1 Kings 5-8 - Outline

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 10:33:00 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

October 18, 2012


 *1. 5:17 (5, ESV) SOLOMON: TEMPLE PREPARATION. “At the king’s command they
quarried out great, costly stones in order to lay the foundation of the
house with dressed stones.” *This was a “pre-fab” house: all the materials
were assembled afore-time. Note the overseers of the work crews: one over
every 50; and of top leaders, one over every 10. This is very much like
Exodus 18. Father, we marvel at the wisdom of Solomon, but *much more* at
the wisdom of Jesus! *Hallowed be your :name!*

 *2. 6:7 (6) SOLOMON: TEMPLE BUILDING. “When the house was built, it was
with stone prepared at the quarry, so that neither hammer nor axe nor any
tool of iron was heard in the house while it was being built.” *We are *Your
* house O Father, being built with Your Kingdom *silently* within us today.
But tomorrow, at the return of Your Son, we shall be manifested openly
(Romans 8:18-21). *Your :kingdom come.*

 *3. 7:1 (7:1-12) SOLOMON: HIS HOUSE AND QUEEN’S HOUSE. “Solomon was
building his own house thirteen years, and he finished his entire
house.” *Though
Solomon’s house took 6 years longer than the Temple to build, yet the
Temple surpassed it in Glory and importance. You have *Your own* priority,
Father! *Your :will be done, As in heaven, so on earth.*

 *4. 7:21 (7:13-51) SOLOMON: BRASS WORK ON THE TEMPLE. “He (Hiram) set up
the pillars at the vestibule of the temple. He set up the pillar on the
south and called its name Jachin (He will establish), and he set up the
pillar on the north and called its name Boaz (In Him is strength).” *These
two pillars symbolized the Abrahamic Covenant: The Promise and the
Covenant: Boaz, in Genesis 17: and the Oath, Jachin, in Genesis 22. The
Covenant, symbolized in the Temple pillars; the Temple, fulfilled in Christ
at Calvary and Pentecost. See Hebrews 6:17-20 for confirmation to this. We
should emphasize what is important in *God’s* sight. *Our :daily :bread
Give us this day.*

 *5. 8:10-11 (8:1-11) SOLOMON: GOD’S GLORY BECAUSE OF ARK! “And when the
priests came out of the Holy Place, a cloud filled the house of the LORD, 11
so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for
the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD.” *The conclusion of the
building of Moses’ Tabernacle, and Pentecost for the church, experienced a
similar manifestation of Your Glory, Father. What a signal proof of Your
pleasure and approval! *And forgive us our :debts, as we also forgive our

 *6. 8:27 (8:12-53) SOLOMON: DEDICATION SERMON AND PRAYER. “But will God
indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot
contain you; how much less this house that I have built!” *The Temple was a
house to honor Your Name Father, and upon it Your Name was called. But
*we*are Your Temple today, and
*Your Name* is called upon us! *And bring us not into temptation.*

 *7. 8:56 (8:54-66) SOLOMON: BLESSES ISRAEL AND MAKES OFFERING. “Blessed be
the LORD who has given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he
promised. Not one word has failed of all his good promise, which he spoke
by Moses his servant.” *How Your ability and accomplishment glorifies Your
Name, Father! *But deliver us from the evil one!*

 *NOTE**: 8:63 (8:54-66) SOLOMON’S SACRIFICES AND DEDICATION. **“Solomon
offered as peace offerings to the LORD 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. So
the king and all the people of Israel dedicated the house of the LORD.” *The
Abrahamic Covenant; The Solomonic Temple: and Calvary, Resurrection,
Ascension and Pentecost: these 3 are the 3 great events of God’s history!
Temple: scored by *tremendous* sacrifices! Upon these 3 all Bible history

 There are 3 significant dates in the Bible marked out by God’s Bible
Numerics, as discovered by Ivan Panin in 1890. The first is the Abrahamic
Covenant, 1896 B.C. It brings out the importance of “Covenant” from God’s p
erspective, especially as in Genesis 17. The apostle Paul confirms this in
the book of Galatians. History points to it as a key to understanding so
much of the Bible.

   The “Temple of Solomon”, 986 B.C., 1000 years later, is the third of the
significant dates of God’s Bible. It deserves our deep meditation upon it.
It points forward to the New Testament Temple of God in the Church, the
“One New Man”. When Herod’s Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Roman
Caesar Titus, causing all Temple sacrifices to cease since that time - God
ably through the apostle Paul pointed out that the Atoning death of His
Son, our Lord Jesus - laid the foundation for the *true* Temple of God, to
which He was leading for the past 4000 years. We learn *much* of God’s
thinking on the Church by studying the Types and Shadows contained in the
Temple of Solomon. David’s 7-fold preparation for its building is also
highly significant.

 But the 3rd significant date in God’s Bible of 66 books - 30 A.D. - is the
Key, and Capstone of the three! It is the Death, burial, Resurrection,
Ascension and Giving forth of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost! All previous
history looked forward through the prophets to this event! All subsequent
history looks back to that event and its significance. In this event - “We
feed on the *Merits* of Calvary, through *You*, Christ Jesus our Lord!”

 And yet - we are *not* to camp about the Cross, but about the *Throne*!
“We *camp* ‘round the Throne of God’s Heav’n above! - through *You*, Christ
Jesus our Lord!”

 Perhaps the following analogy will help us to understand God’s perspective
on the Cross and the Throne. Our solar system pursues its course as an *
ellipse* with two foci, *not* a circle with one center. The first focus is
that of our sun, around which our earth makes circuit each year. But the
second focus is in darkness and we move around it in winter, while the
former is our summer.

 In like manner, Jesus is *our* Son - the Son of Righteousness, around whom
we travel. But our Father’s Throne is shrouded in darkness. It is *here* we
are to camp, following our reception of Christ’s “Finished Work” at the
Cross! By our identification with Him in death and burial in Romans 6 - and
then identification with Him in His Resurrection, Ascension and Gift (d*o*-reA)
of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8) - then we truly have entered into the
“Exchanged Life” of Galatians 2:20 and John 15:1-16.

 So - through Identification we receive *all* that the Cross of Christ has
made available to us. We then through Identification *ascend* to be
seated *with
Him* in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:1-6). It is then in our understanding
of the above that we - like the earth - rotate around *both* the Cross and
the Throne. But it is at the Throne in God’s Heavenly Places, with Jesus
Christ now at His right hand - that we *camp*! If we camp around the Cross
alone - we miss the Victory and Joy of the Resurrected and Ascended life.
Holiness movements camped around the Cross - moved in that dimension. But
those like George Muller, Rees Howells & Andrew Murray, and Oswald
Chambers, who have died to themselves in Identification with Christ at the
Cross - and with Him in identification ascended to the Throne to
*there*encamp - we like them - can make Paul’s confession of Galatians

 May God bless us each one so that we make *our* encampment around the
Throne, having first received *all* of the merits of Christ at Calvary!
Then - we have become fellow-members of the Jew & Gentile Church, the *
fulfillment* of the “Temple of Solomon”.

 *Our chapter of Proverbs for the day: 13:13 THE PROVERBS OF SOLOMON. “Whoever
despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the
commandment will be rewarded.” *Why is this so obtuse to so many? It is
really crystal clear, and Your Son Father, perfectly exemplified it before
us. How we thank You for the beautiful characteristics, obedience and
balance in Jesus! *Hallowed be your :name!*

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