*

 *NOTE**: Because “tongues and interpretation” is equal to prophecy -
according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 14 - then 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 can be
lined with the 7-fold Menorah (Candlestick), the third piece of furniture
in the Tabernacle of Moses. There are scores and eve**n 100’s of examples
of 7’s in the Bible. Many can be linked together, without forcing such

 *The Menorah sheds special light in the darkness of the Holy Place of the
Tabernacle. And since the veil was rent at the crucifixion of Jesus between
here and the Holiest - the two rooms of the Tabernacle of Moses and Temple
of Solomon - are now one! David prayed in Psalm 86:11 - “Unite my heart to
fear Your Name!” Our human spirit is represented by the Holy of Holies
where God dwells - and our soul by the Holy Place. Because of the rent
veil, you and I like David can receive a united heart, and have the power
for “the flesh” (body and soul) to be broken up. Our spirit becomes like a
train engine; our soul like the coal car - and our body like the caboose -
that has to merely follow along!*

 *To walk daily through the 7 pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle and
Temple, and make association with the 7 component parts of God’s “Organic
Laser-Telescope” (of which we can be a part) - is to have a basis for
prayer that can only please our Heavenly Father, who dwells above the
Cherubim and Mercy Seat. And our Friend - the Lord Jesus Christ - is at His
right hand, and is our “Covenant” - representing the Ark of the Covenant in
the Holy of Holies.*

 *Then when we follow the example of George Muller in seeking “Soul
Nourishment First” each morning, and realizing a “happy and peaceful soul”
at the beginning of each day - then truly the 7-fold Menorah is shedding
light on the Table of Bread, representing the 12 tribes of Israel, and the
12 Embryonic Revival Principles from the 1948 Visitation.*

 *So the Gifts of the Spirit indeed deliver a daily visitation at the
Lamp-stand - as part of our daily devotions.*

 *Early church believers, as soon as they entered the Kingdom of God,
immediately began to minister these 9-fold gifts. The “fruit of the Spirit”
of Galatians 5:22-23 takes longer to develop. But again, if we follow
through on George Muller’s example, we don’t have to wait as long as he did
to enter God’s “Halls of Highest Human Happiness”. When we recognize that
we are part of the Bride of Christ and His spiritual body - all the
happiness and peace we could ever desire - begins to flow our way!*

 *But let us remember - the Holy Spirit gives each of the “Gifts of the
Spirit” individually as He desires. It is a Sovereign act of God. He is the
Potter - we are the clay. He makes us and molds us as He will. We must
learn to leave all these decisions with Him!*

 *Like Jeremiah and Paul, before we were conceived, God knew us and
predestined us to be members of Christ’s body! We may not know who is the
good seed that bares 30, 60 and 100-fold - but our God does! And as we
share the good news of the Gospel - the Glad Tidings of Christ’s finished
redemptive and reconciling work - those whom God has foreknown,
willrespond. “As many as were ordained unto eternal life -
believed. George Muller and Charles Haddon Spurgeon saw this happen again
and again. We have too. You can also.*

 *At first George Muller called this a “devilish” doctrine. An older lady
challenged him: “Have you ever done a thorough Bible Study on this matter?”
When he acknowledged that he hadn’t - then she went on - “Please then do
not henceforth speak on this matter until you have done so!” He took this
in the right spirit, and discovered that 80% of all scriptures on this
subject dealt with it the way this sister had suggested. And the other 20%,
when looked at in the light of the 80%, soon fell into place.*

 *So - may this brief study on 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 - the Gifts of the
Spirit - be an encouragement, a motivation and a fulfillment for each one
of us.*

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