7 Churches & 7 Nations

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 18:28:26 PST 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

March 1, 2012


*Jim & Marie Watt – Beth Chesed, Tacoma - October 25, 2006)*



On a mailing dated October 21, 2006 and titled: “12 Gates of the City & the
7 Creative Days”, I received a request: “Would it be possible to enlarge on
this theme?” I was about to respond that a “Google” search would turn up
quite a bit on this, when I ran across something I wrote in 1994 on this
subject. Here ‘tis!


There is a warning here! Alan Vincent of England states that the Epistle of
Paul to the Ephesians is a prophetic word to Ephesus that did not find
fulfillment. Ephesus failed. Her Candlestick was removed. She left her
first love, did not act upon the warning of Jesus, and little trace of her
can be found today in modern Turkey. God is yet awaiting a City Church that
will arise, and meet the 7-fold challenge of this epistle.

What light could have come to the world had the church of Ephesus arisen to
the challenge? But the Hivite spirit of Selfishness and Self-centered
living replaced the fire of her first love. Remember again the deadly
aspects of Self-centered living: life focused on self; proud of self and
self’s accomplishments; self-confidence; depending on self and one’s own
abilities; affirming self; seeking to be acceptable to the world and its
ways; looking at circumstances from a human perspective; selfish and
ordinary living.

And again consider what Ephesus could have returned to in Love: an
expression of God-centered living; confidence in God; dependence on God and
His ability and provision; life focused on God and His activity; humble
before God; denying self; seeking first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness; seeking God’s perspective in every circumstance; holy and
godly living.

And what was the Holy Spirit’s goal for the church of Ephesus? Christ’s *
Church*, with Himself as her life and Head; Christ’s *Body*, each member
individually and corporately responding to its living Head; God’s *One New
Man*, with no middle wall of division; the *Temple* of God, Jesus Christ
the chief Corner-stone and Capstone; God’s *Building*, only gold and silver
and precious stones; Christ’s *Bride*, loving, obeying and respecting Him;
God’s *Army*, doing effective warfare against principalities, powers and
all territorial spirits.

Pray that the church of Jerusalem and all cities of the world may arise to
this challenge.

*O Father, we do pray that the church of the city in which we live will
arise and fulfill the challenge that Ephesus failed in. We pray also for
the peace of Jerusalem, and that the church of that city may become a
realization of the Epistle to the Ephesians. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.*


In this week we are not only considering the 7 churches of Revelation 2 &
3, but also the 7 Canaanite nations of Deuteronomy 7:1, each required by
God for Israel to DRIVE OUT and DESTROY. Each of these 7 nations represents
the 7 “Capital” or besetting sins of the human race. The Contemplative
movement through St. John of the Cross showed the way to union with God
through “The Ascent to Mount Carmel” (purging oneself from all defilement
of the flesh); and through “The Dark Night of the Soul” (purging oneself
from defilement of the spirit); and then perfecting holiness in the fear of
the Lord (2 Corinthians 7:1, bringing union and communion with Christ).

The Jebusite spirit of ENVY is worse than the capital sin of Hatred
(Proverbs 27:4). Envy and Jealousy are twins: the former coveting the
possessions of its owner; the latter coveting the characteristics and
giftings of their owner. Both break the 10th Commandment of Exodus 20, and
are not to be separated. They are twin marks of Covetousness.

Smyrna was like the writer of Psalm 73: he coveted the prosperity of the
wicked. Yet Jesus Christ had no word against her or Philadelphia, the only
two without censure of the seven. Christ encouraged Smyrna in her
tribulation and persecution. FAITHFULNESS to Christ in the midst of testing
is the key to overcoming and approval. Look only to Jesus, NOT the status
or experience of those who measure themselves against others (2 Corinthians
10:12-17). Instead, like Job, endure through testings, trusting God alone
in His timing to vindicate and reveal His hidden purposes.

The word of Jesus to Smyrna is a difficult but necessary word. He, who has
ears, let him hear it.

*Father, we trust and rest in Your help to overcome the sin of Envy. Walk
THROUGH us the divine perfection of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Enable
us to endure testing, and bring us through with flying colors. In Your
Son’s Name, Amen.*


Revelation 2:12-17; Deuteronomy 7:1; Ezekiel 28:1-19

According to Charles G. Finney, the selfishness or self-will of Ephesus is
the key sin: overcome here, and all else is a house of cards. The Pride of
Pergamum is the key sin that led to the fall of Lucifer into Satan. And it
is here in Pergamum, the city of Pride, where we again find Satan’s throne.
Martyrdom unto death is also found here. Satanism and sexual license are
found hand in hand – so it is not surprising to find the sin of Balaam here
too. And there is yet MORE sin – that of the Nicolaitans, who encouraged
idolatry and sexual sin.

The Girgashites are the least known in their origins among the 7
Canaanitish nations mentioned in Deuteronomy 7:1. The capital sin of Pride
identified with this nation is subtle. It is a *religious spirit*. It is
like the smile of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”, who seems to intimate
the knowledge of a secret unknown to others. People infected with this
spirit count all others as of lesser spirituality to themselves. It leads
those seduced and deluded by this spirit to become rebellious, above rules
and laws that govern others; divisive, strange, peculiar, doing odd things
brought on by inner voices that bring reproach to the Gospel. Those who
lend their beings to the control of the religious spirit of pride of the
Girgashites, believe they alone are truly led of the Holy Spirit. Like Saul
of Tarsus before conversion, even the killing of Christians is thought to
be serving God. Killing babies, homicides, suicides, are often instigated
by this evil spirit. As Satan was a liar and murderer from the beginning,
so those who follow the prideful Girgashite, act like those of Pergamum.
Yet thank God, Overcomers are in this church also!

*Lord, help us to remember that we are ALL open to deception and pride.
GUARD us against this subtle sin. Amen*


1 Kings 16:29 – 19:4; 21:1-29; 2 Kings 9:1-37

William Barclay gives an excellent geographical and historical background
on each of these 7 churches. G. Campbell Morgan sets forth these 7 churches
in a helpful and practical manner in his book on this subject.

Thyatira means “Perfume out of Bruising”. There was good coming out of this
church that pleased the Lord, but it was a mixture. Along with the good
were terrible and grave excesses. Chief among these was the false
prophetess Jezebel who the chief apostle and pastor permitted to function
and poison the church. Just as Queen Jezebel poisoned Israel through weak
and compliant King Ahab, so this evil woman poisoned the church of Thyatira
because of the weakness and compliance of the chief pastor. Why do men
having the authority suffer themselves to be deceived, deluded and
contaminated? Elijah and the Apostle Paul were not of this spirit.

It takes an Ahab to make possible a Jezebel. False prophecy has no effect
in a church when the leadership is functioning as Prophet, Priest and King
in families and churches. But when Patriarchy becomes Matriarchy because
men like Ahab abdicate their responsibility, then the situation found in
Thyatira becomes possible. Usually women resent being forced by abdicating
husbands to take the leadership in the home and church. They much prefer
their men to be “men”. But there are these odd women with ambition and
drive who thrive on a weak Ahab. God help the family and church where this
takes place. It is usually accompanied with sexual excess, adultery and
perversion. Sometimes a man can have a Jezebel spirit, as was evidenced in
the 80’s in a large church in Seattle.

Thank God again, in spite of the Amorite spirit of LUST (spiritual
connections), such a church still has Overcomers!

*Father, in our homes and churches, make our men – MEN; let them function
as Prophet, Priest and King; let their wives as co-heirs of God’s grace
function as Prophetess, Priestess and Queen. Break the spirit of Ahab and
Jezebel, and set us free, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.*


Revelation 3:1-6; Deuteronomy 7:1; Ephesians 5:8-17

Jesus could find nothing good to say about Sardis or Laodicea. What
deception and delusion existed in Sardis! All the time they saw themselves
in Life, the Lord saw them in Death and Darkness. In such self-deception, a
spirit of paralysis seems to take over. It takes intercession on the part
of others to blast through this spirit of error, so that anointed eyes can
see the true situation of “apathy” as the Lord sees it. Better to find out
now if rugged repentance is necessary in the light of grave deception, than
to appear before the Lord at His Judgment Seat, unprepared for His
devastating words: You have been weighed in the balance, and found wanting!

*Apathy* is a binding, blinding sin. “Blasting”, on the part of loving,
concerned intercessors, alone seems to break through. This is an occasion
for extra sadness, because suddenly the Lord comes in judgment as a thief
in the night. Those who walk in the Light avoid this irremediable judgment.
Rufus Moseley points out the aggressive solution: Learn to abide in Jesus,
to remain in union with Him! Choose to manifest Him only in all situations
as the Spirit of Love; Cleave to His Freedom which is released to all
disciples who walk joyfully in His Word!

Gandhi, a non-Christian, advised Christians how to make their faith work in
other countries: Christians, missionaries and all, must begin to live more
like Jesus Christ. Second, practice your religion without adulterating it
or toning it down. Third, emphasize love and make it your working force,
for love is central in Christianity. Fourth, study the non-Christian
religions more sympathetically to find the good that is within them, in
order to have a more sympathetic approach to the people.

*O Lord, help us to humble ourselves, and profit from the insight of even
non-professing Christians – that pride and apathy might be broken in our
lives. Amen.*


Our dispensational friends tend to see this church and Laodicea jointly
representing the end of this age. There is a weak church, namely
Philadelphia; but one which is enabled by grace to accomplish God’s
purposes in her day. Then there is a section of the church almost
completely inundated with materialism, humanism, New Ageism and pleasure:
namely Laodicea.

Philadelphia, the city of brother-love, has no word against its church by
her Lord. Weak, yes; but a little strength; and by the Lord’s enabling
grace, entering into the open doors of God. John Dawson speaks of
overcoming a besetting sin by operating in the opposite spirit. In one
Argentine city of pride, the American team knelt before them Arab style in
the public square. This act of humility broke the opposite spirit of pride,
and opened the door to effective evangelism. So in Philadelphia – the
opposite spirit of brotherly love broke down the Hittite spirit of anger.
This is a paradox, but the pragmatic test is: it works! Try it with
individuals or groups, large or small, and this principle usually comes
through with flying colors.

And what of our enemies, in our weakened condition? It is the Lord Himself
who on our behalf causes our enemies to bow before us. Gentile Christians
are not Jews, though many through a false “Replacement Theology” position
think they are. But, just ask a Jew! Or, ask God in the light of Romans 11
and many other Scripture passages. Such a position is error and deception,
even though tenaciously defended.

`And note: not a word of censure by Jesus against this church, a church of
humility, brotherly love and perseverance out of weakness. Let us too
cleave in faithfulness to Jesus.

*O Lord, You alone are the Light of our life, the Love of our soul, the
Life of our walk. We cleave to You alone, and in total trust say, “Manifest
through us continually the Balance and Beauty of Yourself.”*


* *It is sad to think that the last word to these 7 churches should end on
such a depressing note. But Realism is better than living in a fool’s
paradise, and this but serves as a warning to us. Romans chapter 1 is the
potential for every church that walks in the flesh, but not after the
Spirit. It is a warning to every individual also. It behooves us to walk
softly and humbly before our God, lest we end up and receive from Him a
word like unto Laodicea, with nothing at all good to say about us!

The Canaanite spirit of greed is one of barter, merchandising, profits,
material gain, security in this life, provision for this life alone with no
practical though of spiritual verities and life’s tomorrow. The book of
Proverbs calls such an individual or church, Fool! And our country of
America is so full of this spirit of materialism and greed! G. Campbell
Morgan warns us: “Watch the world; what it is emphasizing today will be
operating in the church within 10 years!” Can we not spot this truth? See
our low conscience in the church concerning TV violence and lust; see our
disdain concerning those who put the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
ahead of our own interests; and look at our permissive view concerning
school education, abortion, euthanasia, child and woman abuse; new ageism;
the occult. Our conscience is dulled and even seared by permissiveness.
Religious leaders of Jesus’ day sneered at Him for holding up an ideal
contrary to their Laodicean spirit of greed and materialism. This century
God had to rebuke the world through a Gandhi, who freed a nation from
exploitation through upholding the idea of Truth-force and love.

*O Lord, protect us from the subtle influence of greed and materialism of
the church of Laodicea. Grant us the anointing of the Holy Spirit to see as
You see, and Your power and help to choose what pleases You!*

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