Mathematical Structure behind our Bible?

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Fri Sep 21 19:00:12 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at*


September 21, 2012



*- The Discoveries of Ivan Panin Strongly Proclaim It!*

 *There are numerous books on the market today concerning hidden “Bible
Codes” and other mathematical phenomena, which are attracting the attention
of Christians. Unfortunately, some of these books are only thinly veiled
attempts to make money at the expense of truth. But on the other hand there
is apparently a growing body of evidence that suggests there is reason to
believe the existence of such things. One of the more popular theories now
extant concerns the ELS, or “equidistant letter spacing,” codes. The
premise of this “code” involves selecting every other letter, or every
third letter, etc., in a passage of Scripture - particularly the “Torah”
(the first five Books of the Old Testament) - in the original Hebrew.
Because of the extreme complexity of such an undertaking, modern computers
have been programmed to search for messages through such letter sequences.
As one might expect some pretty wild messages have purportedly been found
along with “prophecies” relating to future events. It is not my intent to
try to promote the hidden code aspect, although I do believe that there is
ample evidence to show that there is some related fire and it is not all
smoke and mirrors!*

 *Apologetics is the area of theology that deals with a defense of the
Christian faith. God and His Word do not need defending, but because of our
humanity we are always comforted when we find “proofs” to substantiate our
faith - a faith that probably should not engage in such trivialities, but
nevertheless it goes on. In my own experience I have found that most
Christians, in the early stages of our walk with God, go through a phase or
period of preoccupation with things apologetic. I suppose this is only
natural, because it does help us to “get a handle” on this thing we call
faith. All of us would like nothing better than to confront the atheists,
agnostics, and skeptics of the world with overwhelming and irrefutable
proof that the Bible is God’s Word and it means exactly what it says! Our
flesh - our human nature - would really enjoy popping them right between
the eyes with the truth, so that they could not possibly have a comeback.
Have you ever had thoughts like these? Boy, I sure have! But to date this
has not happened and probably will not until the Lord Himself reigns in the
hearts of all men everywhere. Unbelief is so “unbelievably” strong that
irrefutable proof is merely a desirable but unachievable goal. However,
having said all of this, I will now make another attempt to supply
Christians with apologetic ammunition and give unbelievers something else
to deny!*

 *The first time I heard of Ivan Panin was nearly thirty years ago. Someone
gave me a tract that outlined his discovery of the “heptadic” structure of
the Scriptures (the recurrent phenomena of the number seven associated with
the texts of both the Old and New Testament), which he called “Bible
Numerics.” His finding fascinated me and I began discussing the tract with
some friends at church. One of them borrowed my tract and failed to return
it - which, as it turned out, deprived me of the basic information because
I was not able to find other sources. It was not until after I acquired a
computer and searched the Internet that I found what I had been looking for
all those years.*

 *Mr. John W. Irwin of Ontario, Canada, (81 Bayview Ridge, Willowdale,
Ontario, Canada M2L 1E3) has in his possession the actual hand-written
notes of Dr. Panin’s work of a lifetime (43,000 pages). When I contacted
Mr. Irwin about this information he told me that his dad had been a close
friend of Dr. Panin and during WWII accompanied his coffin on the train to
Grafton, Massachusetts where he arranged for his burial. He also told me
(in response to my question) that even though in recent years Dr. Panin’s
work had attracted some criticism and a few attempts to disprove it, no one
- to his knowledge - had been able to do so. This just bears out the fact
that no matter how strong a case may be, there will always be those who
claim they can prove it wrong.*

 *My sole intent with this article is to acquaint you with the findings of
Mr. Panin and not to try to add to the excellent articles already available
on other sites. If his findings are correct, and I believe they are, the
apologetic ammunition should be made known far and wide because it
provesto the regenerate mind the supernatural authorship of the Bible.
Of course
you will have to make this determination for yourself, but the links that
follow (coupled with the link to Panin’s own notes given earlier) should
give you plenty of information to work with. Check them out and marvel at
God’s signature on His handiwork. May He bless you in the search.*

 *Ron Riffe, Cutting Edge Ministries.*

 *1. <> Following the links
given on this site, will allow you to take a very close look at Mr. Panin’s
work. Articles by Chuck Missler and Grant Jeffery are also included.*

 “*Mathematical Codes Found in the Bible” by Chuck Missler in his book “**The
Creation Beyond Space and Time”, is another.*

 “*The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated” by Ivan
Panin - included in this - a “Letter to the New York Sun” *

 *NOTE: Since Ron Riffe wrote the above article, Mr. John W. Irwin of
Ontario, Canada has retired, and passed on the marketing of Books and
Pamphlets “on” or “by” Mr. Panin to Jim & Lois Thompson, New England Bible
Sales, 202 Quaker Road, Sidney, ME 04330 - <jpbooks at>, Phone


*- Ivan Panin’s Numeric English NT has been updated and is available here,
and also on Amazon*

*- also “Mathematics Prove Holy Scriptures” by Karl Sabiers, 158 pp - good

*- also “Absolute Mathematical Proofs” by Dr. Keith Brooks - 15 pp - nice
introductory summary*

 *I fully endorse the above transfer, and have had most favorable dealings
with Mr. Jim Thompson. He will be also making available our “Outlined
Interlinear New Testament” based on the Bible Numeric Greek and English
texts made and printed for Ivan Panin by Oxford Press, England.*

 *To receive up-to-date information on this “Interlinear” text, you can
contact <> - It is about to be made available
for purchasing, and can be pre-ordered. *

 “*Part 2” to the above article on Ivan Panin by Ron Riffe of “Cutting Edge
Ministries” can be obtained by going to our Website - <>
and clicking on “Archives”. Then scroll down to “2011.01.02** Cutting Edge
Ministries on Panin”. Jim Watt*

* *

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