Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One

(From: ROMANS #12 - 9:30-33)


9:30a What shall we say then? Ti oun eROUmen [2046]?


HOti ETHne, ta mediOkon-ta [1377] di-kai-oSUnen [1343],

That thenations, who followed not afterrighteousness,

kaTEla-ben [2638] di-kai-oSUnen, di-kai-oSUnen de ten ek PISte-os [4102]:

apprehended righteousness, even therighteousness which is of faith:

Is-raEL de, diOkon NOmon di-kai-oSUnes, eis NOmon [3551] ouk EPHtha-sen [5348].

31 but Israel, following after a law of righteousness, did not arrive at thatlaw.

d. 9:32a Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by works.

diA ti? HOti ouk ek PISte-os, all’ hos ex ERgon [2041].


proSEko-psan [4350] toLItho[3037] tou prosKOMma-tos; kaTHOS GEgrap-tai [1125],

They stumbled at the stone of ;stumbling; 33 even as itis written,

I-DOU, TIthe-mi [5087]en SiON LIthon prosKOMma-tos kai PEtran [4073]skanDAlou [4625]:

Lo, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence:

kai ho pisTEUon ep’ auTOou ka-tai-schunTHEse-tai [2617].

And who believes on him shall not be put to shame.

NOTE: (2007-10-31) Sixteen years ago today, Richard Gobble of Spokane took me with him as a partner to conduct a Leadership Conference in Maipu, a suburb of Santiago, Chile. At this same time God promoted Dennis Bennett of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church of Seattle to receive his Crown of Glory! For some 2000 years, Israel as a nation has been in the position of Romans 9:30-33. But times are changing, and the remnant of believers in Israel since 1967 has been increasing at an amazing rate. This is completely according to the prophetic scriptures. The nation has yet to be born again in a day at the Second Coming of their Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). The church can help speed this glad occasion, so close to the heart of God. He wants them not only back in His land entrusted to them, but in their land in peace!

Marie and I had the privilege of being in Israel June 6, 1992, the 25thAnniversary of the fall of Jerusalem back into the hands of Israel. Jesus prophesied that the generation alive in 1967 for this event, would not pass away till allthings would be fulfilled. And it was not only a marked year for this event, but both the Jewish Lunar year of Shavuot fell on this same date, and the Solar celebration of the Feast of Pentecost for the Church alsofell in 1992 on June 6th. Never before and never again will these 3 celebrations fall on the same date! One million Jews were visiting in Israel for the first of these 3 events.

The nations of the world did not and are not celebrating this first event. 2007 was the 40thAnniversary for the fall of Jerusalem back into the hands of Israel. The United Nations, United Europe and the United States do not recognize this. They do not put their embassies in Jerusalem. But Godrecognizes it, for it is HisLand, HisCity and Hisdoing! Look at Psalm 2 to see what God thinks of the machinations of the nations against Israel. He that sits in the Heavens laughs, and in His displeasure He will soon upbraid all nations who withstand His purposes for Israel.

However, the Scripture passage above, shows God’s graciousness to the church throughout the world’s nations, and this entire 3 chapter-passage explains His Wisdom and Grace towards both the church and Israel throughout these two millennia.

Daniel Juster revealed to the church in April of this year their high privilege and responsibility on behalf of Israel. There are six significant goals God has for the Messianic Jewish Movement. Intercession on their behalf on the part of the church can speed this up. And – not only does the church need to be grafted intelligently into her Jewish Roots – but likewise the Messianic Jewish Movement needs to be grafted into the two-Millennia-blessing of the church, which spiritually speaking, is Israel’s daughter.

Make no mistake. Many of the questions of both Israel and the church are clearly set forth in these 3 chapters. Here is the wisdom of God for both parties in these last days, just prior to the return of our joint Messiah. Then as we unite intelligently as One New Man – we will see the greatest and Most Awesome release of God’s Glory that the world has ever seen. J.A.W.

PS. Again, as a reminder. The transliterated Greek text above and its English translation from the Greek New Testament, was discovered by Ivan Panin in the late 19thand early 20thCentury. This Russian servant and saint of the Most High God, gave himself through 50 years of 100,000 hours to produce through Bible Numerics these two texts. He died in 1942 in Aldershot, Ontario, Canada without seeing any significant fruit from his labors. Nowis the time of his reaping.