2009-02-28 - One New Man

Jim Watt jmbetter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 16:16:28 PST 2009


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*Tel: 253.874.4265 -- Email: jmbetter at gmail.com*

*Web: www.2rbetter.org*

   * 2009-02-28 - “ONE NEW MAN” *

 Early this morning (2009-02-24) I received 3 Hebrew verses in a dream, one
of them the key. It seemed so clear at the time; yet I was unable to recall
it when awake. Then I sensed the Spirit saying, “*As Daniel in answer to
prayer recalled Nebuchadnezzar's dream plus the interpretation, ask for the
same for yourself.” *I did so, and God answered.

 In 1955 while pastoring the Kostner Avenue Baptist Church of Chicago, Psalm
127 became very clear to me. I used it to introduce many of our board
meetings of some 14 members. See verses 1-2 of this Psalm - *“Except **
Jehovah** build the house, They labor in vain that build it; Except **
Jehovah** keep the city, The watchman wakes but in vain. **2** It is vain
for you to rise up early, To take rest late, To eat the bread of toil; **For
** so he gives unto his beloved **in** sleep.”*

 But the deacons and trustees of the church desired success in numbers like
other churches. God spoke to Samuel in his day when Israel desired a king so
they could be like other nations. They weren't rejecting Samuel, but *God*!
He told Samuel to give them their way, and chose Saul as king to satisfy
them, in spite of warnings what this would mean (1 Samuel 8-12).

 So God said to me - “Give them the success they want.” Within a short time
in 1953 we grew from 16 to 200 members, and then right on to 800. But the
spiritual members said - “The Little Church isn't what it used to be!” God
then encouraged me -* “I will never ask you to let down the bars again for
church standards. But you can use the parallel between what Israel wanted,
and what certain of your board members wanted.” *

 In 1999 Marie and I were leading a Messianic Jewish Congregation in Tacoma
WA of some 40 members. Just before I left for a missionary trip to Romania,
one of 10 board members called a meeting of the board without notifying me.
He then presented to 2 of us his plan for the future growth of Congregation
Beth Chesed. I rebuked him for being out of order, and on my return from
Romania, found the board and myself polarized. At my suggestion and their
approval, we called in Pastor Tom Isenhart of Puget Sound Christian Center
as a mediator. To the board's dismay, he stood with Marie and myself in not
lowering the bars of God's standards so that worldly success might be
achieved. 10 board members and their families left. This dropped our
attendance from 40 to 20.

 Later 2 ladies, one a PhD and former leader of a Veteran Hospital, linked
up with another family, and again presented a plan for human success. This
was done in the 80th birthday year for Marie and myself in 2003 while we
were in California. Again I challenged the unscriptural methods employed by
this group of 4, who subsequently left.

 All during this time we had a strong missionary giving project to Israel,
and well over $100,000 went to worthy missionaries and national missions,
both Jewish and Arab. And again, God enabled us to refrain from lowering the
bars of His standards, even as He promised nearly 50 years previously.

 I see a somewhat parallel danger to the above - in the Messianic Jewish
Congregations. Increasingly the safeguards of Acts 15 for Gentile believers
in these congregations receive legalistic pressures for Jewish conformity.
Circumcision is not required as demanded by Judaizers of old - but details
of Jewish law-keeping in connection with the Feasts and general daily living
according to the law of Moses keeps cropping up (Acts 15:5).

 Peter in Acts 15:8-10 clearly points out the *yoke* of the law of Moses
that not even Jews could keep - how much less for Gentiles! *“And God, who
knows **the** heart, bore witness, giving them the Holy Spirit, even as to
us; **9** and he made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their
:hearts by :faith. **10** Now therefore why do you make trial of :God by
putting a **yoke** upon the neck of the disciples which neither our :fathers
nor WE were able to bear?” (15:6-21). *The yoke of the New Covenant for
Gentiles apart from the law of Moses is outlined by Jesus in Matthew
11:28-30 - *“Come unto me, all **you** that labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. **29** Take **my :yoke** upon you, and learn of me; for
I am meek and lowly in :heart: and you shall find rest to your :souls. **30*
* For **my :yoke** is **easy**, and my :burden **light**” (11:25-30).*

 The conclusion of this confrontation with the Judaizers is resolved by
James in Acts 15:19-21* - “Wherefore MY judgment is, that we trouble not
them that from among the nations (Gentiles) turn to :God; **20** but that we
enjoin them, to abstain from the pollutions of the idols and :fornication **and
what** is strangled and :blood. **21** For Moses from generations of old has
in every city them that preach him being read in the synagogues every
sabbath” (15:6-21).*

 Now the “Interpretation of the above dream” comes through the “One New Man”
in Ephesians 2:14-16 - *“For HE is our :peace, who made :both one,
**and**broke down the middle wall of the partition,
**15** having abolished in his :flesh the enmity, the law of the
commandments **contained** in ordinances; that he might create in himself of
the two **one new man**, making peace; **16** and might reconcile :both in
one body to :God through the cross, having slain the enmity thereby”
(2:11-22). *This revelation of the *One New Man* Paul calls a “mystery”
which was revealed to him, God's choice as apostle to the Gentiles. 22 times
the word “mystery” appears in the NT, but this reference is perhaps the key
one of all. Under a separate study I will prepare a paper on these 22 NT

 Now notice in Psalm 127 again, that it is *Jehovah*, not man, who will
build His *house*. And it is *He* who keeps the city through an Eldership in
the Gate, not the watchman himself. It is God who wanted to build Israel,
not Saul, and the same for Kostner Avenue Baptist Church and Congregation
Beth Chesed.

 Now turn to Matthew 16:18 (13-20), and Jesus' answer to Peter concerning *
His* church. *“And I also say unto you, that you are Peter (PEtros - a
little rock), and upon this :rock (PEtra - a **big** rock, Himself), I will
build **my** :church and **the** gates of Hades shall **not** prevail
against it.”* See how parallel this is to Psalm 127.* **His House* is the
mystery *One New Man* composed of Jew and Gentile. Dr. Daniel Juster of
Tikkun Ministries is very clear on the relationship of Jew and Gentile in
the *One New Man*. They have “Table Fellowship” together, though the
Gentiles are *not* obligated to keep the law of Moses, and Jews must be like
Peter in Acts 10 & 11, and eat with Gentiles, according to the 3-fold vision
he received in Joppa.

 In Romans, Paul as apostle to Gentiles lays out the Foundation Truths and
obligations for them. In “Hebrews” he spells out for Jewish believers their
role and the Foundation Truths. In “Acts” Luke harmonizes the two, and
clearly outlines the City Church founded and taught by the Apostle Paul.

 So - it is *not* man that keeps the Gates of the City, but God through *His
* Watchmen on the walls. Ezekiel speaks much of this. We need the Issachar
spirit (1 Chronicles 12:21 (23-37) *“And of the children of Issachar, men
that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, the
heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their
commandment.” *The First Nations People of today have much the same
potential as the tribe of Issachar. Just as Israel needed the special gifts
of the tribe of Issachar, we today need to draw upon the innate wisdom that
is the potential with the present people of this spirit.

 Now we must note that all the words of the NT are *not* the words of the
writers, but of the Lord Jesus *through* these writers by the Holy Spirit.
See 1 Corinthians 14:37 (37-40) - *“If any thinks himself to be a prophet,
or spiritual, **let him take knowledge** of what **things** I write you,
that it is **the** Lord's commandment**.”* And also 2 Peter 1:20-21 (12-21)
*- “knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of **its** own
interpretation. **21** For no prophecy was **ever** **borne by man's will; *
*but men spoke from God, being borne **on** by **the** Holy Spirit.”* There
is a tendency today in many circles to downplay the words of Jesus through
the writers of the epistles thinking they are but the words of Paul or man.
*Beware* and realize that such wrongful thinking will be confronted by our
Lord at His Judgment Seat when He returns again.

 The Gospels focus on Jesus as “Son of Man” by His choice. But following His
resurrection, God made this Jesus both Lord (Jehovah) and Christ (Messiah),
and He sits at the right hand of the Father. The Gospels also focus not on
the birth of Jesus (but 4 chapters) but on His great Redemptive Act through
His death, burial, resurrection, ascension and gift of the Holy Spirit. One
quarter to one third of all 4 gospels focus on this in the last week of
Jesus. This makes the Gospels like Elementary school for us.

 Then Acts outline how the Epistles fit together as Jesus builds His church.
This is like Junior High. James through Jude are like Senior High, and lift
especially Jewish believers - into a higher notch. The 14 epistles of Paul
are like University, clarifying the nature of the Church as the “One New
Man” and the role of Gentiles and Jews in God's thinking here. The Book of
Revelation is for those looking for a Post Graduate Doctorate.

 Now in February of this year, 2009, Marie and I held seminars on “Prayer
Multiplication” for churches in Abbotsford and Courtney, BC. We experienced
a break-through in each area, but much land yet needs to be possessed. One
key God led us to major on was “*Vocal Meditation**”* as set forth by George
Muller in Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:2-3. Studies on this appear under “Hebrew”
on the top-bar of our Website, *www.2rbetter.org .*

 Under “Archives” on our Top-Bar there is a recent article on our “Prayer
Language” the tongues of angels of 1 Corinthians 13:1. These 2 emphases are
but the “milk of the word” of Hebrews 5:11-6:2.

 Under “UGWS” - Greek Word Studies on the Top-Bar - 3 of 14 Natural Greek
Study Outlines already appear, and all 14 will soon be present: ( Romans
9:3-4; Hebrews 6:1-2; Lord's Prayer, Beatitudes, etc.)

 My teaching in the future in city churches will cover much of the above
studies, and should also help to clarify our understanding of the “One New
Man.” - Jim Watt

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