
Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Mon May 16 14:29:22 PDT 2011


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

May 16, 2011

 *DREAMS - 2011-05-16*

 Yesterday I received the following Email: -

 Greetings Dear Brother - This morning I was dozing, going in and out of
sleep when I experienced a short vision. I was crossing over a bridge and
saw, to my right, a group of five vultures attempting to eat a living,
wildcat kitten. The kitten was at the edge of the bridge precipice and a
sudden move away from her tormentors would be death as she would fatally
fall. I immediately awakened and the Lord asked me how I would save the
kitten. After pondering that question for a while the answer came to me. I
would be interested to know what you would do? Bless you and Marie - Texas.

 At my age (87) and time of life, I rarely move into dream and vision
interpretation anymore - even my own. I have felt the commission from the
Lord to prepare for printing the “Outlined Interlinear Greek NT for Laymen”
- and the “Through the Bible in a Year Daily Devotional” takes precedence
over this.

 I was about to suggest to my friend in Texas that he contact Adrian Beale
and Adam Thompson of Australia concerning this. Their book “Dreams - The
Divinity Code” - The Keys to Decoding Your Dreams and Visions - *<
www.thedivinitycode.org>* with the help of their “The Metaphor Dictionary” -
could bring confirmation.

 But I sensed the Holy Spirit saying - “In this case - would you like to ask
Me for the interpretation your friend has requested?” Following is in line
with the way I go about receiving dream and vision interpretation in which I
have moved this way in the past. I use what I call the “TTAQ” formula. For
“T” - I find a “Title” for the dream. For the second “T”, I seek its
“Theme”. For “A” - I look for the “feeling or emotion or affection” that
accompanies the dream. And for “Q” - I ask the Holy Spirit for His Insight
on it.

 So in line with this 4-fold formula, I asked the Holy Spirit for His
Insights. Immediately He reminded me of Joshua chapter 10. The Gibeonites
had just tricked Joshua in making a covenant treaty with them. Three days
later Israel discovered their trickery - but by then it was too late to
reverse the covenant witnessed by God. Shortly afterwards 5 kings of that
area turned against their former Gibeonite friends because of the Covenant
they now had with Israel. The Gibeonites immediately sent messengers to
Joshua - “O great covenant brother - please come and help us. 5 kings -
former friends of ours - are about to attack us.”

 Israel complained, “Why did you have to make a covenant with those God had
set for destruction?” Too late, Joshua said. We failed to consult Urim and
Thummim in this case, just as with Ai - and were deceived. But covenant is
covenant. We now have no recourse but to rescue the Gibeonites.

 Israel swiftly fell on the 5 kings and defeated them and saved the
Gibeonites - now their covenant friends. Furthermore - God performed one of
the greatest miracles in the Bible - at Joshua's command for the sun to
stand still, God heard and honored the voice of man! For almost a day the
sun stood still, until Joshua completed the full defeat of these 5 kings!

 This is what I heard the Holy Spirit say to me. The Gibeonites are the
wildcat kitten. The 5 kings are the 5 vultures. Joshua is the Lord's
representative in Israel to save the Gibeonites - the kitten.

 We are representatives of the Lord like Joshua, upon covenant basis - and
can *also* deliver all those in covenant relationship with us, even
Gibeonites by trickery - or wildcat kittens. Marie and I again and again
have seen victory on behalf of covenant friends under attack of Satan, his
angels, demons, and human cohorts.

 This is the interpretation of the Holy Spirit I believe God gave me for my
friend. Whether it confirms what he felt came to him, I do not know.

 But in the light of dreams and visions - see Joseph and Daniel on behalf of
Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar. Both of their interpretations did not come from
them, but from God. Nevertheless, the above 2 empire rulers highly honored
Joseph and Daniel, because they were *true* interpreters on behalf of God.

 Most dreams and visions are symbolical. Of the 40 or so recorded in
Scripture, this is true. The first 5 dreams of Matthew are literal - but
this is the exception rather than the rule. Parables and books like Daniel
and Revelation, are like dreams and visions, and require Holy Spirit insight
for us to understand.

 And we must notice that such interpretations from God are heavily laced
with Scripture. We need like George Muller to be *much* in the Word to be
accurate interpreters of the above. I fear that many are too glib and light
with dreams, visions, prophecy and scripture interpretation. The Holy Spirit
through James said, *“Be **not** many teachers (or interpreters), my
brethren, knowing that **we** (teachers and interpreters) shall
receive **greater
condemnation**” *James 3:1 (3:1-12). We will all appear before Christ one
day following His return - to answer at His B*E*ma Judgment Seat for deeds
like this done in the body! We need the “fear of God” in us as we deal with
His Word. Isaiah 66:2b (66:1-4) says, *“But to **this man** will I Jehovah
look, even to him that is **poor** and of a **contrite spirit**, and that **
trembles** at my word.” *This was Ivan Panin's favorite verse to guide him
in his attitude to God and the Bible.

 We need to remember Deuteronomy 18:20-22, *“But a prophet, that shall speak
a word **presumptuously** in my name, which I have not commanded him to
speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that same prophet
shall die. **21** And if you say in your heart, How shall we know the word
which Jehovah has not spoken? **22** when a prophet speaks in the name of
Jehovah, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which
Jehovah has **not** spoken: the prophet has spoken it **presumptuously**,
you shall not be afraid of him.” * One leader of a Presbytery meeting who
evidently missed the truth in his prophecy and was confronted by the pastor
of the church responded, “Well, you can't hit it all of the time!” How will
this man answer the Lord at His Judgment Seat?

 Carefully look at prophecies of OT & NT - dreams and vision interpretations
- and in the Bible you won't find a miss! These men walked in Isaiah 66:2b!

 God in Jeremiah, became very upset with dreamers and prophets who spoke of
the “Burden of the Lord”. God complained that He had not even *thought* of
the things they claimed He had revealed to them. God then spoke a severe
judgment upon all who spoke of the “Burden of the Lord”, and lightly spoke
in His Name what was false.

 I believe God is very soon in the Church about to take similar action
against those who speak lightly in His Name, and fail to see such words come
to pass. I noted down 40 such prophetic words that were accompanied with
dates. *Not one came to pass*! This is *promiscuous* prophesying and dream
interpretation. We are not to fear such! God's judgment upon such will be
far more serious.

 Back to the dream-vision above from Texas. I witness that this was a true
vision. Judge the interpretation I believe the Holy Spirit gave me on this.
I invite *all* my teachings and interpretations to be judged down here. I
would rather have errors pointed out so I can correct them now - than to
appear before Christ at His Judgment Seat and answer Him then!

 Sorry humanly speaking to give such a sober word. But from God's point of
view, I believe such is necessary. And for each of us who teach, prophesy
and interpret -*better* to hear and adjust and correct *now* - than to
ignorantly and innocently appear before Christ when it will be *then* too

 My guidance in all of this is - “Let *God* say what *He* wants to say - and
let the Bible mean what *it* wants to mean.”

 In conclusion - please do not send your dreams and visions to me for
interpretation. God has given me a commission to finish and see printed the
above two books. I scarcely interpret any of my own dreams in the light of
this. Use the TTAQ formula, and the Holy Spirit, who is no respecter of
persons, will answer you just as He does me. The Australian “Dream Book”
noted above can be a help also.

 Your sincere but careful friend - Jim Watt

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