Tribes & Temperaments

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Tue May 15 13:24:38 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at*


May 15, 2012

 *2012-05-15 - TRIBES & TEMPERAMENTS*

 *In 1949 I served as Assistant Pastor to Dr. D. A. Scotchie McCall of
Tabernacle Baptist Church of Chicago. That Fall we had Dr. A.W. Slemming
from England as guest speaker one Wednesday evening. He presented his
message that night as a “Show and Tell” - and came out dressed like Aaron
as a Jewish High Priest. It was most captivating! He spoke on the 12 tribes
of Israel, represented by the 12 stones he wore on the “Breastplate of
Judgment”. At the close of the service I purchased his book entitled “These
Are the Garments.” There were 12 chapters on the 12 tribes of Israel. After
reading up on them I asked the Lord - “There is more on this, isn't there?”
He encouraged me to ask Him for the “more”, and He would add to them.
Fourteen years later in 1963 I came across Dr. Tim LaHaye's books on the 12
Temperaments. Out of curiosity I did a “Matching test” with the 12 tribes
and the 12 Temperaments, and came up with the following.*

 *In the 4 Gospels, Jesus is perfectly balanced between the Lion of the
Tribe of Judah in Matthew - 50 points; the servant spirit of the Ox in Mark
- 50; the Son of Man of Luke - 50; and the Eagle of John representing Jesus
as the Son of God - 50.*

 *God gives a portion of each of these 4 to us also, but none of us have
the perfect score of Jesus. The two highest scores for two of the Gospels
link us with one of the 12 tribes, and shows us our linkage with the
appropriate Temperament. Those who know us well, especially our family, can
help us to find our Tribe and Temperament. From the age of three, it is
possible to see the temperament and tribe of our children, for Solomon says
in Proverbs - that the child is the father of the man! *

 *Following is the listing of the 12 tribes according to the order of the
march in Numbers chapter 2. *

 *1. JUDAH is a “Matthew/John” - and means Praise! From him descends the
Lion of the Tribe of Judah; Colossians sets forth this same truth in the
Pre-eminence of Christ! Just as Judah was first among the tribes in order
of the march, so Christ is pre-eminent in all of God's creation. John, the
spiritual gospel, whose emblem is the eagle, sets forth this same
pre-eminency through the 7 I AM's. Through Christ and Judah, the shout of a
king is in the midst of Israel and the Church (Numbers 23:21). When we
meditate upon Philippians 4:8, Christ is built up within us in these 8
glorious ways. “The Heavenly Choir” which was restored to the Church in
1948, brings forth praise and worship in a wonderful way. African-Americans
through their suffering, manifest the new song of the Lord. They sing, “We
shall overcome” - and by faith can truly sing - “We now overcome today!”
Maybe as many as one out of 12 of us are linked with Judah and this
two-fold powerful Temperament! And - not only each of us as individuals can
be linked with one of these 12, but also each local church! Each City
Church! Each State or Province - and each nation or country. Each of us can
also be linked with one of the 7 ministries of Romans 12:6-8!*

 *2. ISSACHAR is a “Mark/Luke” - and represents the wise soul-winner. He is
wise like a donkey, which in the Middle East and South America, is a very
valuable animal. Kings rode on donkeys, and Jesus on Palm Sunday rode on a
donkey. The qualification for the soul winner - is the Fruit of the Spirit,
Galatians 5:22-23. The fruit of the Spirit is also a guard against
returning to legalism, man's traditions, natural man's way of doing things,
and walking in lusts of the flesh. Sow to the Spirit that you received
after baptism (Acts 2:38), and you will reap the nature of Christ, and He
being lifted up in you, will draw souls to Himself! I like to look at the
“First Nations People” - who have the potential of sensitivity, faithfulnessand
obedience. Like the 11 tribes in Judges contrived to get 600 wives for
Benjamin to start that tribe up again - we need to stand with the First
Nations People until God brings them again to their full potential!*

 *3. ZEBULUN means “dwelling” or “abiding”. John 15:1-16 is a picture of
the fruitful abiding life. “Mark/Matthew” shows forth this
temperament. The Gifts
of the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 make Missions powerful and apostolic.
Christians are to manifest gifts of the Spirit as soon as saved. Missionary
Paul justified his apostleship on the basis of powerful gifts (2
Corinthians 12:12). Note that the Church of Corinth, though a carnal
church, yet manifested all the gifts of the Spirit. God did not intend
these gifts to cease with the apostolic age, and according to church
history, they did not. The Aorist tense in Ephesians 4:11, “gave”, and in 1
Corinthians 12:28, “set”, confirm this. I like to look at China, and
Brother Yun, The Heavenly Man, and his goal of 100,000 missionaries to move
to Israel in our day, evangelizing Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists on the
way. Martyrs? Of course! But they will then join the martyrs of Revelation

 *4. REUBEN is a “Luke/Mark”, and represents the nation of Israel, and for
the Church, “Our Jewish Roots”! Reuben was a man of weakness and
indecision, but could have prevailed had he availed himself of spiritual
resources. Sin, disgrace and great loss came to him because he did not lay
a good foundation, could not curb his lust and weakness. Fasting helps to
overcome weakness and lust of the flesh. We need to add to our faith the
virtues of 2 Peter 1:6-8. However, though Reuben lost the Kingship, the
Blessing and the Priesthood because of sin, yet God reserved for him Simeon
and Gad on the South side of the Tabernacle, and identification with the 8
blessings of Israel in Romans 9:4-5 (9:1-13).*

 *5. SIMEON is a “John/Mark”, and represents South Korea, and the Gift - do-reA
- of the Spirit. One with the “Simeon” Temperament can take 2 Peter 1:6-8
(1:1-11) - and can powerfully overcome any other weakness. Simeon under his
father's blessing appeared cruel, vindictive and unrestrained; suffered
loss in Israel, and eventually became swallowed up in Judah. We have modern
counter-parts like Simeon, who fiercely resisted his father's rebuke, and
justified himself in a lawless act. He who is is truly repentant and
believes the gospel, will show a different type of evidence of God's
working in his life. 1 John reveals six evidences of a truly converted man.
The new birth reveals itself in unmistakable changes, that should be
studied carefully by those who mistake profession and intellectual assent
for true possession and transformation. By their fruits you shall know them!

 *6. GAD is a “John/Matthew”, and represents Asia. Gad is like a lion, a
troop, is he who is overcome, but overcomes at the last (Revelation 12:11)!
He does so through the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20). Like Gad, we
should recognize that we overcome Satan when properly defended and guarded.
We may lose a battle, but we shall surely win the war! Elijah was a Gadite
- a noble example! Elijah was one who prevailed through fasting like Jesus
and Daniel. This was one of the 3 initial restoration truths that brought
forth the 1948 Visitation in Northern Canada.*

 *7. EPHRAIM is a “Mark/John”, and was marked by Jacob's prophecy as one
slated for double fruitfulness, ahead of his older brother Manasseh. I have
linked Ephraim with the Lord's Prayer of Matthew 6:9-13. What better way
can one find for fruitfulness - than by living daily in this truth?*

*JOSEPH is the father of this younger son, and in his two sons has a double
portion through the prophecy of his father Jacob. I link him with “Bridal
Love”, and this can be seen in the 7 Unities of Ephesians 4:4-6 (1-16).
When one prays over the history of the Polynesians, there are truths here
that remind one of Joseph. Of all the sons of Jacob, none has more
parallels with our Lord in their histories, than this 11th son given to him
through Rachel.*

 *8. MANASSEH is a “Luke/Matthew”. His name means “forgetfulness”. Ephraim
was set before Manasseh, though the younger, just as the church has
pre-eminence above Israel. The greater spiritual blessing came to the
church; yet Israel, like Manasseh, has not been forgotten. Replacement
Theology has forgotten this. 1948 witnessed the return of Israel to her
homeland as a nation. June 1967 witnessed the occupancy of Jerusalem by
Israel: Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles or non-Jews until
the end. Soon the time of Jacob's trouble will commence under a world-wide
ruler called the Syrian. 1 Peter 4:7-11 reveals the changes that ought to
take place in our lives in the light of the end times, when consummation
for both Israel and the Church takes place. Romans 9-11 reveals this coming
union. I link Manasseh with “counseling” - nouthetic counseling! True
counseling grounds the counselee in a renewed mind like Romans 12:2, where
he can think God's thoughts after him.*

*LEVI had no inheritance in the land, for the LORD was his inheritance.
Levi was the tribe of guidance for Israel's leaders through the Urim and
Thummim. The 5 clans of Levi were like the 5 ministry gifts of Ephesians
4:11-12, and can spiritually adjust the members of the 12 tribes to
function in a unity under their Head - our Lord Jesus Christ. The parallel
between Israel and the Church here is a blessing.*

 *9. BENJAMIN is a “Luke/John”. This was the tribe of the apostle Paul.
Benjamin is the “wolf” tribe. If ever a tribe needed conversion, this tribe
did. Look at Saul of Tarsus before his conversion and becoming Paul the
apostle! Spiritually speaking I identify with this tribe, and desperately
needed conversion, and continue to need to walk in the sanctifying power of
the Spirit. Hebrews 6:1-2 (5:11-6:8) are the steps for true conversion
needed by the Benjamin tribe. Hebrews brings forth the Gospel for Jews, and
Romans sets forth the Foundation Truths for Gentiles. We should study these
two epistles carefully, for they are the foundation for all that follows. A
vital experience in the Holy Spirit following baptism leads naturally into
all further truth.*

 *10. DAN is a “John/Luke”. Dan means judge. Dan finds his New Testament
parallel in Thessalonians and the Second Coming. We must through the Holy
Spirit have a sanctified and holy work done in our lives, so that as
overcomers we might have part in the first resurrection! All God's promises
are to overcomers! to disciples! to those who deny themselves, take up
their cross daily and follow Christ. The words of the Lord Jesus to the
seven churches of Revelation form a composite picture of the conditions for
the overcoming life. James 3:17 outlines 7 marks of wisdom for Dan, and
backs him up in his “quick decisions.” United States and Canada portray
this practical tribe.*

 *11. ASHER is a “Matthew/Mark”. Asher is the happy man of true heart
religion. Only a man of union with God through the true pattern of prayer
can evidence the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-12, the true fruit of the blessed
man. And God is more interested in what we are to and with Him, than what
we do for Him! Link Asher with “healing”, spiritual and physical. Latin
Americans have demonstrated this in a number of their nations.*

 *12. NAPHTALI is a “Matthew/Luke”. Naphtali is the wrestling hind. He
enters rest through overcoming the trials of life. Self-denial, reckoning
oneself dead through identification with Christ's death, allows the restful
beauty of Christ to shine through. The self-denying mind of Christ on
behalf of others is seen in Romans 12:6-8. This is the “Presbytery”
concept, with an Eldership in the Gate of the City Church. It was the first
of 12 Embryonic Revival Principles restored to the Church in the Canadian
1948 Visitation. In Kenya and Tanzania, Africa, there are strong
indications that the Presbytery concept could sweep that Continent, and be
a blessing to the world. Pray that indeed it might be so.*

 *NOTE**: One can check our Website <> and click on
“Embryonics”. Here are listed the above 12 tribes with a fuller account of
prophetic words and history for each one. The meaning of their names is
found in Genesis 29 and 30; Jacob's prophecy over each in Genesis 49;
Moses' prophecy over each in Deuteronomy 33; the order of their march in
Numbers 2; and their historical outworking in the balance of the Old
Testament. J.A.Watt*

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