Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One


- for Seven Component Laser Telescope Parts

( to produce the “Spiritual Star Wars” Effect)

- Plus the Twelve 1948 Embryonic Revival Principles

Plus the Nine Power-Enablements for the Laser Telescope

Plus Miscellaneous “Revival Books”


One. God's Bible Numeric Outlined Interlinear Greek NT - Greek & English texts prepared by I. Panin.

- This complete text with Notes - appears on our Website <www.2rbetter.org> under “Interlinear”.

A printed text will hopefully appear this year. Both of Panin's texts can be obtained for $25.00 each from Canada. Click on “Archives” on our Website, and then under 2011-01-20, Interlinear - #1 of 7, Reaching Unbelievers through Bible Numerics, you will find a link under Dr. Keith L. Brooks. Click on this, and you will find a list of present available books “by” or “on” Ivan Panin, and where they can be obtained.

We trust this year that the Interlinear copy on our Website will be available as a printed copy, hopefully for as low as $25.00. This would be an extraordinary low price if our printers can swing it.

Two. A functioning Presbytery or Eldership in the Gate of 70 City Churches in Canada, and 70 more in the US. See Roland Allen's Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours- and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church, and the Causes which Hinder. These books are possibly out of print, but often can be obtained

through “www.amazon.com” or through “www.Alibris.com”; also Watchman Nee The Glorious Church, and John Dawson, Taking Our Cities for God - How to break Spiritual Strongholds- a YWAM publication, based on observations from a city in Western Argentina. See City Church Presbytery Concept on our Archives (www.2rbetter.org) under date 2011-02-14.

Three. Prayer Multiplication - based on Covenant. See our Archives dated 2008-11-03; also our article there - Spiritual Star Wars” dated 2008-04-09. See here also - “Canada's Remnant, Awake” - 11-3-1995 for two of Pastor Cho's prophecies for Canada. See also “Share with me My Burden for Canada” - dated 2001-01-01.

Four. 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of 1948 to Maturity. See our Website under “Embryonics”. This Commission was given to me July, 1992, following our 3rdtrip to Israel. There is a release of power in this maturation process - to empower the functioning of God's Spiritual Laser Telescope. Already God has raised up leaders for this purpose in perhaps half of these revival principles.

Five. Meditation, Prayer and Faith. See “George Muller of Bristol” by Dr. A.T. Pierson. Out of the many biographies written on this man famous for his orphanage - this in my estimation is the chief and best. As a believer of ten years, his life took true direction as he read the biography of George Whitefield. There is an excellent biography on him available today by Arnold A. Wallimore - with a sub-title - “God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century”. It was written 1990, and I found it on “Amazon”. See Joshua 1:8 for a relevant verse on Bible Meditation, and also Psalm 1.

Six. Holy Spirit Possession. The ungodly and pagan surrender themselves to demon possession. Why shouldn't we voluntarily do so for the Holy Spirit? At the age of 26 “Rees Howells, Intercessor” by Norman P. Grubb - a Christian Literature Crusade publication of 1951 - and still in print - did so! This book has had a profound influence on my life.

Seven. A Major Focus on our Lord Jesus Christ. Oswald Chambers in “My Utmost for His Highest” has done yeoman's duty in making this vision clear. “Personal Passionate Devotion to Jesus”, is a key recurring phrase. His biography in 1993 by David McCasland is a classic - “Oswald Chambers - Abandoned to God”, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Mich. This is one of the few but transforming books in my life.

For those serious about being an integral part of God's Laser Telescope for their City, Town or Village, an understanding of the above 7 points - both individually and corporately - cannot be passed over. With “Eternity's Values in view”- it is a smallprice to pay. It seems the Lord places #1 priority on the “Interlinear Outlined Greek New Testament” - check it out on our Website under “Interlinear”.

II. Biographical helpsfor THE 12 EMBRYONIC REVIVAL PRINCIPLES OF 1948. First of all, check out “Embryonics” on our Website <www.2rbetter.org> . At the strong pressure of Richard Long of Ottawa, I wrote them up in 2000 AD, and then added to them the 12 Prayer Outlines. They need up-to-date editing, but they will still be a help. Here are a few Helps for Each, in order of the 12 stones on the Breastplate worn by Israel's High Priest.

One. Judah. Jesus is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah”, and is represented by the gospel of Matthew. It is especially designed to be a witness to Jewish believers, and quotes the OT regularly. Dr. Daniel Juster has books that will be a great help. He is a leader of one of the main Messianic Jewish Movements, and resides in Israel. See Tikkun Ministries Int'l - <www.tikkunministries.org>. Judah means praise. “The Heavenly Choir” as first experienced by Mrs. Maria Woodworth Etter, and then restored in Edmonton, Alberta in the 1948 Visitation in October, can be associated with Judah. African-Americans have a way of leading us back into intimate worship with God. “We nowovercome” - is one of these choruses.

Two. Issachar. - link this with “Sensitivity, faithfulness and obedience”. It was a key in the 1948 Visitation. The First Nations People exhibit these truths admirably. Like Benjamin who brought forth Paul - we need this culture group and the Revival Principle they share.

Richard Twiss - One church, Many Tribesplus Dancing Our Prayers- <www.wiconi.com>

Suuqiina & Quamaniq - Warfare by Honor- a walk in Protocol - is extremely helpful - <ndigenus@cs.com>

Three. Zebulun - means dwelling -God would have us learn how to abide in Him as in John 15:1-16. “J. Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret” - was just this! See “Brother Yun, The Heavenly Man” with Paul Hattaway, 2002, <www.backtoJerusalem.com>

Four. Reuben. - Our Jewish Rootsby Dr. Daniel Juster - insightful - See Tikkun Ministries under Judah.

Five. Simeon - means “hearing”. As Jesus spoke and did only what he heardfrom His Father, so the Holy Spirit speaks and does what He hearsfrom Jesus. And we too are to be intimate with Him, that we hearand do, like Rees Howells, Intercessor - See Point six under Laser Telescope.

Six. Gad. Means Troop. Associated with Fasting- one of the key principles restored in 1948. It is also associated with warfare, Elijah and the Armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-20. See “God's Shield of Protection” by Pastor Mike Servello - <www.mzm.org> - God put a hedge about Job and was a shield unto him. Because He is no respecter of persons, you and I can press in for Him to do for us likewise.

Derek Prince - God's Chosen Fast- is one of the most helpful of books on this subject of fasting. See what Mahatma Gandhi accomplished through fasting, though an unbeliever.

Seven. Ephraim - Double Fruitfulness - through Joshua 1:8 and meditation. This is a powerful verse, linked with Ephraim's father Joseph.

Eight. Manasseh - Inner Healing - See Nouthetic Counseling. Means “forgetfulness” - helped his father Joseph to forget the evil of his 10 brothers, and became for them a Deliverer, as well as for Egypt. The new nation of Israel through Jacob was made possible through Joseph and Manasseh.

Nine. Benjamin - Benjamin means - Son of my right hand - and many have seen him as associated with “Team spirit”. How we need this principle restored in 1948, but with a need to be brought to maturity in our day.

Ten. Dan - Quick and forthright judgment - seen in the US and Canada - means judge- Jesus will return as Judge- King of kings and Lord of lords.

Eleven. Asher - Blessed - Beatitudes - Healing following casting out of demons. William Branham was a demonstration of this - a “sign-post” as it were. Pray that each of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles will have a leader raised up like a sign-post - to demonstrate the maturity and importance of this principle.

Some Latin American countries have demonstrated this remarkably.

Twelve. Naphtali - a “wrestler” - It takes this spirit to perfect the Presbytery and Eldership functioning in the Gate of each city. Kenya, where Derek Prince labored for a time, is beginning to demonstrate this principle. Nicolas Bhengu, a Zulu that brought blessing to 20 South African nations, demonstrated by 3000 churches of 600 members each raised up, plus one of 6000.

Levi - not counted with the 12, yet through Aaron bound all 12 together - the glue holding the 12 together by covenant. Tabernacle and Temple Liturgy came from Levi. Moses as the apostle, Aaron as the prophet, and the 3 clans of Levites represent the 5-fold ministry of Ephesians 4:11-12. Next to the restored Presbytery concept in 1948, this was a continued emphasis.

A book has recently been written on this: “Are these the Missing Pieces” to Sustaining a Move of God - by Russell J. & Bonnie J. Snyder - <www.rusbonresources.com> - It can be helpful these last days. I am believing for Japan to manifest these principles before Jesus' return.

III. Undergirding Empowerment for the Laser Telescope. See “Empowering the Laser Telescope” under Archiveson on Website <www.2rbetter.org> dated 2011.02.25.

One. Prayer Multiplication.See “Archives” under our Website dated 2008-11-03. I believe this will prove helpful.

Two. LOgos to REma - I received this insight by personal word studies on LOgos (321 references in Strong's Concordance) and 69 for REma - 4 ½ to one. Keep a steady hand on LOgos, especially John 1:1 with Jesusas the LOgos. Under REma, especially Mary to Gabriel in Luke 2:38b - “Be it unto me according to your REma word!” There is a release of power when we meditate on the written LOgos word - and see it transformed to a REma-spoken Word.

Three. Dreams and Visions. Please see our Archives dated 2009-06-12 - The Website for the book from Australia referred to is <www.thedivinitycode.org>

Four. Incubation. Dr. David Yonggi Cho has a book referring to this, based on Hebrews 11:1 - “Faithis the assuranceof things hoped for.” In the process of bringing this faith to reality, there is power released aiding in this empowerment.

Five. Gift(do-reA) of the Spirit. “Rees Howells, Intercessor” by Norman P. Grubb clearly lets us see how such empowerment came to Mr. Howells when he allowed the Holy Spirit to possesshim.

Six. Presbytery. Read the notes on this in the article referred to at the beginning of the 9-fold list.

Seven. Hands. Habakkuk 3:3-4. For those like Jesus called into this ministry, there is an unusual release of empowerment for those obeying their calling.

Eight. Joy- Again- rather than repeat the notes on the article above, kindly refer to it there.

Nine. Beatitudes. (the same)

Ten. Embryonics to Maturity. This is not listed as one of these, but well could be. As each of these 12 Embryonic Revival Principles is brought to maturity, the empowerment release becomes 12-fold. A group of 5-8 praying in the Gate of their city, will see the effective use of them as Hisorganic Laser Telescope for “Spiritual Star Wars”.

Conclusion - one can easily find 2 more power-enablements, to bring the total here to 12.


One. “Revival” - Its Present Relevance & coming Role at the End of the Age - by Dr. Wes Adams & Rhonda Hughey. John Wesley Adams (Ph.D., Baylor), a biblical scholar, is co-author and chief revision editor or the internationally translated Life in the Spirit Study Bible(Zondervan) and author of The Fire of God's Presence. His pursuit of revival includes extensive study, teaching and intercession for over 40 years. God's fire burns in his heart for great revival in this generation. Wes resides in Grandview, MO. Rhonda Hughey served as leader in the transforming revival movement for over 16 years. Dr. J. Edwin Orr is one of the chief authorities on revival they constantly quote. Dr. Orr is one of my mentors starting in 1944, and I highly recommend the above volume. See <www.fusionministry.com> for further information.

Two. Jim Ray - The Tabernacle Tour”: Face to Face with God- <http://www.thetabernacletour.com>

In 1944 I sat under the ministry of Lee Ellenwood of California. He visited Vancouver Island, BC, both in Victoria and Port Alberni. His lectures on the Tabernacle still stand with me to this day. Now my friend Jim Ray has taken it a step further. You will find his tabernacle devotional tour one which will help you daily to walk in increasing intimacy with God.

Three. Ray Johnson - “The Last Days Bible”, Life Messengers. The New Testament from “The Last Days Bible” was published in 1999. It is the personal translation of Ray Johnson with Notes. It is a captivating version with prophetic and other notes that answers your deepest questions. Ken Taylor of “The Living Bible”, testified that it brought with it a strong sense of the presence of God. Both my wife and I and one of our grandsons confirm that evaluation. Just before his death at 98, Ray Johnson completed his translation of the OT with notes. His son, who has taken his place as President of Life Messengers - is with members of us as a board, in the process of editing it for completion and printing. Your prayers will be appreciated. Go to <www.lastdaysbible.org> for ordering information. Ray Johson's 170 million booklets caught our attention in Illinois in 1955, and when we relocated in Washington State, we made contact with the author, and in the 90's I became a member of his Life Messenger Board. For information on Life Messengers, Contact “Last Days Bible, 3153 Walker Road, DuPont WA 98327.


Very early on Tuesday March 1, 2011 - 4:00 am to be exact - I received a visitation from the Lord - a very clear word to me personally.

Watch your studies”, He said. “Without care, you can be in the flesh - they can become an idol, instead of a word in the Spirit. Even the above Bibliography - if not guarded - can lead this way.

However, there isan effective solution, that if walked in by you and your hearers, will protect you from this danger. Then there is the other ditch: if you walk in the Spirit without the clear balance of the Word, you can end up in heresy as did George Hawtin with Ultimate Reconciliation, British Israel, Replacement Theology, and extreme manifestation of the sons of God.” See <www.reason-for-hope.com> - here Dr. John Roddam as Talk-host - interviews my wife Marie and myself on Documenting the pros and cons of the 1948 Visitation. We need the balance of both positive and negatives in every move of God.

There are 7 men, that if followed corporately, will completely save you from falling into either ditch. You can then maintain a walk of balance on the safe roadway.”

One. Jesus, the Son of :God and the Son of man. See His answers and questions in the Temple at the age of 12 for His bar-mitzah. Many Jewish boys memorized the entire Torah, the Pentateuch, the 5 books of Moses - at this time. By the age of 18, numbers had memorized the entire 39 books of the OT (24 in the Hebrew Bible). It seems most likely that Jesus did so. By the age of 30, a Jewish man like Jesus was considered mature. He entered his ministry at this age, just as Joseph did in Egypt at this same age. Jesus gave to Paul by revelation the insight concerning the 27 NT “mysteries” following his conversion, in his 3 year time in the Arabian desert.

Jesus was always early in prayer with His Father, and not one word He spoke, or one miracle He performed - but was under the oversight of His Father. Hewas a perfect servantas the Son of man! Three times from Heaven His Father audibly witnessed, “Thisis My Beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased. HearHim!”

And Jesus said in Mark 8:34, If any man would follow Me, let himdeny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me!”

Two. Paul. Paul said, Follow me, as Ifollow Christ. Clearer words couldn't be spoken. Also, Paul mastered the Word in a spiritual manner following his conversion. Muchtime he spent over the Word in prayer and meditation. Devotionally, he prayed in the spirit, in tongues, more thanany of the disciples he won to Jesus - or his fellow-workers. Dr. Cho of Korea believed this was a critical key to his usefulness in the hands of Jesus. Praying in tongues to the Father in Jesus' Name builds one up in the spirit - enables one to pray mysteries - and maintains one in intimacy with God.

All 14 books of the NT authored by Paul, are the words of Christ, notPaul's words (1 Corinthians 14:37) except for a few verses in 1 Corinthians 7, where he received permission from the Lord to insert his personal thoughts.

Three. Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England. This man with but a grade 3 education, literally memorized the entire NT. He told Dr. David duPlessis of S. Africa - that if he were put in prison with only paper and pen, “I daresay I could reproduce the entire NT, even to the correct punctuation marks!”

After 20 years of ministry, in which some believe 2 million souls came to Christ, and tens of thousands were healed - he felt at liberty to tell the secret why God used him. He reported that he prayed in the spirit - in tongues - at least 4 hours every day - over the Word. Secondly - whenever God spoke to him concerning an act of obedience - he did not immediately obey. Always, he withdrew if possible, and let the entire Word of God swiftly pass through his mind. If oneBiblical truth did not agree with the word of the Spirit, he would leave it. If both the Spirit and the Word agreed - he immediately obeyed! He knew God could trust him to do His will at any time because of this practice!

In 1944 his book, “Ever Increasing Faith” was given to me. It had a profound effect upon me at the year of my conversion - and still has to this day.

Four. “Brother Yun, the Heavenly Man” of China, co-authored with Paul Hattaway. Brother Yun memorized many complete books of both OT and NT. He put much of it to music and song, and taught his Chinese converts to sing the Word of God by chapter and books. He slipped in his intimacy with God 3 times, by putting his ministry ahead of his intimacy with the Lord. Each time God let him be imprisoned. There by suffering and witnessing to fellow prisoners, he was each timerestored to intimacy with God again.

Five. George Muller of Bristol. He arose at 4:30 am for his devotional time with God. The last 10 years or so of his life he read the complete Bible 4-5 times each year on his knees, praying over it, and meditating upon it. The first 10 years of his life was like a yo-yo. But when he read the biography of George Whitefield, he too commenced reading the Bible on his knees and meditating upon it. Thistransformed his life, and led in 50,000 prayers answered exactly according as was prayed, bringing in $8 million before 1900, supporting 10,000 orphans plus muchmore, and never onceletting a single human being know of the needs! He prayed much both individually andcorporately.

Six. Rees Howells. At 26, 2 years following his conversion, he acceded to the request of the Holy Spirit, and permitted Him to possesshim. Following that decision and transaction, his life becomes a legend. He raised up 120 fellow intercessors during World War II days, and 6 unusual answers to prayer brought the defeat of Hitler and Nazism. Don't take my word for it. Read “Rees Howells, Intercessor” by Norman P. Grubb, 1951, Christian Literature Crusade, and like me - you'll neverbe the same again!

Seven. Oswald Chambers. At 26 he fully surrendered his life to Christ at Dunoon, Scotland. From this, an amazing fruitfulness came by Christ through his life. He died at 43, having produced 50 books, 47 published posthumously by his widow, Biddy. In his “My Utmost for His Highest,” close to the beginning, appears a daily devotional entitled “Have you had a White Funeral”? OC did. He balanced the Word and the Spirit, up every day at 5:30 for his time with God.

All seven of the above, did notmake “Studies” an idol. For OC, Jesus and the Father were his continual focus.

So - yes - See the above Bibliography list - OC would approve. But- keep the balance, and focus on intimacy. Than both you andI will be safe from becoming in the flesh. Jim Watt