Dreams & Visions

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 21:36:01 PDT 2009


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253-517-9195 - Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*



 In July 1992 following a 5 week trip to Jerusalem and Israel, I received a
vision. In it God appeared to me in the person of one of His departed
servants. He referred to the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of the 1948
Visitation in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. He said, “Take the torch of
that time, and bring to maturity these 12 principles, as linked with the 12
tribes of Israel. *They shall be parameters of safety for the last Revival
preceding the return of My Son.”*

 One of these principles relates to the tribe of Zebulun (Dwelling), and the
Gifts of the Spirit of 1 Corinthians 12:8-11, that follow and confirm the
preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The gifts of the Word of
Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge and the Discernings of spirits, come under the
category of Revelatory Gifts. Dreams and Visions are one of the normal
channels God uses to make this confirmation. When we disobey God like King
Saul through rebellion and consulting the occult, mediums and demonic
spirits - then God refuses to answer us through Prophets, Urim and Thummim,
and Dreams and Visions. Saul ended up in the wrong part of the unseen world.

 But if like Caleb and Joshua we believe God, and pay attention to His
promises and His Word - then He rewards us by not only letting us *see* the
Kingdom of God, but allowing us to *enter* His Kingdom! Moses saw it, but
because of disobedience in striking the Rock (Christ) instead of speaking to
it, God refused his request to enter.

 Since 1985 I have profited from Dreams and Visions like Joseph and Daniel,
and have been able to interpret them. But unfortunately, the best 10 text
books on this subject that I could find at that time, were all tinctured
with the “occult” through Carl Jung. To safeguard my friends, I ceased after
1996 to teach in this area. But on May 31st of this year, the Day of
Pentecost, following a word of ministry I gave on the importance of
“Meditation” based on the Word of God - a fellow pastor from Canada gave me
a gift of “Dreams: The Divinity Code” - The Keys to Decoding your Dreams and
Visions by Adrian Beale and Adam F. Thompson of Australia.

 They like myself realized the importance of listening to the voice of God
today through Dreams and Visions; but also like myself - were unable to
obtain a textbook untainted apart from an occult background. God led them to
prepare the above text over a 4 year period, based on true Evangelical and
Bible-grounded background, and made it available in 2008.

 Following a 10 chapter “help” in dream and vision interpretation, they have
then added 101 Sample Dream and Vision Interpretations, based on a Metaphor
Dictionary of some 2000 most common Biblically based Metaphors, and also a
People and Place Name Dictionary.

 I have very thoroughly studied the 10 initial chapters of 124 pages, and
spent some time also in their other helps. It is my conviction that God has
raised up these two brothers in these last days for a most helpful
enlargement upon the tribe of Zebulun, and for evangelism strengthened by
“signs following” through a correct method of interpreting dreams and

 They like myself do not see Dreams and Visions alone as a cure-all - but
part of a package of a number of powerful Revival Principles.

 I see the tribe of Levi as representing the 5-fold ministry of Ephesians
4:11-12, sitting in the gate of each city composed of many local churches -
just as in Acts 13:1-3, and Acts 15. The Holy Spirit used this group in
Antioch to launch the first great missionary outreach. He used the Jerusalem
Eldership of the 5-fold to settle the Judaizing controversy.

 The North Battleford Visitation of 1948 brought a powerful Restoration
Impetus to these two principles. A third restoration principle brought
Worship back to a new dimension through the Heavenly Choir. “Forty Years of
Signs and Wonders in the Life of Mrs. Maria Woodworth-Etter” triggered
further to see this Restoration take place 61 years ago in Edmonton,

 Biblical Meditation along the line of Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1 and 1 Timothy
4:15 - was triggered by George Whitefield and George Muller in past
centuries, but is still relevant and necessary today. Paul and Smith
Wigglesworth both experienced and witnessed to the release that comes by
much use of one's devotional prayer language (praying in tongues). It is as
a launching pad or space platform that launches the other gifts of the

 Much of the above and more can be seen on our Website *<www.2rbetter.org>*.
It is in the progress of being completed - but rather than hold up to full
completion, we have opened it up in a yet unperfected stage. Please overlook
this, so that you can see the full 12-fold Embryonic Revival Principles both
in Teaching and Prayer Format - even in this incomplete stage.

 It is true that like most revivals, the 1948 Canadian Visitation had
man-made teachings added to what God initiated in purity. I was one of the 7
elders in the July Camp Meeting that summer, but withdrew with my wife Marie
in March 1949, because of an extreme teaching on the “Manifestation of the
Sons of God” that gained entrance in October '48. Following that, Ultimate
Reconciliation crept in (successfully confronted by Derek Prince and George
Muller of Bristol, England) plus 5 more aberrations including Replacement
Theology through the teaching of “British Israel.” Nonetheless, the initial
“baby” of this visitation is Scriptural, and blessed of God. *Don't* throw
the baby out with the bathwater - but *do* take the “precious from the vile”
(Jeremiah 15:19), and *then* you shall be as God's mouth. To see the pros
and cons of this Visitation, the Precious and the Vile, you can order 3
DVD's produced by Dr. John Roddam of St. Luke's Episcopal Church of Seattle
(the church of Dennis Bennett fame) and Stuart Spani of N. Vancouver BC.
John interviews Marie and myself in 10 thirty minute segments, documenting
our insights on that visitation. To obtain this, see *<
www.reason-for-hope.com>* and click on “Catalogue” and then “Biographies”.
Many have testified to the help they have received from God's insights
through us . It was produced in our home, so you can also enjoy some of
Marie's cuckoo clocks!

 At the beginning of this article I mentioned that the 12 Embryonics of 1948
brought to maturity - would serve as “parameters of safety” for the last
great move preceding the return of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords.
In saying this, God knew how important and necessary these parameters would

 Recently I received a phone call from Montana. A believer here has teamed
up with a friend in Alberta, and together they have constructed a Website
that will effectively lead any astray who swallow the legalistic and
unscriptural positions set forth. So many sound teachers such as Derek
Prince are raked over the coals by these two brothers. They unfortunately
have latched unto the majority of the 7 aberrations that slowly moved into
and killed the 1948 Visitation: Ultimate Reconciliation and Replacement
Theology being but two of them. *Beware* of *<www.thepathoftruth.com> *the
Website of these two deceived brothers.

 Concerning Ultimate Reconciliation or Universalism: a lady approached Dr.
Thayer of Greek Lexicon fame and asked him, “Dr. Thayer, I am confused over
the nature of hell and its duration. Could you help me on this?” His answer
was, “There are 4 adjectives relating to hell or Gehenna, the Lake of Fire.
One is AIon, age; next ai*O*N, ages; then AIon of ai*O*N, age of ages; and
lastly ai*O*N of ai*O*N, ages of the ages.

 These same 4 adjectives are also applied to God in the Greek New Testament.
So however long God exists, so will hell.”

 “Why Dr. Thayer,” she replied, “that makes it so simple and understandable.
Why don't you preach and teach it?” My dear lady”, he responded, “I am a
Unitarian, and do not believe the Bible. But if you are a God and Bible
believer, then you have no choice but to believe it and present it in the
same clarity as God through His Spirit has presented it here.”

 I personally believe that sometimes the testimony of enemies is even more
powerful than that of our friends! This is an example.

 Now hear the position of George Muller, one who before the 20th Century
prayed in $8 million to support 10,000 orphans; over 170 missionaries;
Bible, Book and tract distribution in large numbers; Sunday schools, Day
schools, Adult Schools both in England and abroad; a church of over 1200
members in 5 locations in Bristol, and many others started from these - and
untold numbers of souls saved, including 1000's of his orphans - and *all
this* without ever telling one soul of his needs, nor ever asking for a
penny! Over 50,000 specific answers to prayer are recorded in his Journal of
over one million words. Tell me, would God have honored such a man as this
if he was in error like my 2 friends mentioned above?

 Besides this, Muller was fluent in English, German and French, and during
his World Tours from the age of 70 to 87, he ministered either in these 3
languages, or through interpreters. He was an excellent scholar in Latin,
Hebrew and Greek, and had memorized much of the Old Testament in Hebrew. He
used both Hebrew and Greek in his devotions much of the time. Tell me again
- is such a man as this, who was reading the Bible through 4 to 5 times a
year on his knees his last 15 years - going to be mistaken in such doctrines
as Universalism - with such a background? I think not. Hear: - let not your
life be led astray by those who think they are scholars and teachers - but
are not. 2 Peter and Jude warn us of false teachers and prophets in the last
days - open to doctrine of demons - and leading *many* astray. Such are the
two I mentioned above. I have shared their Website and teaching with sober,
spiritual, Word-oriented friends, and their unanimous conclusion is - “Don't
waste your time with such mistaken, proud and arrogant would-be and
so-called teachers!

 I have personally copied out by hand the Greek New Testament, and typed in
a good English translation by Ivan Panin. I have spent well over 60,000
hours in outlining God's Numeric Interlinear Greek and English New
Testament, and have led in over 40,000 hours of Greek Word studies of the
major NT words, based on the same, plus Englishman's Greek Concordance and
John Stegenga's Greek Lexicon.

 George Hawtin of North Battleford looked over my shoulder in 1948 when at
the age of 25 I was already involved in this, 61 years ago - and said, ”I
wish to God, Jimmy, that I could do what you do.” I thought - “What will
happen to this movement if you don't?” The 3 DVD's mentioned above tell this
sad part of the story.

 In 1844 at the age of 39, George Muller visited Stuttgart, Germany and
there ran into Universalism. Here I quote from page 190 of “George Muller of
Bristol” by Dr. A. T. Pierson - “A more serious and dangerous doctrine which
it was needful to confront and confute was what Mr. Muller calls that “awful
error,” spread almost universally among believers in that land, that at last
“all will be saved,” not sinful men only, but “even the devils themselves.”

 “Calmly and courteously, but firmly and courageously, these and kindred
errors were met with the plain witness of the Word. Refutation of false
teaching aroused a spirit of bitterness in opposers of the truth, and, as is
too often the case, faithful testimony was the occasion of acrimony; but the
Lord stood by His servant and so strengthened him that he was kept both
faithful and peaceful.”

 Then on page 461 he has a further word on “Universalism” or “Ultimate
Reconciliation”, just as clear as the late Derek Prince ably wrote on it.
“In reference to universal salvation, I found that they had been led into
this error because (1) They did not see the difference between the earthly
calling of the Jews, and the heavenly calling of the believers in the Lord
Jesus in the present dispensation, and therefore they said that, because the
words “everlasting,” etc., are applied to “the possession of the land of
Canaan” and the “priesthood of Aaron,” therefore, the punishment of the
wicked cannot be without end, seeing that the possession of Canaan and the
priesthood of Aaron are not without end. My endeavor, therefore, was to show
the brethren the difference between the *earthly* calling of Israel and our
*heavenly* one, and to prove from Scripture that, whenever the word
“everlasting” is used with reference to things purely not of the earth, but
beyond time, it denotes a period without end. (2) They had laid exceeding
great stress upon a few passages where, in Luther's translation of the
German Bible, the word hell occurs, and where it ought to have been
translated either “hades” in some passages, or “grave” in others, and where
they saw a *deliverance out of hell*, and a *being brought up out of
hell,*instead of
*out of the grave.*”

 I bring out the above as an illustration of the Word of the Lord to me in
1992 - “The maturation of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of 1948 will
be *Parameters of Safety* prior to the last Visitation before My Son

 The Soundness of the text on Dreams mentioned at the beginning, plus the
principles referred to on our Website, will guard and protect from the many
false voices in our world today! - J.A.W.

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