Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One


This is our first report on the SeaTac Metroplex Pilot prayer Team. It is as it were Elders sitting in the Gate of the City. Aim: to see God form from it an “Organic Automatic Laser-Telescope” for the Lord to use as a Corporate Entity - which when possessed by Himself through the Holy Spirit - He can then use at His will and discretion in removing Principalities and Powers over Cities, Regions, States and Provinces, and Nations. He said in 1985 - “Call it Spiritual Star Wars.”

Such cell prayer groups were raised up by John Wesley in Great Britain during the mid and late 1700's. 70,000 met once or twice weekly in groups of 8. A Sociologist, himself an unbeliever - yet reported in a book that apart from these, the French Revolution of 1789 would have leaped the English Channel with its guillotine, and wrought like destruction as it did in France.

In 1937 Rees Howells saw 120 of his staff-disciples that he had led to the Lord - find the Holy Spirit at their invitation, possessing them corporately over a 3-week period. The Lord used them in a number of critical victories to defeat Hitler and Naziism during World War II. Rees Howells himself had this same experience, but individually in 1906, 31 years previously. Later Rees said, “I can tell theexact time in 1936 when Satan possessed Hitler. Through the Spirit-directed prayers of the Welsh 120, Hitler bitterly said, “This is the firsttime I have disobeyed my 'voice'.” This repeatedly happened through the Spirit-directed prayers of this Welsh company during World War II. They would get the newspaper the following day to read the result of their intercessions. Read “Rees Howells, Intercessor,” by Norman P. Grubb for confirmation and fuller details. Chapter 5 and 32 record this individual and corporate possession.

Now - just as it was revealed of Satanic possession of Hitler just prior to World War II, so it is clear that we face a leader possessed of the spirit of Islam in the United States. Again and again he has personally witnessed to his faith and commitment in this direction. Just as people and the Press would not believe Hitler's statements in Mein Kampf - today people and the Press are silent concerning the “Mein Kampf-like testimony of Barack Obama. A close friend of mine from Romania, Medical Doctor from Bucharest, graduate from a Baptist Seminary in Portland with an M. Div. degree - fluent in 7 languages, founder of over 7 churches in Romania, Israel and the US., member of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force), relative of Richard Wurmbrand - and much more. He has shared documentary testimony underlining the true danger we face today. We must pray for our President as God exhorts us in Scripture, yet at the same time we can see how He has permitted this situation to wake up the sleeping church of America. Perhaps God has called for this “Pilot Program” as mentioned in the Introduction - as an answer for our day - as was Rees Howells Team of 120 in his day.

Dr. Theo Smilovici Ben Abraham of Romania recommends the following documentary, which you can click on and listen:

The real Obama is revealed.  He is a Moslem and we refuse to believe it. How many ways does he have to prove it?”

 Please click below..

If something being birthed today is indeed of God, then He will give a witness of confirmation for encouragement. On Saturday October 31, 2009 - a Pilot Group met to obey God in His call. One of the members during prayer time, while yet on his knees, reported a vision he had received in Moses Lake WA the night before during the worship time. He sensed God saying, “You need to have clean ears.” As he literally twice sought to obey God with his physical ears - the Lord said - “Not your physical ears - but your spiritualears.” He sought to be silent before the Lord, and listen. He saw a “portal” in heaven opening, and out of heaven through the portal the Lord started communing with him. He could not even move his head and had to remain completely still in order to hear the clear sound of God's voice. It was not just in the room, but the voice of the Lord was penetrating the entire atmosphere. The the Lord said, “Allow nothing, even moving your head, to be a disturbance so that you cannot hear My voice.”

People sitting behind him in the meeting during this time were aware that something unusual was taking place. They questioned him later, but had no idea as to what actually took place. He reported none of this to the meeting. As he was recounting this to the rest of us of the Pilot Team, he said, “I believe this vision and revelation was for tonight. God wants “us” here corporately to cleanse our spiritual ears - learn to be very quiet and still - so we can hear His message to the church of Seattle.

Then he reminded me of Pastor Bob Birch of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Didn't he move in this spirit? “Yes”, I replied, “he was known as the apostle of prayer and love in Canada - and passed on recently at 99, just a few weeks short of his 100thbirthday. Verses he lived in and constantly passed on to all hearers at all times as a regular exhortation were, 'Who has an ear, let him hearwhat the Spirit says to the churches.'”

Jesus spoke 7 specific messages to 7 specific city churches in Revelation 2 and 3. Could it not be that today He wants Prayer Teams of 8 members each like John Wesley's Cell Groups, and each team, corporately controlled by His Spirit, to hear Hisword through the heavenly “portal” or door concerning things soon to come to pass, and specific prayers for each of these 140 prayer teams for their respective City Churches?

It is interesting to note that immediately following Jesus' prophecies to the 7 City Churches, a “Portal” or doorinto heaven opened for John to enter. Today the Lord would speak to us, rather than for us to enter - through the heavenly Portal or Door! The insights for such a Pilot Team are the reason for this report.

Pastor Bob Birch not only lived in this 7-fold exhortation of Revelation 2 & 3, but also in Hebrews 4:12 - “For livingis the word of :God, and active, and sharperthan any two-edged sword, and piercingeven to the dividing of souland spirit; of both joints and marrow, and a discerner of thoughtsand intentsof the heart.” As we meditate vocally on the Word of God - the above action begins to take place. The written word must take precedence over the REma word of dreams and visions, etc. 4 ½ times to one, the LOgos, written word, appears in the NT abovethe REma word. (330 : 70). Yet many dwell continually in the latter, even when ofttimes it contradicts the written word. And abovethe written LOgos and spoken REma, we should focus on the Living Christ Himself, of which the above two are but reflections of Himself!

I met Pastor Bob Birch in the mid 60's, and spent 3 years of regular weekly group prayer with him in the mid '70's. I spoke for him occasionally at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church of Vancouver, and highly treasured the time of fellowship I had with him.

In 1994, David Demian, the successor whom Pastor Bob himself appointed as leader of “Watchmen of the Nations”, asked if Pastor Bob, Dr. John White and myself would serve as a team of 3 “fathers” to stand with and for him, especially at the Whistler BC meeting of July 1, 1995. David felt because of my relationship as one of the 7 elders of the 1948 North Battleford Visitation, this would qualify me as being one of the 3.

At the close of the October 31stPilot meeting, one of the members asked Elvin Gladney concerning his church on Capitol Hill. I had been introduced to Elvin and his wife Wanda in the early '90's. I had spoken for him at a Passover Seder in his first location, and then when they moved following a drastic reorganization of their fellowship, I spoke to this smaller group in their new location.

Elvin had been taught by teachers who considered themselves pastors - yet they did not have a father's heart; so as a new Christian, he was not fathered. The teaching spirit often times corrects like a teacher, not a father, and can often be harsh. This was a pretty discouraging introduction. Then he was led to be a part of an apostolic network who has fathered him, and passed on to him the mandate they held. My wife and I have confirmed this call. Now like Rees Howells in all aspects of their church, they put themselves under the Holy Spiritdirection. They find He leads them to sing “New Songs” as proclamations over the city of Seattle. Worship, testimonies, prayers, messages - all are under Hiscontrol. This is the result of obeying a prophetic assignment for the city and region given by God. Focusing on Jesus' agenda to build His church and not their own. It is different. Some outside key leaders confirm that this is of God.

This is one of the key reason I invited Elvin to be one of the 8 members of the Pilot Team.

A few verses we looked at in the realm of Prayer Multiplication were - Deuteronomy 32:30 -“One shall drive1000 to flight, but two - 10,000.” This was spoken by God concerning the enemies of Israel. If this principle operates for enemies, how much morefor God's people walking with Him? Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 tells us - Twoare better than one, for they shall receive a goodreward for their labor.” And in verse 12, - “a three-fold cord is not quickly broken.”When Jesus is added to two, then how strengthened they are when they recognize Jesus as being with them (Matthew 18:20)! Then consider Matthew 18:19 - “Again, Amen, I say unto you, that if twoof you shall agree (symphonize) on :earth as touching anythingthey shall ask, it shallbe done for them of my :Father who is in the heavens.” But in Canada in the early '80's, God quickened Zechariah 12:8 - “In that day shall Jehovah defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feebleamong them at that day shall be as David (10,000); and the house of David (mature soldiers) shall be as God, as the angel of Jehovah before them” (a million-fold). Most believers recognize that we indeed live in the last days, and that the promises of God to Israel are now shared with Gentiles through the “One New Man” - a mystery now revealed through the apostle Paul. A team of 8 praying by faith in this high Prayer Multiplication insight, can as 4 couples claim the “billion-fold” results as the Lord uses such a corporately possessed team by the Holy Spirit.

Our assignment as a team, until we meet again, is to search the scriptures for instances where God directs us to have spiritual ears - clear - to hear His voice for us as individuals - and thencorporately.

Many of you who read the announcement prior to this first meeting, have asked to be kept up to date as to how the Lord has been pleased to lead and speak. Our prayer is - that when the Lord is effectively using us as a Pilot Team, as an “Organic Automated Laser-Telescope”, - that soon He will multiply this with 139 other City Pilot Teams for their respective City Churches.

They will be different from the Rees Howells World War II Welsh Team. They will be different from the 70,00 cell group members of 8 - in John Wesley's day. God doesn't repeat Himself in detail. He moves and marches on. Today He is forming City Prayer Teams in answer to the Global designs of Socialism, Islam, Humanism, Liberalism - all seeking to rob God's people - and any peoples - of their God-given freedoms. “Freedom” was a Watch-word of our “Founding Fathers”. They said we “couldn't” be passive when these freedoms would be challenged. They arebeing challenged. What will youdo? What will I do? What will we do? We invite you to join with us that 140 cities in Canada and the US will soon be equipped with effective Elderships sitting in the Gate of each of these cities. And that these Elderships will be Spirit-possessed and controlled for the Lord's will and pleasure. And that we will join with Rees Howells in his 3-fold vision: 1. Every Creature Evangelism. (which requires a freechurch to move in this direction without government restrictions.) 2. Israel back in their land (which they indeed are after 1900 years) - but - with peacewith her Arab neighbors; and 3. The Return of our King - Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings, making Israel the chief of nations for His praise and glory - for after all - after the flesh - Jesus isa Jew!

Your continued prayers on our behalf are deeply appreciated and coveted - and for your obedience with us to the Lord and His Spirit for the part He would have youplay.

Thank you for your interest in Him - in all of this - and your desire for His glory through us - not for our own selves. - J.A.W.