Ephesians 4:4-6

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 09:30:55 PDT 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

April 5, 2012

 *2012-03-30 - SURVEY IV - THE SEVEN UNITIES - Ephesians 4:4-6*

 *Link this Survey with Joseph. He fits in with the Moravian Proverb: In
essentials unity; in non-essentials tolerance; in all things love! The
Research Paper #, the page number, and the Greek Root (*) come from John
Stegenga's “The Greek-English Analytical Concordance of the Greek-English
New Testament published in 1963. The Analysis is based on Vine's
“Expository Dictionary.”*

 *1. ONE BODY. *R.P. #1408, p. 727, A. S*O*ma***, 146 (150) references. “S*O
*ma (body), and PNEUma (spirit) may be separated; PNEUma (spirit) and psuCH*
E* (soul), can only be distinguished” - (Cremer). *Body* is used
metaphorically, of the mystic Body of Christ, with reference to the whole
Church, Eph. 1:23; Col. 1:18, 22, 24; also of a local church, 1 Cor.
12:12-31; ministry gifts are for the body, and to perfect it, Eph. 4:11-16.

In the Tabernacle of Moses, the Brazen Altar and the Laver are in the
“Outer Court”, which represents the body.

 *2. ONE SPIRIT. *R.P. #1153, p. 650, B, PNEUma, from PNE*o****, 385 (428)
references. Like the wind, He is invisible, immaterial and powerful! The
Holy Spirit in the New Testament has Divine attributes: distinct
Personality in the Godhead; operation in connection with the Lord Jesus in
His Birth, His life, His baptism, His Death; operations in the world; in
the Church; sent at Pentecost by the Father and by Christ; operations in
the individual believer; in production of Scriptures. See John 14-16 for a
treatise by the Lord Jesus on the Holy Spirit. “Rees Howells, Intercessor”
by Norman P. Grubb gives much illumination on the Holy Spirit!

 *3. ONE HOPE. *R.P. #397, p. 243, A, elPIS***, 54 (87) references. This
word describes the happy anticipation of good (most frequent significance).
Our hope is the prospect before us who are *called* and have responded to
the Gospel, Eph. 1:18, 4:4. This is an *objective* hope, as opposed to
subjective hope of Romans 15:4. Hope is a factor in salvation, Romans 8:24.
In 1 & 2 Thessalonians, our *hope* is the *sure* return of our Lord Jesus
in power and glory, at which time we are resurrected, and receive a
glorious body like as His present resurrected body!

And what of our *calling*? See R.P. 624 , p. 394, I.B, KL*E*sis, from kaLE*o
****, 11 (519) References. The origin, nature and destiny of God's calling
is *heavenly*!

 *4. ONE LORD. *R.P. #755, p. 466, D, KUri-os, from KUros***, 747 (772)
references. This word signifies having power or authority. It is joined
with the absolute title of Deity, John 20:28! It is used only of God and
the Lord Jesus after this (except in Acts 10:4 & Revelation 7:14). See:
Never addressed by personal Name (Jesus): always the *Lord Jesus*. The
Savior's title of “Lord” rests upon His Resurrection, Acts 2:36, Romans
10:9, 14:9, and is realized only in the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:3!

 *5. ONE FAITH.* R.P. #1100, p. 618, I.H. PIStis, from PEIth*o***, *244
(708) references. By metonymy, it spells out what is believed, the contents
of belief, the faith, Acts 6:7, 14:22; Galatians 2:23, 3:35, 6:10;
Philippians 1:27; 1 Thessalonians 3:10, Jude 3, 20. It is a *firm conviction
* acknowledging God's revelation of truth.

 *6. ONE BAPTISM. *R.P. #183, p. 109, C, BAPtis-ma, from BAPt*o****, 22
(126) references. *This* is the baptism by the Lord Jesus in the Holy
Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:13. John prophesied this baptism, Matthew 3:11,
Acts 11:16. Christian baptism is a type and condition for this, consisting
of the processes of immersion, submersion and emergence (BAPt*o*, dip).
Baptism in the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost is a metaphorical use of
this word. Salvation through the Holy Spirit is not ordinarily given till
after water baptism, Acts 8:15-16.

 *7. ONE GOD.* R.P. 522, p. 342, I.A, TheOS***, 1344 (1456) references. In
the New Testament, it speaks of His unity, Mark 12:29; self-existence, John
5:26; immutability, James 1:17; eternity, Romans 1:20; universality,
Matthew 10:29; almighty power, Matthew 19:26; infinite knowledge, Acts
2:23; creative power, Romans 11:36; absolute holiness, 1 Peter 1:15;
righteousness, John 17:25; faithfulness, 1 Corinthians 1:9; love, 1 John
4:8; mercy, Romans 9:15. And lastly, see the break-down of *and
FATHER. *R.P. #1092, p. 610, A, paT
*E*R***, 418 (440) references.

 *NOTE**: *Under Body in Point 1, I refer to the Outer Court as containing
the first 2 pieces of Tabernacle Furniture: the Brazen Altar and the Laver.
The Holy Place represents the soul, and has three pieces of furniture: the
Menorah or Candlestick; the Table of Bread representing the 12 tribes of
Israel in 2 piles of 6 pieces each; and the Altar of Incense facing the
veil before the Holy of Holies, where Worship & Intercession takes place.
Andrew Murray and Rees Howells demonstrate the importance of this. Then the
Holy of Holies represents the spirit. Here we find the 6th and 7th piece of
Tabernacle Furniture: the Ark of the Covenant, containing God's Old
Covenant which was given to Israel in 10 commandments. Our *Lord Jesus* is
our New Covenant, mentioned twice as such in the Prophecy of Isaiah. Oswald
Chambers teaches us how to “Focus on Jesus” - who encourages us to give
“Our Utmost” for “His Highest.” The “Finished Work” of Christ on Calvary
should lead us into “Personal, passionate devotion to Jesus!”

 The Mercy Seat is where we have the potential of Intimacy with God as had
Moses. Through the Riven Veil that took place at Calvary - we have free
access - dependent on our understanding of the first 5 pieces of furniture.

 Lee Ellenwood of California brought the above forcibly to my attention in
1944 - as a new convert in the Canadian Navy. I do not remember him
omitting in any lecture the Tabernacle diagram

 Later - much later, a brother and I wrestled together to understand
David's prayer in Psalm 86:11 *“Unite my heart to fear Your Name!”* What is
a *united heart*? How does it fit into the “Path of the Just” through the 7
pieces of Tabernacle Furniture? What came to us was that when we are born
into this world since Adam - our human spirit is “*dead”* in trespasses and
sins - inherited from Adam's sin. But the Second or Last Adam - our Lord
Jesus - at Calvary made propitiation for Adam's sin, and we now can be
reconciled to God through His Blood Redemption. Our human spirit is
*then*made alive! But our “soul” in the Holy Place - has not been
*renewed* in mind, emotions and will. When we walk in *Romans 12:1-2* - our
soul is lifted up to the level of our “made alive” spirit, and the two
become our *“united heart!”*

 But in our unsaved or unregenerate state prior to the new birth *from above
* - our soul and body is “in cahoots” - that is *united* in the “flesh
state” - which *never* can be pleasing to God. However - when the soul, by
acting upon Romans 12:1-2 - lifts us into the spirit and *a united heart* -
*the flesh* is broken up - leaving the body alone - to *now follow* the
engine (spirit), coal car (soul) - and like a good *caboose* (body) -
having to follow!

 *Our body* is the temple of the Holy Spirit; our Lord Jesus is the
Redeemer and Savior of *our soul*; and Jesus then leads us into the Holy of
Holies to have intimacy with Him there with His Father - and now our
Father. God the Father is His Father uniquely as the only begotten Son! You
and I have God as our Father as *adopted* sons. Jesus now has become *the
Head* of His spiritual body - the “One New Man” composed of Jew and Gentile
alike, with the middle wall of partition through the Old Testament law done
away - and has become the New Covenant written on our heart and mind by the
Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 31).

 Does the above confuse some of you? It at one time did me too. But once
God opened it up to us by “revelation” - it has become exceedingly
precious, real, releasing and dynamic. I take a daily walk through the
Tabernacle, visiting each piece of furniture in turn - and enter through
the riven veil into the Holy of Holies, where we all have the privilege of
being seated in heavenly places with the Father and our Lord Jesus. The
Holy Spirit at this time dwells in us now individually and corporately as
the Temple of God! I know that as you pray over this, talk to God about it,
*meditate* upon it - then the Holy Spirit - our Teacher and Helper - will
guide each one of us into this place of the “Halls of Highest Human
Happiness” - Oneness, unity and intimacy with our God!

 The above words of these “7 Unities” may be sung, with Psalm 48 as a
Chorus - J.A.Watt

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