Picture of Pastors Jim and Marie Watt
Pastors Jim and Marie Watt

Two Are Better Than One

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From Daniel Kikawa - Healing of the Land

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:25 PM


"Daniel Kikawa" <alohake@hawaiiantel.net>

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Aloha `Ohana,


I am sending this out to those of you who expressed interest in Strategic Prayer as done in the book, "God of Light, God of Darkness." Jim Watt is one of my mentors who actually started me on my ministry of reconciliation. His sharing in 1987, inspired me to begin researching. He came to Hawai`i because God told him to. He did not know if or where he would be able to share. He ended up at our church. Jim shared the story below and said at the end, "God told me there are Gibeonites in the land here. A wrong has been done and if it is not made right, there will be no revival." Because of my being "spiritually hanai" by a Hawaiian family, I knew exactly who the Gibeonites were in Hawai`i. We are still not finished making things pono (right). We all have our part to do.


Aloha Ke Akua,




Jim & Marie Watt

PO Box 25116 -- Federal Way WA 98093-2116

Tel: 253.874.4265 -- Email: jmbetter@gmail.com

Web: www.2rbetter.org

"HEALING OF THE LAND" – 2008.05.23

Take note of Daniel Kikawa's latest book on Hawaii – "God of Light, God of Darkness." It is published by "Aloha Ke Akua" Ministries, PO Box 492325, Kea'au, Hawai'i 96749 (a 2008 publication). www.alohakeakua..org(Online orders received). ISBN: 978-0-964395-1-2

Perhaps some of you are aware that I met Daniel in Honolulu in 1987 at a church that a friend of mine was pastoring. There I told the story how God healed the land of Northern Alberta at that time. Farmers were going bankrupt from excessive rain springtime and harvest for 10 years. A farmer of several sections of land in Wetaskiwin saw me traveling back and forth between Camrose and other parts of the Province. He and his wife prepared for me a prophet's chamber like the great woman of Shunem did for Elisha.

On July 1st of 1987, I was chicken-sitting 1500 for the wife, who was attending a Mennonite family reunion in Saskatchewan. As I was doing this chore, I felt led to ask God – that what He did for Elisha maybe 2700 years ago, if for my sake as His servant, He would not save the farm of my hosts and friends.

He assured me that He would, and instructed me to gather a meeting the first Wednesday of August. There I would learn why there was judgment on the land.

One cabinet-maker who attended from among some 8 different groups said that 10 years ago, there was a fight between white men of Wetaskiwin and First Nations People of Hobbema, the largest Indian Reservation of Canada, containing 5 separate nations or tribes. During the fight, an Indian was thrown out of an upper hotel window, landed on his head and was killed.

The Indians understood that such things could happen when men were drinking, but felt that justice should still be done. Upon making this request they were told, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian – you should thank us!"

Neither God nor they felt that this was a right answer. God immediately sent this 10-year judgment upon the land.

When I learned of the true cause of this severe problem, I immediately contacted 3 of my white friends, who all agreed to petition the leaders of the Hobbema Reservation to apologize and ask forgiveness on behalf of our white brothers – for what happened 10 years previously.

I had a close friend who had attended the Sharon Orphanage and Schools of North Battleford, at the time of the '48 Visitation. He had gained favor with the Indians as a New and Used Car and Truck dealer, by making good deals with them, and never cheating them once. As an acknowledgement, they made him an Honorary Chieftain, and gave him a full Indian Head-dress of Eagle feathers reaching to the ground. They then said – "Whenever you have a petition or a desire – come to our business meeting and present it, and if it is within our power, we will grant your request.

So I contacted Nick, told him of the revelation of the judgment we had discovered, and asked if he would present our petition to appear before the leaders of all 5 nations and tribes to apologize on behalf of our white brothers of 10 years ago, and ask forgiveness.

Nick did so. After waiting many hours in their normal protracted meetings, they finally turned to him and said, "Alright, great white brother, what is your petition, and what is your request? If it is within our power, we will grant it." He then presented the request I had asked of him on behalf of my other three white brothers.

In disbelief they responded, "Say that again!" He did so, and the leaders of these 5 nations again consulted together. Then they turned to him and said, "You are a man of integrity. If you say these 4 men upon appearing before us would make this apology and ask forgiveness on behalf of their white brothers of ten years ago, your word is as good as their appearance. It is as good as done. Tell them to meet the first Wednesday of September and petition God to lift His judgment. We will agree with them on the Reservation. It will be done! However, if sometime in the future we so desire, we would like to have Jim Watt come before us concerning this. Any white man smart enough to marry a wife with Indian blood in her, is a smart man."

They have never acted upon this option, though recently I have discovered that through a "Moser" on my mother's side, a marriage took place in the past with one of the Micmac tribe of the Maritimes – so that I too with my wife have a portion of Indian blood.

But – from the first Wednesday of September 1987 to approximately December 11th – for the first time in 10 years – all farmers – believers and unbelievers – were able to fully harvest their crops, prepare the soil for spring seeding, and make fence and other repairs!

The weather forecasters and meteorologists across Canada were amazed at this ten year reversal, and could come up with no viable explanation. I asked my Wetaskiwin farmer friend if he had let them know.

"Of course not," he retorted. "You should be aware that whenever we would tell of answered prayer they would say – 'O there you Christians go again – always trying to get in on the act!'"

But if Canadian authorities are none the wiser, a Japanese believer in Hawaii picked up on it – and this book listed above as a sequel to his "Perpetuated in Righteousness," – finishes the story by recounting one of the most remarkable sequence of historical events I have ever read in "The Healing of the Land." What happened in Hawaii in 6 of their islands in 1998, truly causes all other examples of healing of the land to be somewhat pale in comparison.

Daniel had me write a brief note of commendation for his first volume, and now has sent the second to my wife Marie and myself with the note that "This book is a part of your many fruits of your spiritual children."

It really was God in Alberta that set up that illustration of "The Healing of the Land." What Daniel and many others have recently done for Hawaii as recounted in "God of Light, God of Darkness" – needs to be read by all national groups who sense a problem of judgment on the land because of sin. Perhaps in no case will it be as great as recounted in the State of Hawaii – but nonetheless – that can be a strategic spring-board to launch "healing of the land" in many other venues.

I heartily recommend that if you have an interest in this subject, that you will consider the purchase of this book.

Jim Watt


Something important to remember when reading the following account, "Why did God not bring the curse on the land during Saul's time? He was the one who perpetrated the sin? Why bring it upon David and the people at David's time? They had nothing to do with the sin?" After praying about this I believe it was because of God's mercy. If he had brought the famine upon the land during Saul's lifetime, he would not have inquired of the Lord to find out why this curse was upon the land (read Deut. 28). If he did find out what caused the curse, he would not have sacrificed himself to save Israel. Either way, all Israel would have died or left because of the famine.


In David, God found a man who would make things pono (right). And so, in God's mercy and grace, he allowed the curse to be delayed.





Read 2 Samuel 21:1-14. King David well understood conditions and principles that strongly pertained to the "Healing of the Land."

Three years of famine -- sent by God, not the devil -- got the full attention of David. He no doubt sought counsel of God through Urim & Thummim for an explanation.

God needed David's obedience to undo the sin of his predecessor, King Saul. Saul in his zeal had broken the covenant made by Joshua with the Gibeonites centuries earlier. Early in his rulership, Saul in his zeal overlooked the importance of covenant, and broke this one by killing Gibeonites in spite of Joshua's oath of protection through covenant. David may or may not have been aware at the beginning, of the breach of covenant with the Gibeonites on the part of Saul.

But in the light of 3 years of famine, his research turned up this breach. Immediately he sought out the Gibeonites and asked, "What can I do for you, that you might forgive this breach, so that God can once again bring favor upon the land?" The Gibeonites answered David that they held nothing against him personally, but that if he provided 7 sons of Saul for them to execute -- then he would be free from their enmity towards Saul, and God would be free to once again bless the land.

David immediately complied with their request. The closing word to this account was: "And after that God was entreated for the land" (2 Samuel 21:14b).

May the lessons from this account sink deeply into our ears and heart. Consider the judgment on our land because of abortions, crime, drugs, injustice, godlessness -- through judges, people, "women's lib" movements, etc. They hold God's teaching on this subject lightly -- God does not! Our land desperately needs to have wrongs made right, just as Northern Alberta in 1987 required repentance, apology and request for forgiveness from the First Nations People of Hobbema following the death of one of their men in Wetaskiwin a decade earlier.

AND WHAT OF THE BERMUDA TRIANGEL? Dr. Kenneth McAll in his book "Healing the Family Tree" recounts an experience of his wife and himself, that etched itself indelibly upon his memory. They were traveling together by ship to the West Indies, where he as a psychiatrist and expert in the "Healing of the land," was journeying to fulfill a speaking conference.

The captain informed the passengers: "We have a choice facing us. To get to our destination in the West Indies, we can save 2 days by going through the Bermuda Triangle -- or we can go around it. If there is even one passenger who feels skittish concerning the first option -- we will take the extra 2 days by going around."

Unanimously the passengers replied, "Captain, if you feel okay about going through the Triangle, we trust you and your judgment, and will go along with you."

However, part way through the Bermuda Triangle, the ship's boiler blew up, and could easily have sent them all down to Davy Jones' Locker. But the boiler had repair possibilities, and the crew set to it. As they did, Mrs. McAll asked her husband, "Why are the workmen singing those dirges?" He responded, "I'll go and see."

When he inquired of the crew, they replied: "O -- you've heard it too!" The crew was not singing dirges, yet all distinctly heard something.

They completed the repairs, and the ship made its destination. Following the conference the McAlls returned to England. But Dr. McAll couldn't get the above event out of his mind. So he visited London and did research concerning the Bermuda Triangle. He discovered it was on the direct route from Africa to America for the slave ships of some time ago. These were sailing ships in those days, and depended on good winds -- but became becalmed for days in the Sargasso Sea, adjacent to the Bermuda Triangle. Many of the slaves aboard died there, and their bodies thrown overboard for generations during that period of time -- to the tune of 2 million souls! It was those abused souls by their own people, Moslem traders and white slavers -- to whom they were crying out and overheard by the McAlls!

Dr. McAll immediately arranged for 12 intercessory prayer groups to meet throughout England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. The groups would write out the sins of those involved in the slave-trade including Great Britain. William Wilberforce was eventually a great voice in ending Britain's participation in the slave trade, even before our nation of America.

These 12 intercessory groups placed the listing of the sins of their people (much like Daniel did in Daniel chapter 9) upon the communion table. At the time of the Eucharist (Dr. McAll was Anglican), they like Daniel confessed the sins of their people and asked forgiveness on behalf of the land and the Bermuda Triangle -- on the basis of the Atoning, Finished work of Christ at Calvary.

Suddenly all 12 home meetings contacted Dr. McAll at approximately the same time. God had spoken to all 12 and proclaimed forgiveness of the Slavers, and healing of the Bermuda Triangle. Up to that time -- 100's of ships had disappeared without trace or explanation. Many planes suffered the same fate. But from the date the 12 Intercessory prayer groups heard from God, not another ship or plane disappeared in the region of the Bermuda Triangle.

Billy Graham wrote a 4-5 page account of this in one of his books on Prayer.

In conclusion -- putting these two events alongside of the 1987 "healing of the land" of Northern Alberta; and we have proof that wrongs can affect the land. God's judgment may fall on land where transgression has been committed. A Daniel 9 approach can work miracles. In Daniel's case it brought restoration of Israel to their land after 70 years of captivity. The above 3 cases are also quite spectacular.

Daniel Kikawa of Hawaii has written two books on revival in the land of his adoption. By all means purchase his latest book, "God of Light, God of Darkness," 2008, available through <www.alohakeakua.org>.

Daniel records the healing of the land of Hawaii in 100 locations in 6 of the islands where human sacrifice and idolatry took place. Invaders 800 years ago perpetrated this. The land was healed 10 years ago through much the same type of action as that taken by Dr. McAll for the Bermuda Triangle.

Your friend -- Jim Watt