Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One

(From: EPHESIANS #1 - 1:1-14)



PAUlos, aPOsto-los [652] ChrisTOU IeSOU di-A theLEma-tos [2307] TheOU,

Paul, apostle of Christ Jesus through God’s will,

tois haGIois [40] tois OUsin en E-PHEsokai piSTOIS en ChrisTOIeSOU:

to the saints that are at Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus:

CHAris [5485] huMIN kai eiREne[1515] aPO TheOU paTROS heMON kai KuRIou IeSOU ChrisTOU.

2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Eu-lo-geTOS [2128] ho TheOS kai paTER tou KuRIou heMON IeSOU ChrisTOU,

3Blessed the God and Father of our :Lord Jesus Christ,

ho eu-loGEsas heMAS en PAse eu-loGIa pneu-ma-tiKE[4152] en tois e-pou-raNIois[2132] en ChrisTO:

who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ:

kaTHOS e-xeLExa-to [1586] heMAS en auTOpro ka-ta-boLES [2602] KOSmou,

4 even as he chose us in him before the world’s foundation,

EInai heMAS haGIous kai aMOmous [299] ka-teNOpi-on auTOU en aGApe

that we be holy and without blemish before him in love

pro-oRIsas [4309]heMAS eis hui-o-theSIan [5206] diA IeSOU ChrisTOU eis auTON,

5 having foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself,

kaTA ten eu-doKIan [2107]tou theLEma-tos auTOU, eis Epai-non [1868] DOxes tes CHAri-tos auTOU,

according to the good pleasure of his :will, 6 to the praise of theglory of his :grace,

hes e-chaRIto-sen [5487]heMAS en toe-ga-peMEno:

which he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved:

en hoEcho-men ten a-poLUtro-sin [629] diA tou HAIma-tos [129] auTOU,

7in whom we have the redemption through his :blood,

ten Aphe-sin [859]ton pa-rap-toMAton [3900],kaTA to PLOUtos [4149]tes CHAri-tos auTOU,

the forgiveness of :trespasses, according to the riches of his :grace,

hes e-peRISseu-sen [4052] eis heMAS en PAsesoPHIa [4678] kai phroNEsei [5428],

8which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence,

gnoRIsas heMIN to musTEri-on [3466] tou theLEma-tos auTOU,

9 having made known to us the mystery of his :will,

kaTA ten eu-doKIan auTOU hen proEthe-to [4388] en auTO

according to his :good pleasure which he purposed in him

eis oi-ko-noMIan [3622] tou pleROma-tos [4138] ton kaiRON [2540],

10 unto a dispensation of the fullness of the seasons,

a-na-ke-pha-laiOsas-thai [346] to PANta en toChrisTO,

to sum up :all thingsin the Christ,

ta ePI tois ou-raNOIS, kai ta ePI tes ges; en auTOen hokai e-kleROthe-men [2820],

those upon the heavens, and those upon the earth; 11 in him in whom also we were made a heritage,

pro-o-risTHENtes [4309]kaTA PROthe-sin [4286] tou

foreordained according to the purpose of him

ta PANta en-erGOUNtos [1754]kaTA ten bouLEN [1012]tou theLEma-tos auTOU;

who works :all thingsafter the counsel of his :will;

eis to EInai heMAS eis Epai-non DOxes auTOU, tous pro-el-piKOtas [4276] en toChrisTO:

12 that we be unto praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in the Christ:

en hokai huMEIS, aKOUsan-tes ton LOgon [3056]tes a-leTHEIas,

13in whom you also, having heard the word of the truth,

to eu-agGEli-on [2098]tes so-teRIas [4991] huMON,- en ho, kai pisTEUsan-tes,

the gospel of your :salvation,- in whom, having also believed,

es-phraGISthe-te [4972]toPNEUma-ti tes e-pag-geLIas [1860] toHaGIo,

you were sealed with the Holy :Spirit of the promise,

HO es-tin ar-raBON [728] tes kle-ro-noMIas [2817] heMON,

14 which is an earnest of our :inheritance,

eis a-poLUtro-sin [629] tes pe-ri-poiEse-os [4047], eis Epai-non tes DOxes auTOU.

unto redemption of the possession, unto praise of his :glory.

NOTE: This letter by Paul is counted by many to be the high water mark of his writings. In it are 7 pictures of the church. In it Paul lays out the “One New Man” truth, of Jew and Gentile together making up the Church, the Body of Christ.

Chapter 1:3 is almost like a key verse or text for this letter. My professor of Church History at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary of Chicago loved this verse. He was a Norwegian Lutheran in his background. One day in Chapel he told 400 of us theologues – that when this verse opened up to him, he didn’t run – he flew!!

See if you can pick out the nine blessings in Christ in this passage. It is a passage so rich in what Christ has made available to us, and what we arein Christ, that perhaps only in eternity will we truly begin to appreciate the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This letter was a high point in revelation for George Hawtin of the 1948 Visitation in Northern Canada. The restoration of the 5-fold Ministries of Ephesians 4:11-12 gripped him mightily.

The armor of God for the Corporate Soldier of Christ in Ephesians 6 has been a challenge to many.

And remember – both our texts, Greek and Hebrew, have been established by God’s Numeric Phenomenon. Perhaps God sees Numerics as his fool-proof signature that prevents all false copying and counterfeiting.

I love this book, and the God of this book. In 1946 it was the first book that I outlined according to the paragraphing and sentence structure established by Bible Numerics and laid out in the Introduction of the Greek Numeric New Testament by Panin. It was what initially captivated me in 1945, and has led me to put in at least 40,000 hours of research on this challenging discovery by Ivan Panin. J.A.W.