Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One


                                                                            - RUSSIA'S GIFT TO CHRISTIANITY -

As we attempt to capture the essence of this remarkable man and his enormous contribution to the cause of Christ, a sense of frustration is immediately encountered because of unyielding constraints the need for brevity forces upon us. Many books have been devoted to what we must condense, but we encourage the reader to further investigate the discoveries of Dr. Panin through that which has been written by him and about him. (Book list and ordering information is available on www.2rbetter.org. At the close of the Introduction under “Interlinear”, is a “URL”. Click on Dr. Keith L. Brooks in this article, and all of this will appear.)

Ivan Panin was born in Russia on December 12, 1855 and as a young man he was an active Nihilist, one who was so "turned off" by the inane circumstances surrounding him that he adopted the attitude that all values were worthless and nothing was knowable or communicable. He apparently detested the Czarist government so much that he participated in various plots against it and eventually was forced into political exile. From there he moved to Germany where he spent a number of years furthering his education. When he left Germany he immigrated to the United States and soon entered Harvard University where he became the personal friend of both the famous professor William James and the University's President Eliot.

Mr. Panin was a brilliant scholar and a Master of Literary Criticism. After graduating from college he became an outstanding lecturer on the subject of literary criticism and toured the country speaking on Carlyle, Emerson, Tolstoy, Russian literature, etc., receiving up "top dollar" for each address; which shows us the caliber of his talent. His lectures were delivered on college campuses and to exclusive literary clubs in many cities of the United States and Canada. And during those years of travel and exposure to the public, Mr. Panin became widely known as a confirmed agnostic. so well known, in fact, that when he renounced agnosticism and embraced Jesus Christ, several newspapers carried banner headlines announcing his conversion! Upon hearing of this remarkable turn of events, Professor James, who was reputed to be the greatest Metaphysician of his day remarked, "What a pity that Mr. Panin is cracked on religion. A great philosopher was spoiled in him."

Prior to his life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, Mr. Panin wrote some three thousand aphorisms (brief statements of principle) and many outstanding essays, which stand today as a memorial to his days as a Master of Literary Criticism. He also was an editor of two daily newspapers, a gifted writer, and an eloquent speaker.

What event made this brilliant and gifted man. one firmly convinced that absolute truth ("God") was unknowable. change his mind? What so challenged his intellect and shook him to the very core of his being, that he was left with no alternative but belief in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior? The answer is this: He made THE SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY THAT SHOULD HAVE SHAKEN THE ENTIRE WORLD! (The fact that it has not yet done so and has been quietly disregarded by those who should have been its greatest advocates, is one of the great mysteries of our time!)

One day in 1890, Mr. Panin was casually reading the first verse of the Gospel of John in the original Koine Greek. This verse, in the original, says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and the Word was God." And as he read this sentence, his curiosity was stirred by the fact that the definite article "the" preceded "God" in the first instance, but not the second. Why the difference? To analyze this apparent discrepancy, he made a parallel list of all verses in the New Testament in which the word "God" occurs with the article "the" and all those without it. Then when he compared the two lists he noted that there was a mathematical relationship between the two sums. Next, he went through the same procedure for the word "Christ" and on through several other words. each time taking note of the amazing numeric relationships hidden beneath the surface of the text. This "chance" observation would later prove to have been a life-changing event as Ivan Panin enthusiastically pursued the newly-found and exciting discovery he later named "Bible Numerics."

As these discoveries began to unfold, one after another, Mr. Panin quickly came to the realization that they were far more than just coincidence. There was a mathematical precision inherent to the entire Bible that no mere mortal could have devised and his intellectual objections relative to an unknowable God were overruled! Jesus Christ revealed Himself through His Word to this "chosen vessel" and, like the apostle Paul and a host of others, Ivan Panin was never the same man again.

From that day in 1890 until he died on October 30, 1942, Ivan Panin literally devoted his life (over 50 years) to fully developing this discovery and preserving it for the world. It is said of him that he worked tirelessly for 12-18 hours each day counting letters and words, compiling hand-written concordances, and working out mathematical problems. He worked with such zeal that on several occasions his health completely failed. But in spite of the tremendous mental and physical strain this placed upon him, he labored without pay, giving himself entirely to this labor of love. At one point he was offered the very tempting position as president of a college, but he turned it down trusting God to provide for his needs. This man whom the world would gladly pay "top dollar" for a lecture, chose a life of frugality in order to serve his Master by counting words, letters, syllables, and Bible numbers. preserving his findings in neat, hand-written notes now yellowed with age, all 40,000+ pages of them!

The following is a description of Dr. Panin by Mr. Karl Sabiers, in his book "Mathematics Prove Holy Scriptures." It was originally published in 1941, while Mr. Panin was still alive:

"This distinguished person is a man of extra-ordinary resources in scholarship. He is keen-minded and alert and possesses amazing analytical and dissecting ability. He is eminently open and scientific. He assumes nothing, but bases all on observed facts: facts of a positive, irrefutable, unparalleled sort. He pursues his way with calmness and is positive of the ground he covers. He is a complete master of himself and of the facts at his command.

"Mr. Panin is an ardent and devout Christian, a 'born again' child of God. His pleasing personality radiates the abiding presence of the Christ within. This refined gentleman and his lovely wife live quiet, humble lives on a small Canadian farm, far removed from the busy city activities. Mr. Panin is very modest and conservative. He prefers to be called Mr. Panin rather than Dr. Panin, and is reluctant about publicizing facts concerning his own life story. He points out that the Apostles left little or no life stories of themselves, but exalted Christ instead. Incidentally, Mr. Panin is a citizen of the United States."


In order to gain a proper understanding of the enormity of Dr. Panin's work, we must realize that he "started from scratch", so to speak. The mathematical precision required of his labors necessitated reference works that for all intents and purposes were non-existent! The first thing he had to do was compile a library of "tools" with which to work and he had to make them himself. Try to imagine if you can, the extreme difficulty that Dr. James Strong encountered in compiling his "Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible," where each and every word of consequence in the entire Bible was carefully noted, recorded, collated, etc., while corresponding Hebrew and Greek definitions (with assigned numbers) were given as well.

Yet, this Herculean task does not measure up to that task which confronted Dr. Panin! He had to compile his own unique concordance before he could begin work! Not only did the words of the original Greek texts have to be arranged into a systematic and workable concordance, but a very special concordance as that one in which each letter of the respective language was meticulously recorded, along with its numerical equivalent. The Hebrew and Greek cultures did not have a separate alphabet and numbering system as we do today. Their alphabet was also their numbering system, each letter having a corresponding number associated with it. So their calculations were actually manipulations of the various letters of the alphabet. (We will not attempt to give illustrations of these alphabets, or tables reflecting their respective values, deferring instead to the various authors' books which list them.)

Additionally, vocabularies and other Bible analyses had to be compiled with a special view to absolute accuracy, down to the smallest detail. The first result was a thousand-page concordance listing every one of the 137,903 occurrences of the New Testament Koine Greek words. They are all in alphabetical order and every reference to chapter and verse is neatly listed beneath each word in hand-written entries. The reason this was made necessary was the fact that the very best Greek concordances in print at that time were just too inaccurate for Dr. Panin' s purposes! Next, Dr. Panin felt the need for a concordance listing all of the various forms of the Greek words, so he created another concordance of 2000 pages. twice as large as the first! Six years of tedious and time-consuming labor were required for these two "tools".

After that, other books containing the vocabulary words of the Greek New Testament were also compiled, in which each word was listed along with 16 columns of numeric data related to that word. Four columns containing the order number, place value, numeric value, etc. precede each word. Behind each word are 12 columns containing the number of occurrences, number of forms, syllables, letters, writers, books, diphthongs, etc. The completion of the vocabulary required an additional two years. But through all of the years of tedious and mentally taxing labor, Dr. Panin was not the only one who did not receive a salary; all of the secretarial assistance he received was done voluntarily as well.

The result of this lifetime of effort was a "NUMERIC GREEK NEW TESTAMENT" and a "NUMERIC ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT", both of which are commendable and scholarly pieces of work. The concise text of both testaments were established by means of the numeric designs discovered by Dr. Panin. designs that completely and literally permeate the whole of Scripture.


At this point we probably need to explain why this would have been deemed necessary in the first place. And why just the New Testament? Wouldn't the Old Testament require this same type of revision as well? Let's answer the question about the Old Testament first. The Old Testament Scriptures were given by God through the pens of various men chosen by Him and were confined to the nation of Israel. The copying and transmission of these writings were handled, for the most part, by religious professionals and done under the most rigorous rules imaginable. Each line and each page had a numerical equivalent attached to it, the sum of the individual letters, and absolutely no mistakes were tolerated. If, for any reason a single line or page did not "add up" properly, it was discarded and burned. The task was approached with the greatest of reverence and it has been said that if the scribe encountered any of the numerous names of God, he would put down his pen, take a bath, change clothes, get a new quill pen and then very reverently write down the name. If the name of God came up in the same verse, he would go through the whole procedure again! With such scrupulous and meticulous care taken by professional scribes, we can see how the Old Testament was passed down to us with only a very few, and relatively minor, errors.

However, the New Testament is another matter entirely. Most of the original manuscripts were sent as letters to various individuals and churches, where copies were often made and passed on to others. Those who wished to have copies for their own use, either paid semi-professional copyists to do it, or often did it themselves. Little care was taken to maintain strict accuracy and many times just the kernel of the information was recorded. Persecution of Christians was commonplace and therefore any copying done had to be done quickly. Some copies were the result of personal recollection being written down, while others were made from the recitations of those who had heard the words spoken by a preacher. Because of this desire for and love of the Word, over a period of time quite a hodge-podge of manuscripts were floating around the Christian world. And at some point along the way, the original "autographs" the actual documents penned by the apostles and others were lost entirely. This was obviously God's intent, because depraved men would doubtless have given an inordinate amount of attention to them (bordering on worship)! They would have worshiped a version of the Bible, rather than the Creator!

To determine the exact wording of the originals, their chronology, and even if they were Scripture or not, educated and godly men had to compare the available texts with each other and against the Old Testament Scriptures quoted by them, to determine authenticity as well as accuracy of text. They did such a wonderful job, that over the years the New Testament Scriptures were settled with a very high degree of confidence and no doctrine left in doubt. Yet, the scholars still could not come to 100% agreement and a few relatively minor places in the Old Testament were debatable. To a certain degree this problem still exists today, but according to the findings of Dr. Panin, all question has been removed and the bickering should cease immediately! The whole of Scripture, down to the last "jot and tittle" has been determined through Bible numerics and as it turns out, precious little needed to be changed anyway! What is so amazing is that this final determining factor was published nearly sixty years ago, but Protestant leadership have ignored it. Yes, I know that "the powers that be are ordained of God" and God can certainly open their eyes any time He chooses to do so. Perhaps this is the time?

What is the so-called "heptadic" structure that Dr. Panin discovered? Simply stated it is this: Bible Scripture, both Hebrew and Greek. where the numbers equivalent with the letters are added up properly. at some point: word, sentence, paragraph, or chapter, will always be divisible by the number seven! And, beyond this, utilization of "place numbers" determines punctuation as well as proper chronology of the various books. This mathematical phenomena occurs and reoccurs only in Holy Scripture and thus rules out all that is spurious. For instance, the "Apocrypha", the fourteen books written during the 400 year "inter-testament" period between Malachi of the Old Testament and Matthew of the New, have no numerics whatsoever and are thereby revealed as being merely of man. Numerous Greek classical writings have also been checked with no evidence of Bible numerics found. Thus Dr. Panin determined that Scripture and only Scripture has this numeric "signature of Divinity" within it.


To his credit, Dr. Panin actively sought men whose academic credentials would qualify them to serve as his critics, but few even bothered to respond and those who did offered no rebuttal whatever. To this day, no one has come forward with any substantive rebuttal arguments and if any were possible, we feel that Satan would have rolled them out long before now! For that reason we are constrained to re-issue the challenge made by Dr. Panin three quarters of a century ago. The importance of this subject dictates that it should be totally acknowledged by the Christian academic community or else conclusively proven false and discarded. If it is valid, (and we believe that it is) to continue to ignore it would be unthinkable because the harmful division now taking place in the body of Christ over textual issues has gone on entirely too long.


Interestingly enough, one of the main issues that keeps on surfacing in the "Which Bible is Scripture" debacle centers on the persons of Wescott and Hort. the nineteenth century mystical editors of the Greek text that provides the foundation for what some are calling the "modern perversions of the Bible". About these men's work, Dr. Panin had nothing but praise! Here is what he had to say about the value of their work:

"Without the aid of Wescott and Hort I could not have really done my work, because the text of the Authorized Version from my point of view -- not from the point of view of salvation or doctrine even, but from the textual point of view -- the text of the Authorized Version was useless to me, and for this reason: it has too many inaccuracies for my special purpose. Erasmus, for example, who was the Editor of the first Greek text in print was very anxious to get ahead of the Roman Catholic scholars who were issuing a Bible of their own; and he was in such a hurry that he used one MS. [manuscript] for the Book of Revelation and the last page of Revelation was missing in that MS. So what do you suppose Erasmus did? He simply concocted his own Greek for that page; he took the Latin Vulgate and translated it into his own Greek! So that the last page of the Authorized Version is a translation of Erasmus into Greek of a Latin inaccurate translation itself! Now, you and I wish to have an inspired page of the Bible, not one man's mere guessage. The Received Text has a great many suspicious readings of that kind. They do not affect doctrine or conduct seriously, because the great blessing of the Word of God is like the Lord Himself; if you only touch the hem of His garment, you can be made whole. God has seen to it that His blessed Book, no matter how distorted it is in any language sometimes the missionaries are at their wits end to know how to translate the word "God" nevertheless, the Word of God is so full of spiritual power, that if we only get the fringe of it to them, those dear heathen can be converted by it. But you and I wish to have the last page of Revelation as it was truly the inspired Word of God. Wescott and Hort based all their work largely on the Vatican and Sinai MSS., and decided that wherever the two MSS. agreed, that should generally settle the reading. Well, you know, there has been some doubt cast upon the Sinai MSS., because a very shrewd Greek copied a great many MSS. and tried to foist his own MSS. on the folk, so that has left a cloud on the Sinai MSS., and some people see fit to cast doubt on it even now, when there is the question as to whether the British Government did wisely to take part in its acquisition ... I have analyzed the Greek words for the Sinai and Vatican Codexes. I have here page after page of the numerics of those words in Greek. Whenever we wish to study numerics relating to our own affairs or life or anything else, we must always remember that the language in which God wishes us to count is Greek, because He left the name of the anti-christ in Greek. You and I will have to stand the test when anti-christ comes. The Holy Spirit has given us warning. "Be sure not to receive this mark of the beast upon you," because it will be the number of the beast upon ourselves. The Holy Spirit warns us that he is 666, that is, in Greek. You and I have to go to numerics in Greek when we wish to prove the correctness of a passage. The three words show striking numerics. There is a system there of sevens and nines at once on the blackboard. I have here page after page of the numerics of those three words. The Sinai Codex has a separate scheme of its own and the Vatican Codex has a separate scheme of its own."

"That is how God has set His seal on His book; so that by the aid of the text presented to us by Wescott and Hort, I was able to verify everything they stated, and verify all the doubtful readings, so that those two great MSS. can be established in such a way that no one can attack their authenticity. This is the testimony of numerics as to any aspersion on the Sinai Codex."

"My prayer is simply this. That God may make that blessed Book of His as precious to you as He has made it to me. It has been an inexpressible joy in my life to work these things out, simply because of the testimony of the majesty and the marvel of the loving-kindness of God vouchsafed in this Book unto our charge. Pray for me, and may the Lord bless you." (Ivan Panin, "Bible Numerics", pp.25-27, emphasis in the original).

From these statements made by Dr. Panin himself, he expresses an indebtedness to Messrs. Wescott and Hort for their work in editing a Greek text that, for the most part, stands up to the test of Bible numerics. However guilty these two men may have been in their involvement with the occult, that involvement should not. in and of itself. mean that the Greek texts they edited were thus rendered unacceptable. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" and Dr. Panin testifies that their work stands the numeric test! A diamond is still a diamond even if it is found in a mud-hole.


To demonstrate the validity of Bible Numerics, to illustrate its worth where textual matters are concerned, and to whet the readers appetite for a more thorough study of this fascinating subject, we offer the following excerpts from selected publications:

"Below are the Hebrew words of the very first verse in the Bible. The words are taken from their line position and placed in a column so that the "numeric value" of each word may be more easily shown. (The actual Hebrew characters are shown in the original)


  1. In the beginning

  1. Created

  1. God

  1. (An indefinite article which is not translatable)

  1. The heavens

  1. And (with indefinite article)

  1. The earth

There are three important nouns in this first verse God. heaven, and  earth. The numeric values of these three nouns are 86, 395, 296, respectively. When these three numeric values are added, the total value [777] is found to be a number which divides perfectly by 7 a number which is a multiple of 7, which is 111 7 s. In God's thinking, this Triple Intensification of His perfect number, 7, is the strongest possible manner of speaking.

Is it not strange that the numeric value of these words is a value which divides perfectly by seven a value which is an exact multiple of seven? Notice that the numeric value of the words is not 776 or 778, but exactly 777. If the numeric value were 776 or 778 it would not divide evenly by 7.

Here the number seven occurs in a strange manner beneath the surface, beyond the view of those who merely  read the words or surface of the Hebrew text. It is mysteriously hidden in the numeric value of the three words and is passed by unnoticed unless it is discovered by special investigation and special counting.

Each numerical  fact or  seven discovered in the structure of the text is called a  feature a  numeric feature. This, then, is feature one. It is repeated below to place it in a list with other numeric features that have been discovered beneath the surface of the first verse in the Old Testament.


The numeric value of the three important Hebrew nouns,  God, heaven,  earth, is exactly 777 or 111 7 s


It is strange to note that the numeric value of the verb in the first verse of Genesis is also a number which divides perfectly by 7 a number which is an exact multiple of 7. The numeric value of the Hebrew verb  created is exactly 203 or 29 7 s


Strange to say, the numeric value of the first, middle, and last Hebrew letters in this first verse is also a number which divides evenly by 7. The numeric value of these three letters is exactly 133 or 19 7 s


The numeric value of the first and last letters of all of the seven Hebrew words in this verse is also a number which divides perfectly by 7. Their numeric value is exactly 1393 or 199 7 s (Notice the numeric value is not 1392 or 1394 but 1393, always a number which is an exact multiple of 7)


The number 1393, which is the numeric value of the first and last Hebrew letters of all the seven words, divides in the following manner. The numeric value of the first and last letters of the first word and the last word is a number which divides evenly by 7. Their numeric value is exactly 497 or 71 7 s

The numeric value of the first and last letters of the words remaining between the first and last words also divides perfectly by 7. Their numeric value is 896 or 128 7 s

(497 plus 896 equals 1393)


The Hebrew participle  ETH which is not translatable into English, occurs twice in the sentence of seven words. The article  the also occurs twice. The numeric value of these two words which occur twice also divides by 7. Their numeric value is exactly 406 or 58 7 s.


The last letters of the first and last words have a numeric value of exactly 490 or 70 7 s

These numeric facts or sevens are, indeed, beyond the view of mere  readers of the Hebrew text. They are truly mysteriously hidden beneath the surface and can be discovered only by special searching and calculations.

The above features were discovered in the  numeric values of the Hebrew letters and words. However, the number seven is also concealed in various other ways in the structure of this first Bible verse. Examples are given below.


It is indeed strange to note that the number of Hebrew words in this verse is not 6, not 8, but exactly 7.


The total number of Hebrew letters in these seven words also divides perfectly by seven is an exact multiple of 7. The number of letters is exactly 28 or 4 7 s


The first three of these seven Hebrew words contain the subject and predicate of the sentence. These three words are translated In the beginning God created. The number of actual letters in these first three Hebrew words is exactly 14 or 2 7 s

The last four of these seven words contain the object of the sentence. These fours words are translated  the heavens and the earth. The number of letters in these last four Hebrew words is 14 or 2 7 s


These last four Hebrew words consist of two objects. The first is  the heavens, and the second is  and the earth. The number of letters in the first object is exactly 7.

The number of letters in the second object in the Hebrew is 7


The three leading words in this verse of seven words are  God the subject and  heavens and  earth the objects. The number of letters in these three Hebrew words is exactly 14 or 2 7 s

The number of letters in the other four words of the verse is 14 or 2 7 s


The shortest word is in the middle. The number of letters in this word and the word to its left is exactly 7


The number of letters in the middle word and the word to its right is exactly 7

These sevens these numeric features or facts are strangely hidden  beneath the surface. They are truly beyond the view of ordinary readers of the Hebrew text and are discovered only by special investigation and counting.

The above are only a few examples of the many amazing numeric facts which have been discovered in the structure of this first verse of only seven Hebrew words. Literally dozens of other phenomenal numeric features strangely underlie the structure of this verse& .." ("Mathematics Prove Holy Scriptures", Karl Sabiers, reprinted 1969, pp.21-27)


"The American Revised Version follows certain manuscripts and gives the translation of the verse as follows:

"Thou hast multiplied the nations; thou hast increased their joy."

The Authorized or King James Version follows other manuscripts and translates the verse in the following manner:

"Thou has multiplied the nations, and not increased their joy."

The American Revised Version tells that God has increased their joy, while the King James Version says that God has not increased their joy a difference between yes and no. Which reading is correct?

In the Hebrew manuscript copies this is the difference of only one letter.

The newly discovered facts definitely settle this question (written in 1941). The Hebrew text of this passage -- which the Revised Version uses -- shows an elaborate design of numeric features. If even one letter of the verse is changed to another the entire numeric design fails. The Hebrew text of the passage from which the King James Version is translated shows no numerical design. Thus Bible Numerics proves that the very structure of the passage definitely settles the question of the correct reading. They prove that the Revised Version gives the correct reading. God did increase their joy!

Some may think a question of this nature does not make much difference any way. They may feel that it is not a matter of great importance. But, suppose the question had been about the statement,  He that believeth on the Son hath life or  He that believeth on the Son hath not life. This would have been a question of the utmost importance.

The following is an example of a disputed reading from the New Testament.


The amazing numerical design in the structure of the text also settles the correct reading of this disputed passage.

The Revised Version follows certain Greek manuscript copies and gives the translation of one particular phrase of the verse as follows:

 if I give my body to be burned

Wescott and Hort, in their Greek New Testament, follow other manuscripts and render the disputed portion differently. Instead of  if I give my body to be burned, they use  if I give my body so that I may glory.

In the Greek this is a difference of only one letter. Which is the correct reading?

Bible Numerics, in a marvelous manner, settles this question. The Greek text of the passage rendered by Wescott and Hort shows a beautiful and elaborate design of amazing numerical features. If even one letter is changed to another, the entire numeric scheme fails. But the Greek text of the passage from which the Revised Version is translated shows no numeric design. The newly discovered facts thus prove that Wescott and Hort give the correct reading of the passage.


The Authorized or King James Version follows certain Greek manuscripts and gives the word  Amen as the last word in the Bible. The Revised Version likewise concludes the Bible with this word. The Revisers do not even intimate that some authorities omit the word. Wescott and Hort, in their Greek New Testament, follow other Greek manuscripts and conclude the Testament with the word  saints.

The amazing design of numeric features or facts discovered in the structure of the Greek text used by Wescott and Hort definitely settles the question concerning the correct reading of the last verse in the Bible. The numerical facts prove that they are right in ending the New Testament with the word  saints ." ("Mathematics Prove Holy Scriptures", Karl Sabiers, latest reprint 1969, pp.91-94)

We are so amazed by the effectiveness of Bible Numerics in proving, or disproving, all textual question that we can only marvel that every Christian college and university does not include a full line of study on this subject. Certainly, no one has stepped forward to challenge Panin's conclusions, either Christian or secular.

Panin proves that God is a master mathematician, just as we knew had to be to create and to maintain, this universe. But, we find it to be a special thrill, to know that the Bible itself is created by the same type of numerics by which the universe is created. Truly, we can stand upon God's Word as an anchor of the soul.

Truly, as I am facing all of life's great difficulties, including the last moments of my life, I can confidently declare: "[David], Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour." [Isaiah 43:1-3]

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

NOTE: A year or so ago I was seeking more information on Ivan Panin, and uncovered the above article while doing a “Google Search”. It wasn't till yesterday, January 21, 2011, that I discovered the article came from a Baptist group in South Caroline, of which David Bay of “Cutting Edge Ministries” is the Director. I have not reproduced the entire article, but you will have no difficulty doing so yourself.

I have read the books mentioned in the article, and can verify that the research of the author is accurate, though he is not named. I assume , however, that it is probably the Director himself. I have had this article on our Website under Archives, dated 2009-10-19.

As many of you are aware, I believe that God has placed the completion of an “Outlined, Bible Numeric Interlinear Greek NT for these last days. It is complete on our Website - www.2rbetter.orgunder “Interlinear”, as of December 31, 2010.

I will follow this article up with “Bible Numerics and Evangelism” shortly, including the 7 Component parts of “God's Automated Laser-Telescope”, allowing the Lord to use a City Presbytery to eliminate Satan's principalities and powers over cities, regions and nations - in a “Spiritual Star Wars” effect. The first and key component part to this activation - is “God's Bible Numeric Outlined Interlinear Greek NT”. Dr. Ivan Panin prepared the Greek and English texts prior to his death in 1942. The placing of these into an Interlinear format started in 1944 by the introduction of Panin to me by a Russian Jew. The two texts remain substantially as prepared by Panin, except for the transliteration of his Greek text. The sentence, subdivision, paragraph and section outlines are mine, and are notinspired. Please substitute your own summaries at any point you wish. You will gain more from the NT by doing so. Likewise the NOTESon the Website are mine, and will not be present when the NT is printed.

Oswald Chambers came to the Lord as a lad following a meeting in London. Charles Haddon Spurgeon was speaking in the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Chamber's life dramatically changed in Dunoon, Scotland on his 27thyear. From then until his home-going in 1917 during his 43rdyear, it was a focusupon Jesus. “My Utmost for HisHighest” was indeed the theme of his life. “Personal, Passionate Devotion to Jesus” further expressed this theme. This is the seventh component part of “God's Laser Telescope” - and was revealed December 7, 2009. A man from Minnesota with his prayer group, released this insight on this date. - Jim Watt