Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One


Saturday December 19, 2009

Several who attended felt this was the most significant of our 4 meetings to date. We went over in some detail the 7 “Component Parts” of the Automated Laser-Telescope that produces “Spiritual Star Wars”.

1. GOD'S INTERLINEAR GREEK NEW TESTAMENT as prepared at the beginning of the last century by Ivan Panin. One commentator described him as “Russia's Gift to Christianity”. One friend prints out and collateseach section as I produce it, and regularly checks them out for readings of interest. I do the same myself. It is true that we can lead souls to the Lord through most every Bible translation - but for accurate study, there is no translation that equals that of Panin for the New Testament, nor any Greek text that so closely approximates the original text.

Textual critics spend from 40-60% of their time seeking to establish what would be the original text for the reading under consideration. That same amount of space is given to their commentary to let the reader know the path of their reading and study. But - accepting the integrity of Panin's discoveries of 50 years and 100,000 hours, disposes with the necessity of this arduous task of the Textual Critics. One can now go directly to God's Bible Numeric text, and do accurate expository work.

Then the outline of book by book, because based on Bible Numeric sentence structure, sub-paragraphs, paragraphs and sections - throws light on such Bible Books - second to none. See the Introduction to Panin's Greek Bible Numeric text for further light on this.

What sends us back to God's Word in accuracy? Reading aloud the Scriptures helps. This was George Whitefield and George Muller's key to the unusual fruitfulness of their ministries. A Chinese friend of mine put Philippians 4:8 to the tune of “do-re-me” in “Sound of Music.”

Whatsoever things are true - Whatsoever things are honest

Whatsoever things are just - Whatsoever things are pure

Whatsoever things are lovely - Whatsoever things are good

If there be any virtue- And if there be any praise

I think these things - We think these things

I speak these things - We speak these things

I do these things - We do these things

I live these things - We live these things

This verse set to music is especially appropriate to sing individually and corporately over the above texts.

2. THE ONE CITY CHURCH CONCEPT composed of many local or home churches, plus a Presbyteryor Eldershipsitting in the Gate of each city. Out of the 114 references to church (ek-kleSIa) in the NT, 81 refer to the city church. The first 7 deacons in the Book of Acts were appointed by the apostles for the entire city church of Jerusalem, not for but one church in the home. The plurality of the Eldership in the beginning was city-wide - not just for a local church. Of course, we need to adapt that concept in our present-day large local churches, but in the Home Church Underground movement in China today, numbering in the tens of millions - there is as at the beginning, normally but one elder for each. They don't have buildings, so their mission work is extraordinarily strong. See the biography of “Brother Yun, the Heavenly Man” by Paul Hattaway for confirmation on this.

And for a hymn? How about this -

Onward Christian Soldiers - marching as to war

With the Cross of Jesus - going on before

We are notdivided - all one body we

One in hope and doctrine - One in Charity.

Ephesians 4:4-6 has been put to music, and goes along well with this old and venerable hymn -

One body - one Spirit - one Hope

one Lord - one Faith - one Baptism

one Father of all -

Great is the Lord - and greatly to be praised

In the city of our God - in the mountain of His Holiness

Beautiful for situation - the Joy of the whole earth

Is mount Zion on the sides of the north

The city - of the Great King.

3. PRAYER MULTIPLICATION. See Deuteronomy 32:30; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Matthew 18:19; Zechariah 12:8. Two indeedare better than one. This has been the name of the ministry of my wife Marie and myself from the beginning, even prior to our marriage in 1948. In 1963 we picked up from Pastor Ern Baxter of Surrey Christian Centre in British Columbia the Triangle Covenant insight based on the DI-aTHEkeand sunTHEkecovenant concepts. Individually we can accept the covenant God offers us. We can accept or reject it, but we cannot adjust it. According to Deuteronomy 32:30, an enemy can make a covenant with his god, and become 1000-fold. According to Zechariah 12:8, feeble ones in Israel in the last days can become like David, 10,000-fold.

But they of the house of David can become like God, like the angel of Jehovah, one million-fold.. And because Gentiles according to Romans 9-11, as members of the One New Man, come into the blessings of Israel, they can share in this blessing also.

But when twowho have individually accepted this personal covenant with God, then make a horizontal covenant with each other - sunTHEke- then they enter into the “Two Are Better than One” syndrome. One 1,000 - two 10,000! A friend of ours in California wrote words and music to this concept for us:

Two are better than one!

Two are better than one!

Because they - have for their labor -

--- a goodreward!

4. 12 EMBRYONIC REVIVAL PRINCIPLES - brought together in 1948 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan under the leadership of George R. Hawtin. See our Website - <www.2rbetter1.org> Click on “Embryonics”, and these 12 principles come up, written in January 2000. They need updating, but the main idea is there.

And the song? George Hawtin loved to lead in the singing of

Wonderful, wonderful Jesus -

Youare our friend -

True to the end.

You gave Yourself to redeem us -

Jesus - Wonderful Lord!

5. BIBLICAL MEDITATION is the fifth Component Part to make “Spiritual Star Wars” effective. See Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3; Psalm 19:14. Meditation tends to be vocal as we do a Hebrew word study on the two chief words that the Holy Spirit leads Bible writers to use. George Whitefield spent hours a day in vocal meditation on his knees over the Scriptures. George Muller 10 years after his conversion discovered Whitefield's secret, and copied it. From that time on Muller ceased to have a “yo-yo” type of devotional life, and moved into that extraordinary ministry of his that for one thing produced an orphaned of 10,000 orphans, whose every need was met for 60 years without a single request for anyof their needs going to anyone but God! During the blessing that flowed from the 1948 Visitation, someone put Psalm 19:14 to music. What a blessing!

Let the words of my mouth -

And the meditation of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD!

Let the words of my mouth -

And the meditation of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD!

O -- LORD - My Strength -

And - My - Redeemer!

Let the words of my mouth -

And the meditation of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD!

6. PRAYER AND INTERCESSION. “Rees Howells, Intercessor” by Norman P. Grubb, 1951, Christian Literature Crusade, is a key biography on this sixth Component Part. This Welshman entered into this level in 1906 at the age of 26, and in 1937 led some 100-120 of his College and Bible School staff to join him. It would seem that without doubt, Hitler and Nazism were defeated through six spectacular Spirit-led intercessory assignments. This is the chief text that we are using for our “Pilot Prayer Team” to enter into the “Spiritual Star Wars” concept. It would be difficult to list these 7 component parts of the Automated Laser-Telescope in a priority manner. But nonetheless, this 6thconcept could definitely not be omitted. Back in 1955 in Chicago, when Marie and I led in the Kostner Avenue Baptist Church, we saw this concept take hold. Pastor Bob Burrows from Scotland gave us a copy of the above biography. We will never be the same again. Here is the chorus God led us as a growing congregation to regularly sing:

Channels only, Blessed Master -

But with all Your wondrous power -

Flowing through us - You can use us -

Every day - and every hour.

7. PERSONAL, PASSIONATE DEVOTION TO JESUS! This was the key to the remarkable life of Oswald Chambers. He died in 1917 in Egypt at the age of 43, but through his wife and widow Biddy, some 50 books of his were published posthumously from her careful stenographic notes. “My Utmost For His Highest” is perhaps the outstanding one of these. Again and again the above challenge appears. From the time Chambers had his “White Funeral” and turned his life completely over to Jesus, unusual fruitfulness became his key-note. In the final 16 years of his life, the above books were made possible through his lectures in the London Bible College, Conferences throughout Britain and America, and as a YMCA Chaplain in Egypt to Australian and New Zealand troops from 1915-1917 of World War I. Karen Davis, Worship Leader on top of Mount Carmel in Israel, wrote a chorus some years ago with but one word - “Yeshua” - the Hebrew word for Jesus. I have taken the tune, and worked into it the words of the above title:

Personal Devotion - Passionate Devotion - to You - Lord Jesus - (3x)

To You - Lord Jesus,

To You - Lord Jesus.

CONCLUSION: - The above 7 Component Parts to the Vision God gave me in 1967 for the Automated-Laser Telescope - can ideally be brought into practical function by some 8 members. They can then see the Lord use them as HisOrganic Automated-Laser Telescope - at Hisdiscretion - to produce the “Spiritual Star Wars” effect - over cities, regions, States and Provinces, nations, and eventually the World.

Of course, we need the 9 Biblical principles to bombard spiritual molecules and atoms to release the “photon” effect in the laser chamber - and then the straight, clear beam moving out at the speed of light to demolish its target - all directed by our Lord Jesus! J.A.W.