Christmas Greetings

Jim Watt jmbetter at
Thu Dec 18 14:48:23 PST 2008


*Jim & Marie Watt*

*534 SW 326 ST - Federal Way WA 98023*

*Tel: 253-874-4265 - Email; jmbetter at*

*Web: - Dec. 17, 2008*


*From our House - Jim & Marie - to Your House*

*And - JESUS is the Reason for the Season!*

*And - If this be Politically Incorrect - So be it!*

 Throughout 2008, we have been seeking to follow in the train of Jeremiah -
according to the words God gave him in 15:19 (15:19-21) - *"And if you take
forth the **precious** from the vile, you shall be as my mouth. *Also, we
want to believe and practice Romans 8:28 (8:26-30) *"And we **know** that to
them that love :God :God works all **things** together for good, to those
who are called according to **his** purpose." * To us, that means that there
is no one - nor any circumstance - that God is unable to work together for
our good!

 So - each of you - friend or relative - God has a blessing from you for us!
And in life's circumstances: economics, politics, troubles, weather,
climatic changes - *ALL* - He makes work together for good! Even the
Judgment God put upon Israel making her travel the wilderness for 40 years,
that Joshua and Caleb and all the children shared - God made even
*that*work together for good.

 The world's economic, political, ethically and morally bad situations - yes
- He makes even *these* work together for good.

 So - we greet you with an upbeat note of optimism, hope and encouragement -
all based upon the trustworthy word and promises of God!

 For the cold spell we are now going through - we have a Fireplace Insert
and Fan, and sufficient wood to keep us warm, and save on gas fuel! I have
sufficient health at 85 to wheel in barrow loads of wood without putting out
my back! Daily stretching exercises, the use of a Rebounder
(mini-trampoline) - regular scientific walks after the order of Dr. Norman
Vincent Peale, - good diet and vitamin supplements, Kombucha - etc. etc.,
and daily computer discipline for a Website and God's mandate for the
production of Ivan Panin's Interlinear Greek New Testament - all the above
God uses to contribute to good health.

 Marie keeps up regular Senior Exercise classes three times a week, plus
good diet and supplements - so we are just like old man river - we just keep
rolling along! Marie also does the gardening, making up beautiful hanging
baskets, etc. - 20 of them this year - Quite a show. She's still running our
house, also. We've been here over 25 years now.

 Peter and Madeleine's 3 boys: Paul (17); Mark (15) and Will (13) - keep
delighting our hearts. Though they have many dangers, toils and snares -
grace has brought them safe thus far - and *grace* will bring them home.
We've been trying to get to see "The Singing Christmas Tree" in Tacoma.
However, the weather is not cooperating.

 Marie keeps cooking up meals with quiches, salads, and desserts - not only
for them - but for Keelan and Garl and Anna in Mt. Vernon, and Jim, James
and Chelsea.

 Keelan has been a special joy to us - he entertains his grandma - does
wonderful chores for us - and in September completed a new Website for all
the assignments God has given me. Have you checked it out? *<*** <>*>* - Some like the Archives
best. This was Keelan's idea. Some like best the Interlinear Greek New
Testament which is in progress of being prepared and posted. Others like the
Bible Book outlines or the Greek Word Studies. Some - the Embryonics. Which
ever is the attraction, Keelan has undergirded it all with intricate "data
processing" so that it is all "User Friendly.

 For a birthday present for my 85th, Marie presented me with a 17" Screen HP
Laptop, that *greatly* enhances my ability to speed up everything on the

 In September, Marie and I were invited for meetings in Abbotsford, BC to
explain the possibilities of Prayer Multiplication. Marie bowed out on this,
and Keelan took her place. When I wasn't always available after meetings to
answer questions on Bible Numerics by Ivan Panin, or other technical
questions arising from the new Website - Keelan stepped in! He was
appreciated, and also earlier in the year, when he drove me to Vancouver and
North Vancouver for similar invitations.

 In November Marie and I drove to Abbotsford to seal what we started in
September. Marie spoke on Prayer Multiplication, Clan Salvation and the
Promised Blessing for praying for Israel. At the same time, an invitation
went out to our former friends of Surrey Christian Centre in 1973-76. A
number met with us for an hour preceding the Sunday evening service. Dick
and Ruth Welsh opened up their lovely home to extend their hospitality to
us. Their son Richard, the star of a Greek Word Study Class I taught at
Christian Centre in those days, is now an M.D. in Abbotsford, and showed up
also with his wife.

 Our daughter Anna and son-in-law Garl invite us up to Mt Vernon for special
concerts. Their city hosts a remarkable opportunity for excellent operas.
Two of these they brought us to. One was preceded by an hour explanation and
description of what we were about to see and hear - by a well-qualified
lecturer, as well as a marvelous "Opening Night Buffet"!

 Our oldest son Jim, recently completed a remodel and addition to the large
Lutheran church in downtown Auburn. As foreman, it really kept him hopping.
Apparently, the church folk were very pleased with the work he and his crew
did. So, Praise God.

 The year before he was project Engineer for the largest Elementary school
in Washington state. It was quite a hassle with the zoning and winter
problems during Excavations and road building. However, it too was finished
on time, and all seemed pleased. So Praise God.

 The highlight of our year was Marie's 85th birthday. Ten of her Canadian
relatives came down, two of these her younger sisters! 15 more of our
relatives here in Washington came, and the 25 of them gave her an
outstanding entrance into her 85th! Some of the presents were most creative
and appreciated.

 On December 27th we celebrate our 60th Wedding anniversary. Quite an
accomplishment these days - and we're still talking to one another! And in
great health! Praise God. Truly Jesus "saves the best wine for the last." -
John 2:10.

 The other day in the Post Office I asked the lady in front of me how old
her baby was! "One month", she said. But her grandmother of 97 has 37 great
grandchildren and 35 grandchildren. I was floored! We are pikers! But - in
February, Seth our oldest grandson, who is on staff in the computer science
college at Western State University in Bellingham, will with his wonderful
wife Jennifer, present us with our first great grandson - Luke Gabriel! So -
never too late to enter the "Halls of Highest Human Happiness!" Peter
Marshall, former Chaplain of the US Senate, gave this term to Marriage! But
I am borrowing it to describe the entrance into "great grand-parentage!"

 We have already received many Christmas greetings from many relatives and
friends. Thanks so much. *They* are the motivation for us to respond by
catching you up on our news of 2008.

 Much more, but with our 7-league boots, we have at least given you a few of
the high points.

 Jim & Marie.

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