Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One


Jim & Marie Watt - 2009-05.13


New Wine Christian Fellowship

Pastors John & Cindy Cowper

Thursday May 7 - Sunday May 10.

SPECIAL NOTICEfrom Jim & Marie - NEW TELEPHONE # 253-517-9195

We have had our old one since 1983, but - because of a saving by uniting Computer Service and Telephone with Comcast, the change seems right. Sorry for the inconvenience.

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, Thursday May 7, 2009

We flew into Sacramento earlier that afternoon, and were able to lead in this special event at 7:00 pm. in a home of one of the New Wine leaders. Some score or so were present. As some of you may remember, Pastor Joe McIntyre of the SeaTac Metroplex introduced me to Al Houghton in the early 90's. Al was interested in my relationship with the 1948 Visitation in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. Because I am the last living elder of the 7 original elders of the Camp Meeting that summer, he suggested to the Placerville Congregation that they should have me come and share the high points of that time. In the Spring of 2006 they acted upon his suggestion, and we had a very profitable weekend together.

Cindy Cowper met Marie at Port Townsend WA last year at a meeting with Rolland Baker, grandson of H.A. Baker, author of “Visions Beyond the Veil,” and husband of Heidi Baker of Mozambique. Cindy then invited both of us for Mother's Day of this year, with the assigned subject of “Prayer Multiplication,” the basis for local and city church “Break-through”.

God at the last minute helped Marie with a back problem, so that she was able to go too.

We majored on Israel at the National Day of Prayer service, showing that there is national blessing for the nation that blesses Israel. President Truman and Nixon did so in their day. The prayer participation was excellent. For our second point we prayed for President Obama. The apostle Paul by the Spirit exhorts us to pray for our rulers, that we may live in peace. Tom Hess of Israel encourages us to pray for our President that the “Fear of God” may enter his heart and soul. One way to accomplish this is through Job 33:14-18. There Elihu shows how God through dreams and visions does 4 things for a sleeper: “He withdraws manfrom his purposes!” “He hides pridefrom man!” “He keeps back his soul from the pit,” and - “his life from perishing.”

See how God used dreams for Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar to accomplish His higher purposes through them! He can do the same for our President! One doesn't have to be a “believer” to have God do so! He has converted whole Muslim villages in one night through dreams and visions. We believe God heard our prayers that night on our President's behalf. Join us in continued prayer until it is fully answered.

Through “Prayer Multiplication” muchcan be accomplished. See Deuteronomy 32:30 - one - 1000; two - 10,000! Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 - “Two are Better than One!” Matthew 18:19 - “If twoof you shall agree (symphonize) concerning anythingthey ask, it shallbe done for them by my Father in heaven,” Jesus said! And in Zechariah 12:8 God assures inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Gentiles of the “One New Man” according to Romans 11, that the feeble will be as David, 10,000 fold in prayer effectuveness; and mature leaders like David will be as God- one million fold! Two, 10 million; 4 couples - one billion! Satan and his principalities and powers over cities, counties, states and nations will be defeated and cast down just as when Daniel prayed, and had the help of Gabriel and Michael over Iran!

“Meditation,” by vocally praying over select portions of Scripture back to God, enables us to fulfill Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1; 1 Timothy 4:15; James 1:25 and portions of Jeremiah. Then- whatever we do in “Prayer Multiplication” will prosper; and then we shall have good success.

Friday May 8 at noon in Sacramento we met with a Chinese group, very hungry and thirsty for God. Many were young people. Marie and I shared our testimonies, and many responded for healing and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We sensed a unity, hunger and earnestness on a very high level. Many received their heart's desire. Oswald Chambers, Rees Howells, John Wesley and George Muller - all were ardent exhorters for disciples to be filled with the Spirit.

Friday and Saturday nights we again shared with the leaders of New Wine Christian Fellowship. We majored on the tremendous blessing that comes forth from the practice of Biblical Meditation and the use of our devotional Prayer Language. Paul says he made use of these more than any of the Corinthian believers. Smith Wigglesworth said it was the main secret why God used him.

Marie introduced Joe McIntyre's “Corporate Warfare Prayer”, which fortunately Cindy had copies made ahead of time. Every leader had a copy, and corporately we read it completely through under Marie's leadership. This had a tremendous impact no doubt. Only heaven knows what was accomplished through this.

On Saturday morning on the “Net” I came across Lee Grady's “God has Pushed a Great Big Reset Button.” Cindy had it run off for us, and one of the leaders completely read it at the 3rdLeader's Meeting. It was “powerful.” 4 key thoughts emerged from this reading:

1, The charismatic movement as we know it has ended.

2. A “New Generation” church is emerging.

3. God is tearing down the walls that divide us.

4. We face an unprecedented global opportunity for evangelism.

By all means “surf the net” and download the complete article.

Marie ended up the Saturday meeting by reading the introduction to Kelley Varner's “The Corporate Anointing”. The complete book published by “Destiny Image Publishers” is a vital key for God's purposes in these last days. It's only the Corporate Body Anointing that will break through, loosing God's plan and purposes - His power for today.

But the Capstone of our time in Placerville with the New Wine Christian Fellowship folk was Sunday morning - “Mother's Day.” Cindy Cowper honored Marie as a “Mother in Israel” like Deborah by an emerald and diamond presentation. She also likened Marie to an Esther, a Ruth, a Rahab, a Hannah (mother of Samuel), a Hulda, Anna the prophetess and Mary the mother of Jesus after the flesh. It was Mary who responded to Gabriel the angel's message with, “Be it unto me according to your word (REma}.

Because it was Mother's Day, I read from Proverbs 31:10-31, Solomon's eulogy to an ideal mother - probably his own! I then had Pastor John Cowper and Pastor Bob Gay lead us in a prayer of blessing for all mothers.

It was the 25thAnniversary for New Wine Christian Fellowship. To launch this in an effective way, we made use of the 27thmarriage anniversary of Pastor John & Cindy Cowper. I read the marriage portion of Ephesians 5:22-33, and pointed out that a husband and wife united as one flesh with each other, and individually one spirit with the Lord Jesus - have a rich basis for “Prayer Multiplication.” I also pointed out how “The Marriage Covenant” by Derek Prince sets it out in a very clear and practical manner. We use it all the time in pre-marital counsellings. “The Border Crossing Sacrifice” practiced by the tribes of N.E. India, including the Hmar tribe of Assam, present a marvelous illustration of what Christ did for us at Calvary. When 2 chiefs in that part of the country want peace, they signal by way of drums or a horn, meet at their respective borders, and if open, cut a sacrifice there, and by doing so say, “May my men so cut me, if I break the covenant made at this border!” How solemn!

Marie then showed Ern Baxter's diagram of the triangle representing the individual's di-aTHEke” Covenant with God: a Greater with a lesser; the lesser can accept or reject His terms and conditions; but he cannotchange them! God is at the apex of the triangle, and the 2 individual believers at the sides, progressing from 10-fold, 100-fold, 1000-fold, 10,000 fold, and in Zechariah 12:8, a million-fold!

But these 2 individuals can then make a covenant between 2 equals, a marriage covenant, a sunTHEkecovenant. It is here that “Prayer Multiplication” commences! One a thousand, but two - ten thousand! 4 couples - a million fold. But for those who dare, take Zechariah 12:8, and believe for a billion-fold with 4 couples, elders in the gate of the city. God has indicated that He is about to activate this vision!

And - one doesn't have to be married to enter into this: 2 prayer partners can be every bit as effective, and sometimes - more so!

We called the leaders forward, prayed over John and Cindy Cowper for the “Renewal” of their marriage vows - and also for all other couples, married or prayer couples - who desired to enter into much more of the “Prayer-Multiplication” potential! John and Cindy could be a leading example of this challenge from God. This would be a worthy “break-through” for the 25thAnniversary of “New Wine Christian Fellowship.”

When Marie entered the church that morning, Cindy Cowper and Carol Cantrell arranged for Carol with her husband Ron to be there for the honoring of Marie. We have known the Cantrells as a couple since February of 1990, when Ron served as Associate Pastor at Congregation Beth Simcha of Federal Way WA - under Murray Silberling, the Senior Pastor. What a surprise for Marie! The shock and surprise of it brought tears to her eyes.

Then at the close of the service, John and Cindy Cowper asked Marie and me to sit in their chairs, so the leaders could bless us. What a blessing! Then Ron & Carol Cantrell shared what our relationship had meant to them through the years, and also prayed for us.

You might say - with all that took place in one weekend, what more can happen? Well - Marie and I turn 86 this summer, and what we shared at this time was scarcely “the tip” of the iceberg! So it looks like we'll be returning sooner than the last time to pick up the unused pieces.

But the key to all of this is - notwhat Jim & Marie did, but what GODdid through Jim and Marie. Our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit - herelies the Key that made this weekend fruitful and blessed. And - plus - the prayers of many of you - especially an intercessory prayer team in Tacoma, and the Placerville Prayer Team. Godanswered their prayers too. So, all in all, only God deserves the glory and the thanksgiving. He says, “My glory, I will notgive to another.”Over 20 times in one short passage in the New Testament, Paul and Barnabas state what Goddid through them. We are merely channels. “Channels only, blessed Master - But with all Thy wondrous power - flowing through us - Thou canst us us - Every day - and every hour.” - Jim & Marie Watt