The Five Kingdoms

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Fri Feb 17 13:34:22 PST 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at*


February 17, 2012

 *Congregation Beth Chesed*

*Jim & Marie Watt - May 21, 2006*


 One of D.L. Moody’s favorite authors was Henry Drummond of Scotland. His
book “Natural Law in the Spiritual World” especially intrigued Moody. Here
we see the wisdom for the basis of Jesus’ parables. He took from nature and
ordinary human events -- the human interest foundation for his parables,
and then related them to the Kingdom of God.

 In 1946 I came across Drummond’s use of the 5 Kingdoms, and passed it on
to some 100 Christian students of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
(IVCF) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan as a witnessing tool.

 We are all familiar with the “Mineral Kingdom”. It lies beneath our feet.
To all intents and purposes it is inanimate, though in the movement of
atoms and electrons, who knows how God looks on this Kingdom.

 But the “Vegetable Kingdom” reaches down into the Mineral Kingdom, and
through osmosis and other abilities, has the wonderful function of
converting the mineral kingdom into the higher vegetable kingdom. A
transformation takes place. Scientists can still analyze the mineral
content of vegetation, but through photo-synthesis the minerals now partake
of the life of this higher kingdom, howbeit in a transformed state.

 Then Mrs. Cow reaches out her tongue and grabs a tuft of grass, and
converts this part of the vegetable kingdom into a higher state – that of
the “Animal Kingdom”. True, the content of the vegetation can be detected
by scientists in the life of the animal – but it has been TRANSFORMED
indeed, and now exists on a higher plane.

 Next we human beings go to the market and purchase beef steaks. When we
have eaten what God said to Noah was now open to the human race after the
flood, we transform the animal by digestion into a yet higher state – the
Human Kingdom. Conversion has been active in each of these three stages.

 But – wonder of wonders – in the wisdom and foreplanning of God, through
Jesus Christ, He reaches down and accomplished the fourth and greatest
phase of transformation and conversion. Through the atoning work of Jesus
Christ we by identification receive justification by our faith, all by
grace. Then we freely and boldly come to the Father, who grants us
“forgiveness” of our sins – at the very place Jesus brought His blood as
our Great High Priest after the order of Melchizedek – after His death,
burial and first Ascension.

 Christ Jesus then tells us that except we eat of His flesh (the Word) and
drink of His blood (the Spirit); we have no life (*Z**O**-**e*) in us. But
then the Spirit through Paul bids us offer our bodies a LIVING SACRIFICE to
God, which is our spiritual and Levitical service to God. Through this He
receives us into Himself, and we enter into a life of the Kingdom of God –
more complete, revolutionary and transforming than any of the 3 preceding

 Are we INDEED in Him and He in us? Are we truly one with God as Jesus is
in the Father, and the Father in the Son? Don’t too quickly claim such an
extraordinary transformation – unless the fruit of it bears witness to the
truth of such an experience. All of this is wrought by “grace” through
faith – not of works, lest any man should boast.

 God initiated this. Previously He foreknew, and foreordained it. George
Muller at one time said such teaching was of the pit and the devil – but
when challenged to look into the New Testament thoroughly, found that 4
times to one the Scriptures corroborated what he had been condemning. He
acknowledged that there was a danger in this position if held only in the
head and mind – but if it through prayer and meditation came into the heart
– then it became a powerful incentive to holy living.

 CONVERSION! CONVERSION! Have we entered into God’s thinking on this
marvelous transformation? If we have – then all the promises of God, become
through us a possibility of attainment! Jim Watt

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